Festival Internacional de Cine Santa Cruz FENAVID (24)

FENAVID Santa Cruz International Film Festival


11 Apr 2024
Call for entries

06 Aug 2024
Final deadline


06 Oct 2024
Notification date

21 Oct 2024
27 Oct 2024


Av. Piraí C/Aguairenda #271,  -, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Andres Ibañez, Bolivia

Festival description
Short film festival >5' 20'<
Feature film festival >60'

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Does NOT have submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 January 2022
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  >5' 20'<
 Feature Films  >60'
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Photo of Festival Internacional de Cine Santa Cruz  FENAVID
Photo of Festival Internacional de Cine Santa Cruz  FENAVID

Photo of Festival Internacional de Cine Santa Cruz  FENAVID
Photo of Festival Internacional de Cine Santa Cruz  FENAVID


Festival start: 21 October 2024      Festival end: 27 October 2024

The FENAVID International Film Festival is held annually in the city of Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Organized by the Audiovisual Foundation (FUNDAV), the Festival has become the most important film event in Bolivia and one of the most relevant in Latin America.

Since its first version, carried out in 2001, more than 10,000 audiovisual works from 30 countries have been presented at this meeting, which has transcended the borders of Bolivia and America.

In each version, FENAVID offers the public more than 150 screenings of feature films, short films, music videos and a series of audiovisual works that are exhibited free of charge for the public.

FENAVID always has first-rate guests. The event was attended by internationally renowned figures such as Celso Franco, protagonist of "7 boxes", Marisol Correa, Colombian actress, Alexandre Rodrigues and Leandro Firmino de Hora (protagonists of the acclaimed Brazilian film "Ciudad de Dios"), the Argentine producer Vanessa Ragone (winner of the Oscar for Best Foreign Film in 2010), Bolivian directors Marcos Loayza and Rodrigo Bellot and Argentine actress Aymará Rovera, to name a few.

Beyond glamor and film screenings, FENAVID is a macro meeting where producers, directors, actors, specialists and a whole multitude of people passionate about cinema converge.

During the days of its realization, the Festival has a series of parallel activities, such as children's film shows, video clip competition, workshops, talks, colloquia and debates.

One of the most anticipated events of FENAVID is the Santa Cruz 100X100 Film Production Meeting. It consists of bringing together 25 emerging film talents in Latin America. The chosen ones travel to Santa Cruz de la Sierra and, during the development of the festival, have the mission of producing a short film in 100 hours.


The following prizes will be awarded.
• FENAVID TROPHY 2024 in the corresponding categories.
• SIGNIS Award for the best feature films in documentary and fiction.
• Special Audience Award (Fiction Feature Film)

Call 2024

The FUNDAV Audiovisual Foundation calls for the twenty-fourth version of the Santa Cruz International Film Festival, FENAVID 2024, to be held from October 21 to 27 in the city of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia.
1.- All productions made between 2022 and July 2024 may participate in the following categories:
Category Feature Film
• Fiction Feature Film (60 min or more)
• Documentary Feature Film (60 min or more)
Short Film Category
• Fiction Short Film (Up to 20 min.)
• Documentary Short Film (Up to 20 min.)
• Animated Short Film (Up to 20 min.)
University Category
• Fiction Short Film (Up to 20 min.)
• Documentary Short Film (Up to 20 min.)
Children's Category
• Fiction short film
• Animated short film
National Video Clip Category.
2.- Each work must be registered and sent individually.
3.- All works must be spoken or subtitled in Spanish.
4.- The applicant works must be sent online through a VIMEO link or drive link for the selection stage. The works classified in the official competitive sample of the Festival must be sent in the required formats. The Festival will contact the owners of the selected films and coordinate their corresponding submission.
5.- The official registration form must be duly completed online.
6.- The Festival DOES NOT CANCEL any type of Fee for the exhibition of the works selected in the Official Exhibition. It is also not responsible for detention at national customs or for loss or damage of any input that you want to send. Each participant bears the costs and formal arrangements for all types of sending the work to its reception by the Festival.
7.- The content of the works presented is the exclusive responsibility of the authors.
8.- The deadline for receiving works is August 6, 2024 until 11:59 p.m. (Bolivia time). The Festival Management reserves the right to admit and/or invite films after the deadline.
9.- The formation of the selection commission and the official jury for the competition is the exclusive power of the Festival. The jury's decision is final.
10.- The jury has the power to declare any of the competing categories void.
11. - The Festival may use the trailer or fragments of each work for the purposes of promoting the event in all media.

12.- The festival jury reserves the right to award any mention to the works they see as relevant.
13.- The trophies and certificates will be delivered at the awards ceremony.
14.- By simply sending the registrations, the applicants will be accepting all the terms set forth in this call.
More information: fenavidinternacional@gmail.com / cel: 77393039



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