
22 Apr 2024
Call for entries

01 Sep 2024
Festival closed

01 Nov 2024
Notification date

22 Apr 2024
01 Sep 2024


Plaza España, 1,  50770, Quinto, Zaragoza, Spain

Festival description
Death understood as the end of life.
Short film festival 20'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Does NOT have submission fees
 National Festival
 Online and Physical Location
 Production date: Any
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  20'<
 Any language
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Festival start: 22 April 2024      Festival end: 01 September 2024

The theme of the contest is death understood as the end of life. The works must reflect death from the perspective of the authorship of the works.

Cash Prizes: 1,500€

1st € 700 + trophy
2nd € 500 + trophy
3rd € 300 + trophy

The theme of the contest is death understood as the end of life. The works must reflect death from the perspective of the authorship of the works.

The deadline for submitting the works will end on September 8, 2023 at 2:00 p.m.

Any person of legal age may participate regardless of their origin.

The classifying jury will be made up of people from the cultural field of the Quinto City Council and people related to the cinematographic, photographic and literary activity.

The jury will have full autonomy to decide the winning works and its decision will be final. Likewise, the right to declare the contest void may be reserved in the event that the submitted works do not meet the required conditions or do not meet sufficient merits to be awarded.

Once the awards have been awarded, the authors may not reject them, nor oppose the use of the works presented by the organization for cultural, advertising and non-profit purposes, always indicating their authorship.

The jury's decision will be communicated to the participants by email and, the finalists of each modality are obliged to attend the awards ceremony or, where appropriate, the duly accredited person representing them. The organization will pay the corresponding expenses of the transfer, accommodation and subsistence of the finalists to attend the awards ceremony that require it up to a maximum of € 100 per person.

Failure to attend the awards ceremony means the renouncement of the economic part of the award. The awards ceremony will take place on October 31, 2023 at 9:00 p.m. at the Museum of the Mummies of Quinto. (www.momiasdequinto.es)

The presentation of the works implies the acceptance of the bases. Participations that are made after the indicated date will not be taken into account, as well as those that do not strictly comply with the rules of this contest.

The organization is empowered to resolve any contingency not foreseen in the bases and reserves the right to modify the bases in exceptional cases that may arise from the evolution of the pandemic or reasons of major cause.

Category specific bases: Short Films
Only one short film per author will be admitted.

The duration of the short film will not exceed 20min in any case. Including credits.

Short films made in languages ​​other than Spanish will have to include Spanish subtitles.

The work will be presented in electronic support, pendrive or DVD, MP4 format via postal mail to:

Quinto Town Hall
Contest "Final Point"
Plaza España, 1. 50770 - Quinto - Zaragoza

Accompanied by Annex 1 - Model for the presentation of works, which will contain the title of the work, name and surname, ID, full address, date of birth and age, nationality, mobile phone number and email.

The poster of the short film will be attached in JPG format with a maximum weight of 1Mb. As well as a brief synopsis of the work.

The participant who registers the short declares to be the owner, to have acquired or make legitimate use of all the contents of the film and of its copyright. Participants will be solely responsible for their short film. The festival organization declines all responsibility for the short and its content (images and sounds by other authors) on the participant.

prizes: (The prizes are subject to the corresponding tax withholdings by the winner)

1st € 700 + trophy
2nd € 500 + trophy
3rd € 300 + trophy

Special audience award. A single prize will be awarded by popular vote to the short film best valued by the public of those screened during the weekend of October 22 and 23, 2023. (In case of many works being presented, the jury will make a pre-selection with the shorts that will pass to the popular voting phase).



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