Rencontres Du Cinéma Latino-américain - 41ème édition - Pessac - Compétition : Court-métrages (42)


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01 июл 2024
Позвоните для записей

30 сен 2024
Фестиваль закрыт

20 мар 2025
дата извещения

19 мар 2025
25 мар 2025


28 Rue Baudrimont,  33 100 , Bordeaux, 33, France

Описание фестиваля
фестиваль короткометражных фильмов >1' 15'<

Требования фестиваля
 Любой Жанр
 Любая тема
 Не имеет платы за заявки
 Континентальный фестиваль
 Физическое расположение
 Дата производства: Любое
 Страны производители: Требуется
 Страны, где снимали фильм: Любое
 Национальности режиссеров: Любое
 Школьные проекты 
 Короткометражные фильмы  >1' 15'<
 Любой язык
 Любой язык
Поделиться в социальных сетях

Photo of Rencontres Du Cinéma Latino-américain  - 41ème édition - Pessac - Compétition : Court-métrages
Photo of Rencontres Du Cinéma Latino-américain  - 41ème édition - Pessac - Compétition : Court-métrages

Photo of Rencontres Du Cinéma Latino-américain  - 41ème édition - Pessac - Compétition : Court-métrages
Photo of Rencontres Du Cinéma Latino-américain  - 41ème édition - Pessac - Compétition : Court-métrages


Фестиваль начинается: 19 Март 2025      Фестиваль заканчивается: 25 Март 2025

This year, for the 42nd Rencontres du Cinéma Latino-Américain, a festival organized by the association France Amérique Latine in Bordeaux, The cinema team would like to propose for the 4th consecutive year an official competition of short films.

These 12 films selected by the employees and volunteers of the association will be presented to students who will award different prizes and use the short films as a study support.

The scholar work on and with the short films will start in september: the final answer of your participation in the official competition will be given at the beginning of december.

The Award winners will be notified after the Festival is concluded.

The Festival reserves the right to place entries into alternative categories if they feel it is to the benefit of the title. Each submission must be entered separately and it cannot be withdrawn.

By submitting, you agree not to withdraw your film from the festival after it has been accepted by the selection committee. If your film is selected, the festival holds the right to show your film at a time and date of its choosing.

Денежные призы: 200€

3 prizes awarded :
Best fiction short film
Best short documentary
Best animated short film

Prizes to win :
200 € per prize
A screening in a movie theater
A large visibility : - Students working on the films : about ten schools involved in the region Nouvelle Aquitaine (France)
-> Our communication efficiency : reviews, podcasts, interviews, presentation videos to accompany the films and communication about the short film competition.

1) The short film must be from a Latin American country (production, shooting, direction...)

2) The film duration must not exceed 15 minutes long

3) All genres and forms are accepted

4) Films must have at least a dialogue list with timecode in spanish, english, portuguese or french.Or they must be subtitled in French.

5)In order for the films to be screened in schools and cinemas, the directors of the selected films must submit a screening copy of their film to the festival team

6)Publicity : We reserve the right to use extracts from submissions for festival publicity and marketing purposes regardless of their selection status.



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