No Fee
Submissions deadline
31 Mar 25
Spot with a maximum length of 3 minutes, including title and credits.
06 Feb 2025
Call for entries
31 Mar 2025
Final deadline
03 Apr 2025
Notification date
26 May 2025
01 Jun 2025
Festival start: 26 May 2025 Festival end: 01 June 2025
School year 2024/25
5rd edition
International Call for Partecipation for audiovisual works on the themes of the fight against homophobic bullying, gender-based violence, gender identity and sexual orientation bullying, intended for schools of all levels, cinema schools, informal groups and individual directors.
Deadline: march 31, 2025
The Association i Ken ONLUS, on the occasion of the 4nd edition of the International Film Festival "OMOVIES @ SCHOOL" announces a competition for audiovisual works on the issues of combating bullying, homophobic bullying, gender violence, gender identity and sexual orientation.
The festival is a project carried out in collaboration with the educational institutions, so it follows the programming and the educational calendar for the school year 2023-24. During this period will be organized activities related to cinema, the festival and the themes it addresses in collaboration with the schools involved. The festival will take place throughout the school year and will end by June 2024 with the viewing of the works in competition, both online and in presence, and the dates will be established in agreement with the school directors.
Jury panel
OMOVIES@SCHOOL Festival Management will appoint a general Jury of experts, with the exception of those who have contributed to the creation of the works in competition or may be interested in using them. The general jury will then be divided into as many juries as there are prizes to be awarded and based on the type of works presented in the competition. The voting of the Jury members will be also attended by a representative of OMOVIES Festival with the purpose of providing assistance in the field of regulation and practice. The names of the members of the general Jury, other than recruiters, will be made public at the Press conference of the Festival presentation and announced on the website
The Jury's decisions are unquestionable and final.
The Jury will allocate the following awards to the 6 categories:
OMOVIES@SCHOOL Award 2024/2025 - Best short film-director/school plaque - fiction
OMOVIES@SCHOOL Award 2024/2025 - Best short film-director/school plaque - doc
OMOVIES@SCHOOL Award 2024/2025 - Best medium-lenght film-director/school plaque - fiction
OMOVIES@SCHOOL Award 2024/2025 - Best medium-lenght film-director/school plaque - doc
OMOVIES@SCHOOL Award 2024/2025 - Best feature film-director/school plaque - fiction
OMOVIES@SCHOOL Award 2024/2025 - Best feature film-director/school plaque - doc
OMOVIES@SCHOOL Award 2024/2025 - Best SPOT-director/school plaque
i Ken Award 2024/2025 – a plaque awarded by i Ken, non-profit association, to personalities from the world of entertainment, film, culture committed to the rights of LGBT people.
Andrea Spezzacatena, the boy with pink pants Award 2024/2025 – Best film-director according to the Andrea Academy
Special awards
Special Mentions
art.1 Conditions of Admission
All works entering the competition must be finalized after January 1, 2023 and must focus on the themes of the fight against homophobic bullying, gender-based violence, gender identity and sexual orientation bullying. The works will be selected without foreclosure of genres (fiction, documentary, animation, video art, dance videos, commercials, etc.). Any work that belongs to the following categories and duration may participate in the contest
Spot with a maximum length of 3 minutes, including title and credits.
Short films with a maximum length of 20 minutes, including titles and credits.
Medium-length films with a maximum length of 60 minutes, including titles and credits.
Feature films lasting over 60 minutes, including titles and credits.
art.2 Terms and Conditions
Entry is free and opened to schools of all levels, cinema schools, informal groups and individual directors
For registration, participant can use different methods as shown below:
1. Registration through platform
2. Registration via DROPBOX with email address
3. Registration via WeTransfer with email address
For registration via DROPBOX or WeTRansfer, competitors will have to send, in a single folder bearing the competitor’s name, the following files, along with the footage:
The digital version of the application form (downloadable at filled in with all the required information;
From 2 to 5 film photographs, jpeg format (at least 800x600 pixels;
2 close-up photos of the director, jpeg format (at least 800x600 pixels);
In the absence of one of these points the registration will be considered void.
All the works, including those not selected, will become part of OMOVIES Festival and i Ken, non-profit association, archive and can be used for cultural and/or educational purposes, to promote exchanges, cooperation with other institutions, associations, etc. The organizers will assume the obligation to mention the source and to inform the authors and/or copyright holders, in advance. In the case of more than one author presenting the same work, you need to indicate a group leader whose name will be the first one to appear under the voice the Undersigned followed by other authors. The group leader’s personal details will have to be indicated.
It is also specified that for the screening of the works selected and included in the festival programme (online and in cinema rooms), no financial contribution will be made by the festival management to the owner of the rights to the film in competition.
Registration via DROPBOX implies full acceptance of the rules expressed in Art. 3 of this call for participation.
art.3 Regulation
1) Each participant, as required by art. 2 of the call, can participate with no more than 3 (three) works produced after January 1st, 2023.
2) For each work submitted via Dropbox or WeTransfer, you need to complete, sign and deliver a single application (art.2)
3) For the works presented through the platforms (art.2), the information recorded at the time of registration shall be authentic with the full assumption of responsibility by the
4) For non-Italian works, not subtitled in Italian, the dialogue script in english must be provided.
5) Dialogue script in Italian even for the Italian language films are highly appreciated, but not compulsory, in order to allow viewing even to a hearing impaired or hard-of-hearing audience.
6) Any legal obligation of copyright about the music, photographic images, video images and all that is contained in the works presented, including pictures of the people being filmed, will be the author's and/or producer’s sole responsibility.
7) For schools of all levels and for cinema schools, the material must be filled, signed and sent exclusively by the school Principal or by the legal representatives or by delegation from their representatives by attaching the identification document.
8) Any irregularity or default of this Regulation (Art. 3) will void the contest entry.
art. 4 Selection of Works
All submitted works, before being submitted to the juries, will be reviewed and selected, checking the correctness of the requirements (art.1) and compliance with the regulation (art.3), by a committee composed by the direction of OMOVIES @ SCHOOL Festival and by representatives of the no-profit association i Ken.
The Festival managing-board will announce the results of the selection by e-mail at the address indicated by the authors on the registration form by march 31th 2025. The works selected for the awards, will be divided into two main sections: FICTION and DOCUMENTARY, meanwhile, a different section for the works of the SPOT category is planned. In addition, the works selected for the awards will be further divided according to the genre if there will be a minimum number of five (5) works for each category.
The general programming and screening times are the sole responsibility of the organizers of OMOVIES@SCHOOL Festival.
art.5 Jury panel
OMOVIES@SCHOOL Festival Management will appoint a general Jury of experts, with the exception of those who have contributed to the creation of the works in competition or may be interested in using them. The general jury will then be divided into as many juries as there are prizes to be awarded and based on the type of works presented in the competition. The voting of the Jury members will be also attended by a representative of OMOVIES Festival with the purpose of providing assistance in the field of regulation and practice. The names of the members of the general Jury, other than recruiters, will be made public at the Press conference of the Festival presentation and announced on the website
The Jury's decisions are unquestionable and final.
art.6 awards
The Jury will allocate the following awards to the 6 categories:
OMOVIES@SCHOOL Award 2024/2025 - Best short film-director/school plaque - fiction
OMOVIES@SCHOOL Award 2024/2025 - Best short film-director/school plaque - doc
OMOVIES@SCHOOL Award 2024/2025 - Best medium-lenght film-director/school plaque - fiction
OMOVIES@SCHOOL Award 2024/2025 - Best medium-lenght film-director/school plaque - doc
OMOVIES@SCHOOL Award 2024/2025 - Best feature film-director/school plaque - fiction
OMOVIES@SCHOOL Award 2024/2025 - Best feature film-director/school plaque - doc
OMOVIES@SCHOOL Award 2024/2025 - Best SPOT-director/school plaque
i Ken Award 2024/2025 – a plaque awarded by i Ken, non-profit association, to personalities from the world of entertainment, film, culture committed to the rights of LGBT people.
Andrea Spezzacatena, the boy with pink pants Award 2024/2025 – Best film-director according to the Andrea Academy
Special awards
Special Mentions
art.7 Winners
The producers of the award-winning short films are committed to cite the award gained in the opening and closing credits of the awarded short film, reporting about the award to the press and on all the advertising and information material both in print and on other media, without exception.
art.8 General rules and procedures
The Festival Management reserves the right to decide on all matters not specified in the regulation. Any changes or additions to this Regulation may be made by the managing board of the festival for organizational reasons, accessible on It is the responsibility of the authors who enroll in the competition to ensure they are legally authorised to do so by any other authorised person. By entering the Competition you exempt from responsibility OMOVIES@SCHOOL Festival managers from any responsibility for use of the work and the awarding of the prize. All matters not covered by this Regulation shall be the responsibility of the Board of Directors of the i Ken Association, who have the power to waive the regulations in special and well-motivated cases.
When applying for the festival, you accept and share the rules indicated in art.3 of this Call.
National and international emergencies
The direction of the festival also reserves the right to communicate to competitors any variations and methods of conducting the festival or anything else inherent to its conduct, by virtue of possible states of emergency, based on compliance with the guidelines and laws which will concern Italian cultural activities and, specifically, cinematographic activities in cinema.
art.9 Participation in the festival involves:
full and unconditional acceptance of this regulation;
the authorization to the no-profit association i Ken, with the absolute exclusion of any form of profit, to disseminate the video material presented and circulate it, without space and time restrictions, nationally and internationally, as well as in television broadcasts of : RAI Italian radio and television, private TV broadcasters, satellite TV broadcasters, outdoor channels, Internet, bearing in mind the author's right to be mentioned.
the authorization to public and private televisions to make television footage during the days of the event and to broadcast them in any form or way, in Italy or abroad, without limitation of space and time.
Personal data will be processed in accordance with the provisions of Legislative Decree 196/03. The data controller is the no-profit association i Ken.
All the material sent to the festival will not be returned and will be archived at the Video Documentation Center of the no-profit association i Ken.
art.9 Arbitration clause
Any dispute arising between the participants and OMOVIES Festival should be devolved to the final determination of an arbitration panel composed of three amicable arbitrators, who shall judge "ex aequo et bono" without the formality of procedure, subject to the adversarial party, within 60 days after the appointment. Their determination will directly take Agreement effect reached between the parties. The arbitrators shall be one appointed by each party and the third by the first two or failing agreement, by the President of the Court of Naples, who will also appoint the arbitrator for the party that has not presented one.
Art.11 Informations Associazione i Ken Onlus
Sede Legale via Cardinale Guglielmo Sanfelice n. 38 - 80134 Napoli c/o studio legale avv. Marcella Ferrante P. IVA 06516291215 - Numero emergenze +39 3938013868 – pec
Segreteria Organizzativa Omovies@school presso
Rainbow Center Napoli #aSilviaRuotolo bene confiscato alla mafia “a Silvia Ruotolo ed a tutte le vittime innocenti di mafia” Via Antonio Genovesi 36 – 80141 Napoli
tel fax 081 7802277 | 3482433337 - 392 9465244 scrivici a
Rainbow Center Napoli – Sportello “Nuovi Diritti” via Toledo 80132, 353 st 218, c/o CGIL Campania Napoli| Tel 08119478451 mob 3938954224
No Fee
Submissions deadline
31 Mar 25
Spot with a maximum length of 3 minutes, including title and credits.
No Fee
Submissions deadline
31 Mar 25
Short films with a maximum length of 20 minutes, including titles and credits.
No Fee
Submissions deadline
31 Mar 25
Medium-length films with a maximum length of 60 minutes, including titles and credits.
No Fee
Submissions deadline
31 Mar 25
Feature films lasting over 60 minutes, including titles and credits.