Mostra de Cinema d’animació infantil de Girona ()

Children animation film exhivition


17 Nov 2023
Call for entries

18 Dec 2023
Festival closed

26 Jan 2024
Notification date

17 Apr 2024
10 May 2024


C/Sèquia, 1,  17001, Girona, Girona, Spain

Festival description
Children animation film
Short film festival >4' 14'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Theme
 Does NOT have submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 Production date: Any
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  >4' 14'<
 Any language
 Any language
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Photo of Mostra de Cinema d’animació infantil de Girona
Photo of Mostra de Cinema d’animació infantil de Girona
Photo of Mostra de Cinema d’animació infantil de Girona
Photo of Mostra de Cinema d’animació infantil de Girona


Festival start: 17 April 2024      Festival end: 10 May 2024

Exhibition of short films for schools to discover and share the Cinema collective atmosphere. We discover animated shorts designed for children and made with different animation techniques.

The presented films compete for their selection to participate in the 31th Mostra de Cinema d’animació infantil de Girona but there won’t be prizes by categories or classification.

Mostra de Cinema d'animació infantil de Girona. Bases for registration of short films.

The 32th edition of the Mostra de Cinema d’animació infantil de Girona will be held from April 17 to May 10 2024.

The following rules govern the nomination of animated shorts for the selection of projects to be screened at the Mostra sessions.

1. General requirements for registration:


Application deadline: December 18, 2023.

Confirmation: short films selected will be reported before January 26, 2024.

The films participating in the selection will be chosen to be programmed into the Mostra de Cinema d’animació infantil de Girona and the jury’s decision of the Mostra is final.

Museu del Cinema will inform to the selected films of its selection, which must submit a form to formalize their participation in the Mostra de Cinema d’animació infantil de Girona.

Admission criteria:

The selection is open to films from around the world.

The films submitted must meet the following conditions:

- They must be animated shorts.
- Its content being considered suitable for children 3 to 8 years old.
- They have no dialogue.
- They have a minimum of 4 minutes and a maximum of 14 minutes in length.
- The visual definition of the project is HD 1920x1800

The direction of the Mostra reserves the right to schedule, exceptionally, movies that do not follow these requirements.

- The only accepted procedure for submitting short films at the Mostra de Cinema d’animació infantil de Girona is uploading through this web platform (which also supports Vimeo and YouTube links).

- The work can be done with any type of recording system but must be sent in digital format. Screenings will be in digital format whatever their recording format is.

- Each author can submit as many films as wanted.

- Final version: the Mostra will only accept completed projects.

- The participant assures that the presented film is original and unpublished and not subject to contracts, transfers or licenses to any copyright or intellectual property or other rights, except those of the author.

Registration fee:

The films are free of registration fees in the Mostra de Cinema d’animació infantil de Girona and participants must pay for the processing fee stipulated in the portal only.

Mostra will not accept the shorts that do not meet these requirements.

2. awards

The presented films compete for their selection to participate in the 32th Mostra de Cinema d’animació infantil de Girona but there won’t be prizes by categories or classification. All selected projects will have the same financial remuneration of 300 €/taxes included.

Cash prizes are subject to personal income tax legislation for Spanish productions and based on agreements for international double taxation for foreign films. All decisions made by the Mostra de Cinema d’animació infantil de Girona and the jury are final. Registration and participation of shorts imply the total acceptance of the bases. Any questions that may arise which are not settled in this document will be resolved by the management of the organization of the Mostra.

3. Sign a short film

The only accepted procedure for inscribe a film to the Mostra is uploading it through the platform (which also supports Vimeo and YouTube links). No DVDs or other physical formats will be accepted.

The participant ensures that the film presented is original and unpublished and not subject to contracts, transfers or licenses to any copyright or intellectual property or other rights, except those of the author.

The Cinema Museum will receive:

- Confirmation of participation through the platform, which includes an online connection. The participant must ensure that the password does not change until the end of the Festival.

- Free registration fee. Only must pay the processing fee stipulated the portal.

Registrations arriving out of time and incomplete applications will not be taken into account and they will not be accepted.

4. Selection process, requirements and authorizations:

The Mostra programmers will select the films to participate in it from presented short films.

The Museu del Cinema will report before January 26; the selected films that will receive the entry form to participate in the Mostra.

Museu del Cinema has no obligation to disclose the reasons for their selection of the films presented.

The selected films must be able to project HD 1920 x 1800 format.

The producer and/or distributor must provide the Museu del Cinema with information and advertising material (press kit, 5 photos and 1 poster) and other promotional material to promote properly the animation short.

Sample organization will decide the days and hours of screening of short films.

The films will be screened 10 times in morning sessions for scholar groups and 1 time for family audiences.

The schools participing in this event will recive a didactical material related to the film and one copy of the film will be keep in the Museu del Cinema library for pedagogical consultations.

will be done for each short selected at the schools can work on the content of it.

Selected animation works for the Mostra can be screened in other cultural initiatives linked to the festival and non profit, after notifying the authors or producers of the short. Moreover, under prior acceptance of the legal owners of the short, the selected ones they will be displayed on digital platforms related to the festival for a limited time.

Participation in the Mostra means the full acceptance of all sections of these rules. The interpretation and application of the bases corresponds to the direction of the Mostra.

5. Contact

For inquiries related to the bases and / or registration process:



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