Hexagon Film Festival (3)

Крайние сроки

22 мар 2021
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20 июн 2021
Фестиваль закрыт

30 авг 2021
дата извещения

09 сен 2021
18 сен 2021


via Adda 16,  58100, Grosseto, Grosseto, Italy

Описание фестиваля
фестиваль короткометражных фильмов 20'<

Требования фестиваля
 Любой Жанр
 Любая тема
 Имеет плату за заявки
 Международный фестиваль
 Физическое расположение
 Январь 2018
 Страны производители: Любое
 Страны, где снимали фильм: Любое
 Национальности режиссеров: Любое
 Школьные проекты 
 Короткометражные фильмы  20'<
Поделиться в социальных сетях

Photo of Hexagon Film Festival
Photo of Hexagon Film Festival

Photo of Hexagon Film Festival
Photo of Hexagon Film Festival

Russian ML

Фестиваль начинается: 09 Сентябрь 2021      Фестиваль заканчивается: 18 Сентябрь 2021

Kalonism APS, in collaboration with Fondazione L'Altra Città, Fondazione Grosseto Cultura, Municipality of Grosseto, Conad, CCN Centro Storico Grosseto, Euronics and Tiemme, organizes the third edition of the Hexagon Film Festival, an event aimed at all Italian and foreign directors and filmakers, who have made a short film or a videoclip, with the aim of giving visibility to emerging authors and promoting the short film as the artistic and expressive language of choice of contemporaneity. The festival will be held in the city of Grosseto from 9 to 11 September (for the Corti in Vetrina section) and from 16 to 18 September 2021 (for the other sections).

Hexagon Film Festival (name inspired by the hexagonal shape of Grosseto walls and the symbolism linked to the number 6) is a narrative short films festival, of a maximum duration of 20 minutes (including titles), based in the city of Grosseto, the Tuscan Maremma chief town. Direct expression of the city and the professionals that live there, Hexagon Film Festival brings the best of Italian and international short film production to the attention of the public of Grosseto, putting it on the map of film festivals.

Hexagon Film Festival, specialized in narrative cinema (by choice, in contrast with the spread of documentary style), is a contest with live screenings, divided into four sections: Tiferet (name of the sixth Sephirot of the Cabal, which indicates Beauty, Compassion, Harmonizing Principle, Glory), open to short films in live action with a free theme; Bereshit (Genesis in Hebrew, translated as "the one who created the six"), open to animated short films with a free theme; Il lato positivo/The Silver Lining, open to short films both for animation and live action, with the theme of disability; Rasenna (name of the eponym of the Etruscans ('Ρασέννας) and denomination with which the Etruscans designated themselves), open to short films produced by Tuscan filmakers or filmed in Tuscany; both for animation and live action Corti in vetrina/Shorts in Shops, an innovative way of combining cinema and commercial activities: free-technique short films and videoclips with a free theme (but with a preference for works with a low word content) projected on the windows of shops in the historic center, with a popular jury.

Денежные призы: 2,500€

The Hexagon Film Festival has 5 different sections:

• Tiferet: free-action live-action short films of a maximum of 20 minutes (including titles)

• Bereshit: free-themed short films of a maximum of 20 minutes (including titles)

• Il Lato Positivo: animated short films and live action on maximum disabilities
20 minutes (titles included)

• Rasenna: animated and live action short films shot in Tuscany or by authors born in Tuscany of a maximum of 20 minutes (including titles)

• Corti in Vetrina: short films and video clips with free technique and theme (but with preference of low-word works) of maximum 10 minutes (including titles)

The finalist short films of the Corti in Vetrina section will be judged by a popular jury, formed by the public who will follow the projections made in the windows of the participating shops, which will have the opportunity to cast their vote through the official app of the festival and will award a celebratory artifact and a cash prize of € 250.
To the winning works of each of the 5 categories of the competition, the jury will assign a celebratory artifact and a cash prize of € 250, while all the selected short films will be eligible for the Absolute Award, consisting of a celebratory artifact and a cash prize of 1000 €.

The competition is open to Italian and foreign short films, both published and unpublished within the festival circuit (works published online are NOT allowed), products without commercial purposes no earlier than 1 January 2018. Each author (who has completed the eighteenth year of age no later than 1 January 2021) can send a maximum of 2 works across all sections. Foreign language short films must be subtitled in Italian, under penalty of exclusion from the competition. The registration fee for each of the works in the competition is € 12 as a contribution for organizational costs. The works must be uploaded and entered on the festival page on the Festhome platform by the deadline: June 20th.

Among all the short films received, a commission appointed by the Artistic Director of the Festival, after careful evaluation, will select the finalist works to be submitted to a qualified jury, made up of professionals of the sector, who will decide the winners of the various categories of the competition with a judgment unquestionable and unappealable. The finalist short films of the Corti in Vetrina section will be judged by a popular jury, formed by the public who will follow the projections made in the windows of the participating shops, which will have the opportunity to cast their vote through the official app of the festival and will award a celebratory artifact and a cash prize of € 250.
To the winning works of each of the 5 categories of the competition, the jury will assign a celebratory artifact and a cash prize of € 250, while all the selected short films will be eligible for the Absolute Award, consisting of a celebratory artifact and a cash prize of 1000 €. Finalist short films, judged worthy, will be able to receive special mentions or technical prizes awarded by the Festival Artistic Direction and by the Juries. The organization reserves the right, in agreement with the respective authors, to also screen some short films out of competition. The organization undertakes to disseminate the winning works through the press, radio, TV, websites, etc., and may also advertise the works which, in the opinion of the Artistic Direction, meet the requirements for the public.
The organization reserves the right to move the short films received from one section to another according to artistic and fruition evaluations. Whoever sends the work declares to be the owner of all rights relating to it, including the rights to exploit the images, trademarks and names contained therein, as well as the music reproduced in order to the uses envisaged by this regulation. In the event that these rights are held by third parties, the author guarantees, by registering, that he has been explicitly authorized to use the work, and therefore relieves the organizers of the review from any responsibilitỳ towards any third parties who in any capacity had to object. The submitted works will not be returned, and will be cataloged and kept in the Festival archives. The organization undertakes to promote them and make them available for cultural events and events, favored by the same, which will be communicated, without this leading to any compensation paid by the organizing association of the event.
The author, by signing these rules (sending the work is equivalent to accepting the rules and releasing the release form), authorizes the organization to show the work participating in the competition free of charge during the Festival evenings , and the publication of photographs, news and short fragments concerning their works, for the purpose of promoting the same festival, in newspapers, newspapers, weekly, monthly and on social media. The processing, both in paper and electronic form, of the personal data of the participants and third parties linked to the selected short films is aimed solely at the management, development and dissemination of the final results of the event (D.lgs. n.196 del 30 giugno 2003 “Tutela delle persone rispetto al trattamento dei dati personali”).
The organization will personally communicate the selection within the Festival program to the finalists by 20 August 2021. In case of admission to the festival program, the selected authors undertake to send their work to the organization. in high definition (possibly in MP4 format) by 30 August, under penalty of forfeiture of the competition. Only selected authors are required to send extra materials: biography and photos of the author, poster, synopsis, trailer and at least 3 high-resolution (not backstage) images of the short film. The organization reserves the right to request additional material deemed of interest for information and promotional purposes. The organization will agree with the individual finalists how to send the material, which in no case can be attached to the e-mails.
The organization will schedule public screenings in Grosseto, in cinemas or technically suitable venues, of all the selected works of the categories Tiferet, Bereshit, Rasenna and Il Lato Positivo, during the days of the festival, and during the evening the winning works will be decreed (including the Corti in Vetrina section), which will be shown again. The final choice of dates and/or places of screening is at the total discretion of the artistic direction of the festivals. The authors of the selected works will be promptly notified of the programming of their work within the Festival. The organization is not responsible for any damage to people and things that should occur during the entire period of the festival.
The Festival invites the finalists to be present during the award ceremony. In the event of a serious impediment, the director and/or producer may appoint a delegate in his place. If this does not happen, the non-presence will result in the renunciation of any prize and the Festival will be entitled to reward another work. Travel, board and lodging expenses are borne by the participants. The organization reserves the right to provide forms of support for the hospitality costs of the Authors and / or the communication of any affiliated accommodation facilities and restaurants.
The Organization of the Festival reserves the right to make, if necessary, any ways that can be found in these Regulations. For unexpected and unavoidable causes of force majeure, the right to change the dates, duration, venue and programming of the Festival is reserved, with the commitment to promptly inform the participants through their own means of communication. To be kept informed of any changes, to know the precise dates and times in which the Festival will take place and to take advantage of any conventions and offers relating to hospitality, please visit the website (www.hexagonfilmfestival.com), Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/HexagonFilmFest) and Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/hexagonfilmfestivalgrosseto

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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