Festival Internacional de Cine del Aire ()

International Air Film Festival

Крайние сроки

01 мар 2020
Позвоните для записей

15 авг 2020
Фестиваль закрыт

15 сен 2020
дата извещения

25 сен 2020
27 сен 2020


Regidor Juan de la Isla, 1,  23379, Segura de la Sierra, Jaén, Spain

Описание фестиваля
Themed air and flight in all its facets.
фестиваль короткометражных фильмов
Фестиваль художественных фильмов

Требования фестиваля
 Любой Жанр
 Любая тема
 Не имеет платы за заявки
 Международный фестиваль
 Физическое расположение
 Дата производства: Любое
 Страны производители: Любое
 Страны, где снимали фильм: Любое
 Национальности режиссеров: Любое
 Школьные проекты 
 Короткометражные фильмы 
 Полнометражные фильмы 
Поделиться в социальных сетях

Photo of Festival Internacional de Cine del Aire
Photo of Festival Internacional de Cine del Aire
Photo of Festival Internacional de Cine del Aire
Photo of Festival Internacional de Cine del Aire

Russian ML

Фестиваль начинается: 25 Сентябрь 2020      Фестиваль заканчивается: 27 Сентябрь 2020

Welcome to the XXI edition of the International Air Film Festival, a veteran festival that began in 1999 and has as its theme air and flight in all its facets. This year 2020 we turned twenty-one years old showing the best of flight cinema from all over the world to visitors to our festival. Twenty years in which the world of audiovisuals has changed radically, of formats, quality and also in production where we have very professional productions and also "amateur" producers that are able to surprise us with very original and well-worked formats and productions.
This film festival gave rise to the current "Festival del Aire" where we find endless activities related to flight and sport and where of course, cinema plays a leading role.

Денежные призы: 3,000€

- Best Movie of the Festival, all categories. (Statue and 1200 euros).
It will be awarded regardless of whether the film has been awarded in its category.

- Best Air Sports Movie. (Statue and 600 euros).

- El Tranco Award for Best Air Adventure Film. (Statue and 600 euros).

- BUJARKAY Award for Best Nature Film in Flight (Statue and 300 euros)

- Best short film. (Statue and 300 euros)

- RTVA Award for Andalusian Audiovisual Creation. (RTVA statuette).*RTVA award for Andalusian audiovisual creation, for the best Andalusian short film. The award is also the broadcast of the work on any of the RTVA networks, for which the appropriate contract for the transfer of broadcast rights for a period of three years, for the territorial area of broadcasts on its various channels, the rights of reproduction and public communication on television, both in analogue and digital system, must be subscribed , by terrestrial wave, cable or satellite of that work.

* All prizes must be deducted from a 15% withholding tax.

The Organizing Committee reserves the right, during Gala night, to display images of the selected films. The jury's decision will be final. Any prize may be declared deserted for lack of quality if the jury deems it appropriate.

The Festival does not take over the sending of prizes if it is not collected on-site by the winners.

XXI CINEMA FIA International Air Film Festival, El Yelmo 2020

Segura de la Sierra, Natural Park of the Sierras de Cazorla, Segura and Las Villas. Andalusia – Spain.
September 25-27, 2020


1.- The City Council of Segura de la Sierra organizes the 21st International Air Film Festival, El Yelmo 2020. It is a competition open to both professional and amateur filmmakers.

2.- Films or visual montages whose theme is air, wind and flight are accepted:
Sports movies and air competitions such as: hang glider, paragliding, paramotor, U.L.M., skydiving, balloon, free fall, gliders, aerial acrobatics, helicopter, airplane, jump base, speedriding, paramotor, kites, fly surfing, space flight, etc.
Aerial adventure movies.
Nature's flight movies.
All other films dealing with air, wind and flight.

3.- Films that are registered in the contest must be in one of the formats specified on the registration sheet.

4.- Foreign films presented in the original version must be subtitled in Spanish and accompanied by a summary in Spanish.

5.- A selection fee will decide the admission of the films to the contest.
The following shall be excluded directly:
Movies that are in formats other than those specified on the registration sheet.
Films whose artistic and technical level are judged insufficient.
Movies in original version sounded not subtitled.
Films in which they would have collaborated, in any way, members of the jury or organization.
Films whose theme is not suitable for the festival.

6.- The organization may decide to present to the public, out of competition, some films that, despite not having all the characteristics for their admission to the contest, respond to the theme of the festival.

7.- Registration of the movies is free. The shipping costs of all the films presented, whether or not they participate in the competition, will be borne by the participants. If a director submits more than one film to the contest, he or she must fill out an registration sheet for each film.

8.- The prizes, unique and indivisible, will be given to the persons who have signed the registration document. A value of euros will be allocated in prizes, distributed according to the next point.

9.- The Festival Jury may award the following prizes:
Best Movie of the Festival, all categories. (Statue and 1200 euros).
It will be awarded regardless of whether the film has been awarded in its category.
Best Air Sports Film. (Statue and 600 euros).
El Tranco Award for Best Aerial Adventure Film. (Statue and 600 euros).
BUJARKAY Award for Best Nature Film in Flight (Statue and 300 euros)
Best short film. (Statue and 300 euros)
RTVA Award for Andalusian Audiovisual Creation. (RTVA statuette).*RTVA award for Andalusian audiovisual creation, for the best Andalusian short film. The award is also the broadcast of the work on any of the RTVA networks, for which the appropriate contract for the transfer of broadcast rights for a period of three years, for the territorial area of broadcasts on its various channels, the rights of reproduction and public communication on television, both in analogue and digital system, must be subscribed , by terrestrial wave, cable or satellite of the said work.* In all prizes, a withholding tax of 15% tax must be deducted.
The Organizing Committee reserves the right, during Gala night, to display images of the selected films. The jury's decision will be final. Any prize may be declared deserted for lack of quality if the jury deems it appropriate.
The Festival does not take over the sending of prizes if it is not collected on-site by the winners.

10.- The filmmakers are invited, as far as possible and within the limits provided by the Organizing Committee, to present their films during public screening.

11.- The jury will decide in which category the films accepted to contest will be included. This decision will be unappealable.

12.- The schedule and order of presentation of the films admitted to the competition, as well as the guests, will be made following the programs established by the Organizing Committee of the festival on the basis of the organization requirements.

13.- The organization, even with the utmost care with the films registered for competition, declines all responsibility for the possible incidents during the transport, the presentation and the period in which they are deposited in its hands. We therefore invite participants to secure the films appropriately.

14.- In order to constitute a film library of the festival, the Organizing Committee will keep a copy of all the selected films (copy sent for selection), being able to make use of them for the promotion of the festival.

15.- For the broadcast of the festival, the organization of CINEMA FIA is authorized for the public use in the media of a fragment of up to three minutes long of the selected films.

16.- At the end of the Festival, CINEMA FIA and the FIA may use the selected works in cultural and educational samples and programs, not for profit, with prior communication to the authors.

17.- Likewise, unselected films may be used for exclusively cultural and pedagogical, non-profit use in municipalities dependent on the Shire of Sierra de Segura.

18.- The contestant is responsible for the authorship and originality of each film submitted, exempting the Organization from all responsibility for the content of the same.

19.- Registrations will be made through Festhome or the website www.fiaelyelmo.com/cine and must arrive by August 15, 2020.

20.- The sending of the films can be by digital means or by courier:
By sending user and password from private area to online video channel (Vimeo)
By Drop Box, wetransfer.com, etc., to cine@fiaelyelmo.com or fica@fiaelyelmo.com
By mail to:
C/ Regidor Juan de Isla, 1
23379 Segura de la Sierra, Jaén , Spain

21.- The registration of the films implies acceptance of all the rules and conditions established in these bases.



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