ESAT SELFILM: Festival de Cine Selfie (0)

ESAT SELFILM: Selfie Film Festival


29 Nov 2018
Call for entries

04 Apr 2019
Festival closed

24 May 2019
Notification date

23 May 2019
23 May 2019


Viciana, no 5,  , Valencia, Valencia, Spain

Festival description
Short film festival >1' 2'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Does NOT have submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 Production date: Any
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  >1' 2'<
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Festival start: 23 May 2019      Festival end: 23 May 2019

The self-portrait has been a constant practice in art-and a imperative practice since it is called selfie-but not in audiovisual products. And now we are mired in the mode of the Videosphere.

At ESAT (Higher School of Art and Technology) we believe that the configuration of a stable and sustainable future depends, more than ever, on creativity. The future will be in the hands of those who know how to convert a creative act into a creator. So, in ESAT we bet on talent.

That's why ESAT has thought that a good way to start an audiovisual contest is to dedicate a first edition to meet those people who possess that potential that is so necessary to improve an immediate future.

Therefore, the theme of this first event will consist of a kind of "personal presentation", a self-portrait made in audiovisual format, an audiovisual selfie. The audiovisual must contain what the author feels identified, a "short film", ultimately where he himself is in some way the protagonist. A coincidence that can be narrated in multiple ways and through the genre and format that each one considers more opportune.

Cash Prizes: 400€

• First prize for Best Short film: 300 euros
• Second Prize: 100 euros
• 2 runners without economic amount will be granted

The acceptance of the prize and the right to enjoy it will be subject to the prior written authorization of the parents or legal guardians in the case of minors. The organising body should contact them to obtain the indicated acceptance. The winners may waive the prize obtained but under no circumstances will they be able to redeem it for another or for their cash amount. The Organiser reserves the right to replace any of the prizes expected in the event that causes beyond its control to prevent its delivery, committing to replace them with similar characteristics.

1. The works presented must conform to the theme of the contest, being absolutely free the genre or audiovisual format that is chosen to address the issue of "audiovisual self-portrait" in order not to constrain or limit creativity; Mottion, Animation, Experimental, documentary...

2. Any natural person may participate without restriction of age, nationality or any other type.

3. Only one work will be accepted by author.

4. Short films will have a minimum duration of 1 minute and a maximum of 2 minutes.

5. The works must be made in video format, with a minimum of definition Full HD 1,920 x 1080 and with the highest possible quality for its projection. The works must be sent in files and standard formats of video generally accepted that allow their visualization.

6. Short films may be made in Spanish as well as in any other language as long as the latter is subtitled to Spanish.

7. Short films may only be submitted to
Through the online platforms Festhome, in order to alleviate the costs of the participant and expedite the logistics of storage and viewing.

8. The deadline to present the works will be April 4 to 20 ' 00h according to Spanish time zone GMT/UTC + 01:00 (Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris).

9. The Organiser reserves the right to accept or refuse the registration of any participant, as well as its exclusion from the contest, even after accepting its participation, at any time, especially in the cases of non-compliance with these bases or where the organiser considers that the conduct of the participant or the content of his works, or for any other reason that justifies it, implies or may imply prejudice to the image or reputation of the organising entity or to Any of the collaborating entities.
Likewise, the organising body shall be empowered to reject any work or document submitted by the participant or generated under the contest as well as any manifestation or conduct thereof which are illicit, prejudicial of rights of third parties, Contrary to the right to honour of third parties, good taste and good manners, and all those who may cause social rejection, for example, containing xenophobic content, which violates youth and children, advocacy of violence or Terrorism, being equally empowered to expel the participant in question.

10. The organiser shall validate all entries and registrations. Only those artists whose inscription and requested documentation have been validated by the organising body will have the consideration of participants in the contest.
The Organiser reserves the right to validate the artistic content of the works contributed by the artist for registration.

11. The organising body reserves the right to use, disclose or publish the works or contents that may be illegitimate, illicit, injure the sensibilities of third parties, are offensive or dangerous, violate or injure the rights of third parties, prevent or Hinder to the collaborating entity and participants the development of the contest, injure their dignity, reputation or image, or otherwise violate the present bases.

12. The organising body shall not accept, treat or publish any electronic documents or information incorporating viruses or other physical or electronic elements which may damage or impede the normal functioning of the registration portal and its systems of Information.

13. The organiser is exempted from any liability in the event of Internet malfunction or incorrect transmission or visualization of contents that impede the registration or development of the contest, provided that these are caused by reasons beyond The organizing entity.

14. Casualties and disqualifications. Without prejudice to the provisions of other sections of these bases, any participant who fails to comply with the present bases, guidelines of the organising entity, mechanics of the competition or of the rules of use, conduct, education and minimum required morality may be Immediately excluded by the organization. The use of materials or contents presented as originals of the participant that are really alien to the same or that violate rights or injure interests of third parties of any nature and class, will empower the organization to exclude the participant from Way
Immediate contest. Likewise, any participant who shows a conduct or carries out any action that may discredit the image, good name or reputation of the organising entity, its management and teaching staff, the collaborating entities, the members of the Jury or other participants, may be expelled immediately by the organization. Any act that is contrary to legality, morality and good manners will empower the organising body to exclude the participant from the contest. And all this without prejudice to the legal actions that can be taken against any participant, either by the collaborating entity itself or by third parties, in order to demand the responsibilities of any nature and class in which it may have incurred, As well as compensation for damages that your conduct, action or omission may have caused.

15. Awards:
• First prize for Best Short film: 300 euros
• Second Prize: 100 euros
• 2 runners without economic amount will be granted

The acceptance of the prize and the right to enjoy it will be subject to the prior written authorization of the parents or legal guardians in the case of minors. The organising body should contact them to obtain the indicated acceptance. The winners may waive the prize obtained but under no circumstances will they be able to redeem it for another or for their cash amount. The Organiser reserves the right to replace any of the prizes expected in the event that causes beyond its control to prevent its delivery, committing to replace them with similar characteristics.

16. The jury will be composed of professionals linked to the audiovisual.

17. The 15 selected works will participate in a public sample and shall be those that opt for the prizes of the contest. Decisions regarding selection will be notified by email to all participants who have fulfilled the requirements and have therefore been accepted.

18. The decisions of the jury shall be final. If the works received did not present sufficient quality, the jury reserves the right to declare the contest a desert.

19. The 15 selected works that access the awards will be required to:
• Brief curriculum
• Synopsis of the audiovisual with a couple of phrases
• Two images
• Display cover as a DVD
Those works that lack the quality sufficient for their projection may be disqualified (even if they had exceeded the selection process).

20. Publicity and image rights: Notwithstanding the provisions of the rest of the bases, the organization may use fragments of the works selected for the promotion of the contest.
The directors/producers of the selected films authorize the use of the photographic material and Filmográfico presented to the contest, for the promotion of the works of the contest, as well as for any other activity of cultural or social character that is Consider appropriate.

21. The Organization of the competition also reserves the possibility of projecting in other circumstances and other places. The authors will always be informed of these projections so that they can incorporate the information into their curriculum.

22. The 15 finalist works will be projected in the Sala SGAE Centre Cultural de Valencia on the 23rd of May. This event will be used as the closing of the competition to award the awards.

Any artist, creative, designer or creator of any nationality, age or condition may participate in "ESAT Selfilm". In the case of minors, it will be necessary to have the express consent of parents or legal guardians.
ESAT employees or teachers may not participate in the contest, or those persons who have participated directly or
Indirectly in the elaboration of the contest as well as none of the relatives of any of the previous groups in first degree of consanguinity or affinity. In the event of the winner of any of the persons excluded from participation, they will lose their right to obtain the prize awarded, proceeding to give the prize to the next person who meets the conditions of valid participation designated As the next substitute for the jury.
The participant agrees to keep the data provided duly updated, being responsible for the damages that the organising entity and/or third parties could suffer as a result of the lack of truthfulness, inaccuracy, lack of Validity and authenticity of the data provided. The organising body shall be exempted from any liability arising from the lack of veracity and topicality of the information provided, as well as any damage or harm that the artist may suffer as a result of all this.
The organising body reserves the right to carry out the necessary verifications of the identity, age and data provided by the participants. Likewise, the Organiser reserves the right to eliminate or destroy the information provided by the artist that could work in his files without prior notice, especially if he detects the lack of veracity, accuracy or topicality of the same.

Participation in the competition implies total knowledge, acceptance and fulfillment without reservation and in its integrity the conditions of participation and the present bases, which have
been published on the website Failure to comply with these rules will automatically exclude the contest and prizes.
In the event that the Organiser or any collaborating entity in the contest detects any anomaly or suspects that a participant, or a third party, is impeding,
Altering or hindering the normal and good development of the contest may, unilaterally, exclude their participation in it.
In case of detecting a fraudulent use of the contest, the organiser may modify the present bases in those provisions that were pertinent to obtain the correct operation of the competition.
Any doubt, question or conflict raised in relation to these bases and contest will be resolved by the management of the organizing entity.
Participation in this contest implies the express submission of the interpretative decisions made by the organising body and the acceptance of the jury's verdict.
The organising body reserves the right to withdraw or change the competition for technical, organisational, operational or commercial reasons, modifying the necessary rules.
The organising body is exempt from any liability if by chance, force majeure or by legal imperative the contest is cancelled or suspended.
Participants will have more information through the email address:
For the resolution of any controversy arising between the organising body and any participant that has not been resolved as indicated in the preceding paragraph, the courts and tribunals of the city of Valencia (Spain) shall be competent, Expressly waiving the participants and the organizing body to the jurisdiction that by law could correspond.



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