Arte Non Stop Festival / Festival Internacional De Cine Y Arte (9)

Arte Non Stop Festival / International Film and Art Festival

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12 дек 2023
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31 янв 2024
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01 сен 2024
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30 сен 2024
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15 окт 2024
Фестиваль закрыт

21 окт 2024
дата извещения

26 окт 2024
27 окт 2024


Riobamba 437 ,  C1025ABI, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, CABA, Argentina

Описание фестиваля
фестиваль короткометражных фильмов >1'
Фестиваль художественных фильмов >60' 180'<

Требования фестиваля
 Любой Жанр
 Любая тема
 Имеет плату за заявки
 Международный фестиваль
 Физическое расположение
 Январь 2015
 Страны производители: Любое
 Страны, где снимали фильм: Любое
 Национальности режиссеров: Любое
 Школьные проекты 
 Короткометражные фильмы  >1'
 Полнометражные фильмы  >60' 180'<
 Любой язык
Spanish English
Поделиться в социальных сетях

Photo of Arte Non Stop Festival / Festival Internacional De Cine Y Arte
Photo of Arte Non Stop Festival / Festival Internacional De Cine Y Arte
Photo of Arte Non Stop Festival / Festival Internacional De Cine Y Arte
Photo of Arte Non Stop Festival / Festival Internacional De Cine Y Arte

Russian ML

Фестиваль начинается: 26 Октябрь 2024      Фестиваль заканчивается: 27 Октябрь 2024

Due to the Pandemic, there will be no screenings of Films and no Exhibition of Works of Art in theaters, it will be a Virtual Festival from October 26 to 28 BA2024.

Art Non Stop Festival, is the International Film and Art Festival born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, which takes place from October 26 to 28. Organized by the Producer Arte Non Stop, combining Cinema, Painting and Sculpture under the exclusive theme of cinema.

The reason for the Festival is to Promote Art in all its Expressions. Providing a new space year after year to the Artists and Sculptors, to interact their works of art together with the Films of Art and Fiction that participate from all over the world in different contests and categories, with functions and exhibitions open to all public.

It is an Official Independent Festival, free exhibitions and with itinerant venues that it renews year after year - Non-conventional Projection, Not in Cinemas - because its seeking to discover and promote new Art Spaces and create new viewers.

That is why it calls the Artists to Carry out Workshops live to create Works of Art intervened by all the Artists present, with the idea that they are Donated to beneficial institutions

Making Films and Art Works Exhibitions, Free exhibitions from October 26 to 28.


1 -Competencia Oficial Largometraje Internacional
Para aquellos realizadores que cuenten con 2 (dos) o más películas de largometraje (nacional y/o internacional) de ficción, animación y/o documental (Realizado en cualquier formato). Duración Superior a los 60 (sesenta) minutos.-

-Competition Official International Feature Film
For those filmmakers who have 2 (two) or more feature films (national and / or international) of fiction, animation and / or documentary (Made in any format). Duration exceeding 60 (sixty) minutes. -Títulos Incluídos-

2 -Official Competition Debut Film
For those filmmakers who present their first feature film (national and / or international) of fiction, animation and / or documentary (made in any format) Duration of more than 60 (sixty) minutes. -Including Titles

3 -Competition Official Animation
For those filmmakers who present their feature film (national and / or international) of fiction and / or animation made in any format. Free run time. -Including Titles

4 -Official Documentary Competition
For those filmmakers of documentary (national and / or international) of fiction documentary, animation documentary and / or real documentary (made in any format). Duration exceeding 45 (forty-five) minutes. -Including Titles-

5 -Competition Medium-length Official Competition
For those filmmakers who present their film (national and / or international) of fiction, animation and / or documentary (Made in any format). Duration from 10 (ten) minutes to 44 (forty four) minutes -including titles

6 -Competition Official Short film
For those filmmakers who present their short film (national and / or international) of fiction, animation and / or documentary (made in any format). Duration LESS than 10 (ten) minutes -including titles-

8- Official Certificates / Diplomas / Awards
The Jury of the International Official Competition will award the following Diplomas / Awards

Best Film (of its Category)
(Feature film / Medium-length / Short film / Documentary / Animation / First work)

Best Director – Female Directions (of its Category)
(Feature film / Medium-length / Short film / Documentary / Animation / First work)

Best Production (of its Category)
(Feature film / Medium-length / Short film / Documentary / Animation / First work)

Best Cinematography (of its Category)
(Feature film / Medium-length / Short film / Documentary / Animation / First work)

Best Actor – Actress (of its Category)
(Feature film / Medium-length / Short film / Documentary / Animation / First work)

Best Edition (of its Category)
(Feature film / Medium-length / Short film / Documentary / Animation / First work)

Best Painting – Best Artistic Interpretation

Best Sculpture – Best Artistic Interpretation

(They may declare partial or tatalmente said awards if the Jury decides that the films presented do not accredit receiving these distinctions – The Festival delivers free of charge the Certificates / Diplomas in pdf format to all films and persons distinguished with said mentions by the Jury, along with the Gold and Silver Plamas to add them to your films and posters.)
The Festival also carries out Certificates of Special Designs and Printed Diplomas, Medals and Recorded Platelets, upon request and at the exclusive cost of the Interested Winners,

9- Special Mention
The Jury may determine at its discretion to award an Special Mention to the films, directors, actors, directors, paintings and / or sculptures that it deems appropriate and relevant to distinguish, above the other Diplomas / Prizes mentioned


6.1- The Festival’s Selection Committee shall program the different competition sections, which will allow the participation of experienced filmmakers/artists with long trajectory and also the access and promotion of new artists. The Committee may create other parallel competition sections.

6.2- International Features Official Competition (Film)
For filmmakers who have 2 (two) or more national or international fiction, animation and/or documentary full-length films, made in any film format, 35 mm/ 16 mm/ Video HD). The length of the film must be 60 (sixty) minutes or more.

6.3- Debut Feature Official Competition (Film)
For filmmakers who present their first national or international fiction, animation and/or documentary full-length film, made in any film format, 35 mm/ 16 mm/ Video HD). The length of the film must be 60 (sixty) minutes or more

6.4- Animation Official Competition (Film)
For filmmakers who present their first national or international fiction, animation and/or documentary full-length film, made in any film format, 35 mm/ 16 mm/ Video HD). Animation history-ficcion theme.- The length of the film must be 45 minutes or more.

6.5- A- Documentary Films Official Competition (Film)
For filmmakers who present their first national or international docu fiction, docu animation and/or documentary full-length film, made in any film format, 35 mm/ 16 mm/ Video HD). The length of the film must be 45 minutes or more

6.5- B- Domcumentary - Short Documentary (Films)
For filmmakers who present their national or international fiction, animation and/or documentary film, made in any film format). The length of the film must be between 10 (ten) minutes to 44 (forty four) minutes. (including titles).

6.6- Medium-length Official Competition (Film)
For filmmakers who present their national or international fiction, animation and/or documentary film, made in any film format, 35 mm/ 16 mm/ Video HD). The length of the film must be since 10 (ten) minutes to not be over 45 minutes (including titles).

6.7- Short Film Official Competition (Film)
For filmmakers who present their national or international fiction, animation and/or documentary short film, made in any film format, 35 mm/ 16 mm/ Video HD). The length of the film must not be over 10 minutes (including titles).

6.8-Competition Official Painting (Art) - Including the caricature
For those filmmakers / artists present their works (national and / or international) in fabric / cardboard holder, racks 50cm x 50cm / 50cm x 70cm / 70cm x 100cm / 100cm x 100cm / 100cm x 150cm, and/or 150cm x 150cm made in any technique and materials (acrylic / oil / graphite / etc). Whose sole theme of the works will represent characters and / or recognized scenes películas.-
(You must submit a video up to 1 a minute presentation mode of the work and the author as a pre selection)

6.9-Competition Official Sculpture (Art)
For those filmmakers / artists present their works (national and / or international) made in technical and non-perishable materials (clay / iron / wood / etc) with measured between 20cm x 20cm x 20cm and 150cm x 150cm x 150cm . Whose sole theme will represent characters and / or recognized scenes películas.-
(You must submit a video up to 1 a minute presentation mode of the work and the author as a pre selection)-

Rules & Terms

1- Organizer, Purpose and Dates

The International Film and Art Festival organized by Arte Non Stop Festival to celebrate the Festival in our Art Space. We opens its doors to receive a new festival in Buenos Aires, which combines Film, Painting and Sculpture in the same place, under the exclusive theme of cinema.

We call a local and foreign filmmakers and artists to share the exhibition of films and works of art private and open performances, lectures and master classes, all accompanied by exclusive wine tasting, thus freely involving all the sensations and emotions of feeling and arts, between October 26 and 28, 2024.

2- Registration and eligibility

As from Dicember 10, 2023 Festival will open for films - national and international fiction, animation, documentaries and experimental films.

As from Dicember 10, 2023 the Festival will open the registration for works of art, either painting or sculpture, dealing exclusively with the subject of films: characters and/or well-known scenes, from national and/or international films.

2.c- Platforms
In both cases, Cinema and Art, the registration will be done through the official web site of the Festival, , and/or through the Internet site includ in the page which has a link to our festival.

All productions completed between January 1, 2015 and September 30, 2024 can participate for Film
Paintings and Sculptures - All Productions completed before October 30 2023 for Art can participate.

3- Sections

The Festival program will include competitive and non-competitive sections. The selected films and works will be included in the section that the selection committee considers appropriate and will be featured in the places and on the days and times that it will determine at its discretion.

4- Registration

The registration fee for films and works of art is the following descript

All ARGENTINE Movies & Art Works have Free Fee Registration -you must request your Special Enrollment Code-

Participants can register as many films and/or works of art as they want, with one registration per each of them.

The producer or artist who holds the rights must communicate their wish to participate to the Festival before September 30, 2023, by means of the application provided by the Festival, and submit the registration form correctly filled in. Once it is signed, it will be considered a sworn statement and will state that they know and accept this set of rules.

5- Participation

The mere registration / participation in the Festival accredits the total acceptance of these regulations.

The Festival accepts films registered by its Directors, producers, and / or by its distribution companies, accompanied by the corresponding authorization of their Producers / Director-
The Selection of the films / Works of Art, to participate in the Festival is exclusively referred to said work and its exhibition within the Festival.

Your Producers / Directors will be welcome to be present during them, but it does not represent any commitment or obligation on the part of the Festival in relation to their expenses of stay, tickets, transfers, meals or lodging derived from their presence in it, which corresponds cover exclusively for each attendee visiting the Festival.

The Festival does NOT pay for the screenings, Neither Royalty, Neither Fixed Costs of Projection, nor for exhibition rights Neither producers nor distributors for their films being exhibited within the Festival. Any Film (Producer / Distributor) that requests payment, compensation and or any remuneration for participating in said Film of the Festival, will be the film automatically discarded and withdrawn from the Festival, regardless of whether it has been selected and / or announced within it.

The Festival is independent. It supports and works with the free projection systems / formats / media (MKV-Stereo- etc), so it is NOT responsible for ANY cost for possible claims arising from Patent and / or Author Rights included in the participating films of the Festival. Any claim of that nature will be responsible - sole and direct - the Producer / Distributor of each Film, who exempt the Festival from any responsibility

6- Competitions

6.1- Official competitions
The Festival’s Selection Committee shall program the different competition sections, which will allow the participation of experienced filmmakers/artists with long trajectory and also the access and promotion of new artists. The Committee may create other parallel competition sections.

6.2- International Features Official Competition (Film)
For filmmakers who have 2 (two) or more national or international fiction, animation and/or documentary full-length films, made in any film format, 35 mm/ 16 mm/ Video HD). The length of the film must be over 60 (sixty) minutes.

6.3- Debut Feature Official Competition (Film)
For filmmakers who present their first national or international fiction, animation and/or documentary full-length film, made in any film format, 35 mm/ 16 mm/ Video HD). The length of the film must be over 60 (sixty) minutes.

6.4- Animation Films Official Competition (Film)
For filmmakers who present their first national or international fiction, animation and/or documentary full-length film, made in any film format, 35 mm/ 16 mm/ Video HD). Aniation history-ficcion theme.- The length of the film must be over 60 (sixty) minutes.

6.5- A- Documentary Films Official Competition (Film)
For filmmakers who present their first national or international docu fiction, docu animation and/or documentary full-length film, made in any film format, 35 mm/ 16 mm/ Video HD). The length of the film must be over 45 minutes.

6.5- B- Documentary - Short Documentary Films
For filmmakers who present their national or international fiction, animation and/or documentary film, made in any film format). The length of the film must be between 10 (ten) minutes to 44 (forty four) minutes. (including titles).

6.6- Medium-length Official Competition (Film)
For filmmakers who present their national or international fiction, animation and/or documentary film, made in any film format, 35 mm/ 16 mm/ Video HD). The length of the film must be since 10 (ten) minutes to not be over than 45 minutes (including titles).

6.7- Short Film Official Competition (Film)
For filmmakers who present their national or international fiction, animation and/or documentary short film, made in any film format, 35 mm/ 16 mm/ Video HD). The length of the film must not be over 10 (ten) minutes (including titles).

6.8-Competition Official Painting (Art) - Including the caricature
For those filmmakers / artists present their works (national and / or international) in fabric / cardboard holder, racks50x50cm, 50cm x 70cm / 70cm x 100cm / 100cm x 100cm and / or 100cm x 150cm, made in any technique and materials (acrylic / oil / graphite / etc). Whose sole theme of the works will represent characters and / or recognized scenes películas.-

(You must submit a video up to 1 a minute presentation mode of the work and the author as a pre selection)

6.9-Competition Official Sculpture (Art)
For those filmmakers / artists present their works (national and / or international) made in technical and non-perishable materials (clay / iron / wood / etc) with measured between 20cm x 20cm x 20cm and 150cm x 150cm x 150cm . Whose sole theme will represent characters and / or recognized scenes películas.-

(You must submit a video up to 1 a minute presentation mode of the work and the author as a pre selection)

7- Jury

The Festival selection committee shall appoint the members of the jury, which will consist of personalities through cinema and art, both Argentina and other parts of the world. Jury votes will be secret, and the decisions will be taken on a simple majority. A representative of the Festival may attend the deliberations of the jury, if need tiebreaker failure. Jury members firmly agree not to publicly express their opinions regarding the films / works of art submitted for consideration before the official announcement of the awards.

8- awards

The Jury of the International Official Competition will award the following prizes:
Best Feature Film - Best Director - Best Actress - Best Actor

The Jury of the Official Competition Opera Prima award the following prizes:
Best Debut Feature Film - Best Director

The Competition Jury Official Anime / Manga award the following prizes:
Best Feature Animation - Best Director

The Competition Jury Official Documentary Films award the following prizes:
Best Feature Animation - Best Director

The Jury of the Official Competition Half-length award the following prizes:
Best Half-length film - Best Director

The Jury of the Official Competition Short Film award the following prizes:
Best Short Film - Best Director

The Jury of the Official Competition Painting will award the following prizes:
Best Painting - Best Artistic Interpretation

The Jury of the Official Sculpture Competition will award the following prizes:
Best Sculpture - Best Artistic Interpretation

Throughout Official Competition a Special Prize will also provide
Best Female Director

(Such prizes may be declared partially or tatally if the Jury resolves that the films presented do not accredit the receipt of such distinctions - The Festival gives free of charge Certificates / Diplomas in pdf format to all films and distinguished persons with said mentions by the Jury, along with the Gold and Silver Plamas to add them to their films and posters.)

The Festival also carries out Special Design Certificates and Printed Diplomas, Engraved Medals and Platelets, at the request and at the Exclusive cost of Interested Winners.

9 - Honorable Mention

The jury may determine at its discretion the award an Honorable Mention to the films, directors, actors, directors, paintings and / or sculptures and deemed appropriate and relevant to distinguish over the other awards

10- Participation Mention in the Festival

Producers and distributors of films that make up the competences undertake to include in all advertising and press material the phrase "International Official Selection", "Official Selection Opera Prima", "Official Selection Animation", "Official Selection Half-length film" "Short
Film Official Selection" Official Selection Painting "and / or" Official Selection Sculpture "using the Festival logo. This commitment applies to the commercial release film and the commercial release on Blu-ray, DVD, how well the artists in their exhibitions and / or catalogs. Producers and distributors of films / works of art receiving awards agree to highlight the same in all advertising, websites and press material, using the Festival logo. This commitment applies to the commercial release film and the commercial release on Blu-ray and DVD.

The logo will be available on the website of the Festival.

11- Materials required for selection

Producer rightholder must mail or digitally to the Festival the following:A registration form, completed and signed. It is available on the festival website submission platforms.-

a- / Film
If it is a movie, send a copy or link of the spoken or subtitled in Spanish and english movie, upload it through among the platforms submission Among the comments or accompanying details should include the title of the film, the director's name, length, subtitling and E-Mail address and telephone / whatsapp contact. Upload a link to download, this should not have expiration limit (example, you can not send a link vimeo/wetransfer valid only for a limited number of days) and the maximum weight of the file it is 3 Gigabytes. In case of sending a DVD (PAL or NTSC, any zone) it must be correctly labeled as mentioned here.

b- / Art
In case of painting, you must submit a film / video of 30 (thirty) seconds and 1 (one) minute with images of the work, presentation and comments by the author / producer of the same, including images of the creation process to embodiment thereof (accompanied by sketches, photographs, images, etc). And besides, you must submit 2 (two) photos of the work (without frames) in high definition-One of the single work, and another by the Artist (without others) In case of sculpture, you must submit a film / video of 30 (thirty) seconds and 1 (one) minute with images of the work, presentation and comments by the author / producer of the same, including images of the creation process to embodiment thereof (accompanied by scennes, photographs, images, etc). And also send six (6) photos- (neutral and only the work background) - One front, one
of each side, a back, a top; and facing the artist with her. (No others)

Keep in mind that the works of art (paintings and sculptures) selected and sent to the Festival will be transferred by way of Permanent Donation to the Festival / Producer, to be exhibited during the Festival, and subsequent thereto, other possible Event Spaces Art, Galleries, Studio and / or appear on tV programs and graphic publications / web / etc. Without having any right to extra compensation that already expressed in the rules of the Festival. Committing in either case, to cite legibly the name of the author / artist of the work, and participation in any consultation Festival-
To contact the Festival you have the email Festival, // Twitter @artenonstopfest

12- deadline for submission

all productions completed between 1 January 2015 and 31 July 2021. Being Open registration from November 10, 2020 until the deadline for submission of all categories may participate on September 30, 2023, without exception. The selection committee is not required to see inscribed material outside term.

13- Sending material selected participants

All the material of the Films will be received once pre Selected in the Platforms, via FTP / WeTransfers / Vimeo / DropBox or similar that only allows to download the film in our computers. They must re-send the Film uploaded to the Platform in HD quality, subtitles in Spanish and / or english, in h.264 / MP4 format or similar in stereo, Trailer / Teaser link, Posters and Photos (free formats MKV - NO DCP - NO Mac / Apple - NO Pro Res)
In particular case of sending material by postal mail- In case of sending DVDs of foreign films or from the interior of the country, all applications must be sent (paid in advance by the sender) to the Festival address and to the name of the Festival Director .

In the case of Works of Art -Painting and / or Sculpture- that are not made and / or delivered from Argentina, that is, they are sent from outside Argentina, for a customs issue, they must be sent without signing On the work, the work will be accompanied by a label / label attached to the back of the painting and / or Bottom Base of the sculpture with all the author and work data.

In the event that the Participant is selected and personally visits the Festival, they may sign it before the Festival Committee, The Festival does NOT cover any type of shipping costs, Taxes, or other costs related to their shipping and / or participation, or tickets, Neither Stays nor Lodgings, No transfers of any kind. Everything is the responsibility and responsibility of the participant

If you send DVDs of foreign films or inside the country, all parcels / materials should be sent (paid in advance by the sender) to the address below and the name of the Director of the Festival. In the case of Artworks -Painting and / or non SCULPTURE performed and / or delivered from Argentina, ie that are sent from outside Argentina, for customs issue, they should be sent unsigned the work, the work will be accompanied by a label / label affixed to the back of the paint and / or lower base of the sculpture with all information about the author and the work. (If the artist is selected and personally visit the Festival, you can sign it before the Festival Committee)


"No commercial value, for cultural purposes only "
Mr Atte Festival Director Lic. Gabriel Fiorentino
Non Stop Art Festival - International Festival of Film and Art
Riobamba 437 bp E, CP (C1025) ABI - CABA
Buenos Aires, Argentina


"No commercial value, for cultural purposes only - DONATION"
Mr Atte Festival Director Lic. Gabriel Fiorentino
Non Stop Art Festival - International Festival of Film and Art
Riobamba 437 bp E, CP (C1025) ABI - CABA
Buenos Aires, Argentina

14 – Customs

The Festival will not be responsible under any circumstances for the payment of customs duties (or other costs arising therefrom, or the content) of the material sent in case where these will be retained.

15- Returns

None of the materials submitted for selection will be returned to the bidder. But if they see that NO attend the Festival, should be rewarded by the Committee of any mention of Honor and / or selected Winner of some of the awards official competitions, the prize will be sent to your cost, as the Festival is not responsible for those costs .-

16- Material Press / Promotion

In order to properly edit the catalog for each film / art piece, the Festival must receive a completed entry form with the following information / materials: Synopsis of the film / Works, biography and filmography of director / artist's career, a photo film / Work, and full list of artistic and technical credits. The required materials must be sent as soon as possible once accepted the invitation of the film / Work Festival and respecting the deadline will be duly communicated. Decisions about editorial content of the catalog are in charge of the Festival.

will be required, should have the same, posters, photos, postcards and press materials and interviews for use by the press office of the Festival.

The Festival will use excerpts of the films of up to 2 to 3 minutes in length-and medium-length, and 30 to 45 seconds (national and international) short films and photographs of the paintings and sculptures (films will also be accepted up 15 seconds of each of the works) If the fragments were not available by the producer of the film, the Festival can copy one or more fragments of the film, the same as making new photographs to paintings and sculptures to be used for promotional purposes during the Festival.

With the aim of spreading the program and each of the selected works, the Festival may use digital photos and clips (2 to 3 minutes) films / Works on its website.

17- Video Library Archive - Committee / Jury / Press

The selected films and photos of the artworks available in the online video library of the Festival for a preset time period. The library will be used exclusively for press and accredited guests of the Festival.

By agreeing to be part of the Festival, the holders of the rights granted permission for their film is included, and artwork displayed for these purposes will require the producers of the films selected to provide the festival copies in the format that will be timely requested.
Demos and trailers will be received and distributed throughout the Festival.

18- Programming Display / Projection

The assembly of the programming grid and the dates and times of exhibition / screening of each film and artwork are the exclusive decision of the Organization of the Festival.

19 -Projection Formats

The video formats that can be displayed works during the festival will be timely informed selected, .- The presentation in other formats or video systems requires the authorization of the Festival. Once informed projection format to the Festival organizers, this can not be changed.

20- languages and Subtitling (Movies)

Selected films will be screened in their original version. For foreign films: If there screening copy subtitled in Spanish, it will be preferred for the Festival. If there is no copy with subtitles in Spanish, a copy is required with english subtitles (unless the film is spoken in this language). In addition, a dialogue list in original language and english (with time codes) and a DVD or digital file with the final cut of the film as it will be screened, for electronic subtitling will be required.

For Argentine films: If there screening copy with english subtitles, it will be preferred for the Festival. If the english subtitled copy is not available, the Festival may request a list of subtitles in english (with time codes) and a DVD or digital file for electronic subtitling. In the case of Argentine films in competition, you asked that all copies are subtitled, except where the original language is more than one and always with the express authorization of the Organization of the Festival.

21- Submission of screening copies and works for exhibition / Sensding Festival awards

Shipping Instructions
Details about sending copies of Blu-ray / DVDs and works of art for display will be indicated by the area Coordination Festival, once the film and Artworks are invited to the Festival and should not the producer / artist send the material to receive such instructions. He did not return any material
sent to the Festival

Sending by the Festival awards
The Festival will not cover the cost of sending the awards. Winner / Winners, who will be paid all the costs of shipping receipt / contraindication. (If the same is not presented to the Festival to remove personally) .-

22- Availability of Copy / Artworks
Copying video, DVDs / Blu-ray, and Artworks should be available throughout the festival period.

23 - I refer

a / Movies

A pro forma refer to accompany the film, indicating the sender's name, the title of the film, format, duration. I refer model will be provided by the Festival Organization.

b / Arts

A pro forma refer to accompany Artwork, indicating the sender's name, the title of the work, technique, format / materials and dimensions. I refer model will be provided by the Festival Organization. In addition, sending a technical report on the status of the copy / artwork that will be reviewed by the projection area / Curated Festival will be requested.

24 – Returns

The Festival will not make refunds of any given material. Copies of the films along with promotional material and press, will be kept on file and will not be displayed outside the course of the Festival. Artworks, Paintings and Sculptures, remain as Permanent Donation to the Festival, with a commitment to cite a visible and legible the author and title of the work.

25- About this Regulation

Mere participation in the Festival credited the full acceptance of these rules. Any conflict not covered by these rules will be resolved by the Festival organization. Festival organizers have the power to change part or all of the rules of the Festival, only in case of having the unanimous vote of the members of the Festival Committee for this purpose

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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