Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes Radio City (21)

Radio City International Short Film Festival

Крайние сроки

09 дек 2022
Позвоните для записей

31 янв 2023
Стандартный конечный срок

01 мар 2023
Поздний крайний срок

01 мар 2023
Фестиваль закрыт

31 мар 2023
дата извещения

20 апр 2023
13 май 2023


Santa Teresa, 19,  46001, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

Описание фестиваля
фестиваль короткометражных фильмов 30'<

Требования фестиваля
 Любой Жанр
 Любая тема
 Имеет плату за заявки
 Международный фестиваль
 Физическое расположение
 Январь 2021
 Страны производители: Любое
 Страны, где снимали фильм: Любое
 Национальности режиссеров: Любое
 Школьные проекты 
 Короткометражные фильмы  30'<
 Любой язык
Поделиться в социальных сетях

Photo of Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes Radio City
Photo of Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes Radio City

Photo of Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes Radio City
Photo of Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes Radio City

Russian ML

Фестиваль начинается: 20 Апрель 2023      Фестиваль заканчивается: 13 Май 2023

One more year we are excited to bring you the 21st Radio City International Short Film Festival. Our festival gathers local, national and international films which will be projected in large-screen and accessible to everyone.
The 21st edition of the Festival will take place from April 20 to May 13 in Valencia.

Денежные призы: 2,600€


• First Prize of 800€ awarded by the Jury of the Festival

• Special Jury Prize of 600€ awarded by the Jury of the Festival

• Audience Prize of 400€ awarded by the public

• Opera Prima Prize of 400€ awarded by a Special Jury

• Entropía Award for creativity and innovation of 2 courses in KAOS about Creative Methodologies (valued at 750€)

• Mastermedia School Award (valued at 400€ in training)

• Musimatge Award for Best Original Soundtrack (Free subscription to the association for one year) ; the author must prove that at least 50% of the music composition of the short film is original.

Only open to short films produced in Valencia or in Valencian language. These shorts are also eligible in the official section but are eligible for three other prizes:

• Best Valencian Short Film Award of 200€ awarded by a citizen Jury and funded by “Tirant Avant” and the Festival.

• “Tirant Avant» Award for the Best Short Film in Valencian language of 200€ awarded by l’AIFFA i Francesc Fenollosa i Ten, organizer of the “Tirant Avant” Awards.

• Audience Award for Best Valencian Short Film awarded by a citizen’s Jury (Free participation in an Introduction to Multilingual Dubbing Workshop to be held at Radio City).

Regulations of the XXI International Short Film Festival Radio City 2023

This call is addressed to all directors, producers and distributors of short films from any country.

Each author may submit as many short films as desired. All works that are not in Spanish must be subtitled in Spanish. The subject will be free.

Only films completed after 1st January 2021 can apply. In addition, they may not have participated in previous editions.

Films must not exceed 30 minutes in length including credits.

Industrial or commercial films are not accepted.
The Rights Holders must ensure that they hold all intellectual property rights, image rights and all third-party rights in general so that Radio City Festival cannot be held responsible when films are screened. Any claims made by a third party in relation to the films are liable to exclude the film from the competition.

Applicants must submit their films via the online platform through Festhome.

The deadline for submission of applications is March 1st, 2023.

Once the work is submitted, this one is private and only available to the festival and its collaborators. Once selected, it is necessary to fill in the contact information correctly, as well as to include the poster of the film and its corresponding stills for promotional purposes.

The Festival does not apply a premiere or premiere rule, but particular attention will be given to films that have not yet been screened publicly. When submitting your film, please indicate previous festivals and awards.

The submitted works are directly eligible for all the prizes and awards of the official competition.

The amounts of the prizes will be subject to the tax withholdings established by current legislation.

The festival holds the right that some of the prizes may not be awarded.

The selected films will be notified through email, and individually, to each of the candidates. The final line-up of the festival will be sent to all participants.

The official festival program will be announced prior to the festival at the end of March 2023.
Once the selection letters have been sent, a projection copy must be sent before April 3rd. The copies sent must meet the following technical requirements: MP4 image codec H264, Full HD stereo sound, audio 320 kbPs and if necessary with integrated subtitles in Spanish.
The members of the jury will be published on the festival's website and facebook, and will be recognized personalities of the audiovisual industry and culture.

The jury's decision is unappealable. The winners must come to collect their prizes on the day of the award ceremony; if they are unable to do so, they must send a representative along with a brief video.

The awarded works will be screened during the year one to three times after the awards ceremony for promotional purposes of the Festival.

A selection of winning works will be screened again at the opening of the following year's festival.

• Submissions: From December 8, 2022 to March 1, 2023.
• Festival opening ceremony: Thursday, April 20, 2023.
• awards ceremony: Friday, May 13, 2023.

Participation in the Festival implies unreserved acceptance of the terms of the present regulations. The Festival reserves the right to cancel the registration and to take any other appropriate action in the event of noncompliance with the terms of the regulations or of an attitude contrary to the smooth running of the festival.

Participants authorize the Festival, free of charge, to represent, reproduce and broadcast excerpts and/or images from the selected films in the framework of the Festival on Spanish terrestrial, digital, cable, satellite and ADSL television channels and on Internet sites as well as on any paper, electronic and/or digital medium. These excerpts may not exceed 10% of the total duration of the film and in any case shall be limited to 3 minutes and shall only be used in the context of information or news reports dedicated to the Festival as well as television or web broadcasts, television or web interviews and/or promotional or advertising announcements for current or future editions of the Festival, for a period of one year from the date of the film's registration, extendable by tacit agreement unless terminated by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, subject to a notice period of two months prior to the annual expiration date.

Participants guarantee the Festival that they hold or have obtained all the rights and authorisations necessary for the entry of the film in the competitions as well as for the uses granted to the Festival by virtue of the present regulations and, in particular, but not limited to, the rights relating to the images, music, filming locations, screenplays, rights of the various authors, directors and actors, as well as the right to use, quote and reproduce the photographs, first and last names and pseudonyms of the various participants.

In this respect, participants guarantee the Festival against any disturbance, claim, eviction and any action by any third party on any grounds whatsoever. Participants shall bear the cost of any damages and all costs, in particular those relating to any judicial, administrative or criminal litigation including pre-litigation, (in particular, but not limited to, costs and fees of legal counsel, disbursements, expert fees, etc.) and those relating to any enforcement measure that the Festival is required to pay following either a judicial decision with provisional enforcement, or a settlement signed with the plaintiff.

Participants are reminded that failure to hold all the rights and authorisations necessary for the film to participate in the competitions as well as for the uses granted to the Festival as referred to in this article, may result in the application of criminal and civil penalties as provided for by the law. Furthermore, failure to comply with this clause may result in your exclusion from the competition.

RADIO CITY C/ Santa Teresa 19, 2 46001 Valencia - Tel.- 96 391 41 51
www.festivalcortometrajesradiocity.com – festival@radiocityvalencia.com

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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