Shorty Week International Short Film Festival aims to:
- To promote the short film as a means of expression, and therefore part of our culture.
- Provide opportunity for the dissemination of the work of new talent.
- Zoom to the public world of the film through different activities.
- Facilitate, through this format, the contribution to improving the world we live in.
- Enjoy what we do.
The X International Shorty Week 2023 Short Film Festival will take place early September in Santa Catalina´s Castle, Cadiz. There, the public will be able to attend the screening of the short films of different competitive sections and the awards ceremony.
현금 수상: 2,000€
The following prizes are established with their respective awards:
● Jury Prize for the best short film: € 1,000
● Best comedy award: € 250
● "Compromiso en corto" award: € 250
● Best "Making of" award [ii]: € 250
● Best animated short film award: € 250
The prizes will not be cumulative, except for the prize for the best "Making of" that can be added to any other.
The Cultural Association Shorty Week launches the tenth edition of the International Short Film Festival Shorty Week.
The bases of the contest, which we advise[i] to read rigorously to participate, are the following:
1. Individual or collective filmmakers who wish to participate can participate.
2. It is a fiction short film festival, so documentary short films will not be accepted.
3. There are no limits of short films per participant, being original and of any thematic and genre.
4. Short films of any nationality are admitted. When the language is not Spanish, subtitles are required in this language.
5. Short films must last a maximum of 9 minutes, including credits.
6. Only works made from January 1, 2021 onwards will be admitted to the contest.
7. Works that have already participated in previous editions of Shorty Week will not be accepted.
8. No short film in which any member of the festival organization or the composition of the jury participates, may be eligible for prizes, although it may be screened out of competition.
9. There is only one way to participate in the festival: Sending online through the following platforms: - -
10. When registering the short film, two frames of the work must be attached, which can be used for the diffusion of the festival and its activities.
11. Each short must be registered in the name of the person (or group of people) that appear in the data of the registration form as the director, being the beneficiary of the prize that could be granted. The organization assumes that this person owns the rights over the work presented; the organization is exempt from any responsibility that may derive from the infraction of this point by any of the participants.
12. The short films that will be part of the festival are divided into two categories:
● Official Selection, whose shorts compete for the "Best Short Film", "Best Comedy", and "Best Animated Short Film" awards, each one with its own prize.
● Parallel Selections, divided into "Commitment in short" and "Making of" awards, each one with its own prize.
13. The list of short films admitted to the competition (Official Selection and Parallel Selections) will appear on the festival's official website, besides communicating through the different platforms: Festhome and by email from August 2, 2023.
14. The deadline for delivery of short films begins on March 26, 2023 at 00: 00h and ends on May 15, 2023 at 23: 59h. The date of submission will be considered as the submission date in Festhome. The expenses that the registration implies through the platforms are in charge of the contestants.
15. The deadline for delivery of the “making of” of already sent short films begins on March 26, 2023 at 00: 00h and ends on May 29, 2023 (two weeks later than the deadline of the short films). The sending of these will be through the Festhome platforms or by files or viewing links via email to
16. Regarding the contest, an official qualifying jury will be appointed for the awards of the official section, which will be made up of professionals from the culture, the cinema and / or the arts. The parallel selections will have their own specific jury. The members of the different juries may declare any prize desert and decide on any doubt not foreseen in the bases.
17. The following prizes are established with their respective awards:
● Jury Prize for the best short film: € 1,000
● Best comedy award: € 250
● "Commitment in short" award: € 250
● Best "Making of" award [iii]: € 250
● Best animated short film award: € 250
18. The prizes will not be cumulative, except for the prize for the best "Making of" that can be added to any other.
19. The prizes of this festival are financially supported, directly, from different public and/or private administrations, so the responsibility for the delivery of the amounts are unrelated to the organization of the festival.
20. prizes will be subject to possible tax withholdings established by law.
21. The authors of the awarded works or any representative must be present at the awards ceremony in order to make those effective.
22. The decision of the jury will be unappealable.
23. The X International Short Film Festival Shorty Week 2023 will take place in early September (the exact date will be published on Shorty Week´s social networks) with the screening of a selection of the short films submitted to the contest in public sessions and the awards ceremony in Santa Catalina´s Castle, in Cádiz.
24. The archives of the works participating in the festival will remain the property of the organization, which may project them in non-commercial centers and rooms, as well as in other events for the dissemination of future editions of this festival and reserve the right to publish and reproduce the same (or fragments of them), always mentioning the author and communicating it in advance.
25. The organization trusts the good work of the participants, but if there is evidence of non-compliance with any of the points of these bases by some work, it will be left out of the contest. However, if it is considered convenient, it can be used in non-competitive screenings.
26. The organization reserves the right to modify these bases. Any conflict will be resolved by the festival organization.
27. The presentation of the works to contest implies the total acceptance and knowledge of these bases
● There are no limits to the filmmakers on the number of shorts they can send.
● The works must include subtitles in Spanish if they have been done in another language or dialect.
● Short fiction between 0 and 9 minutes made from 2021 onwards.
● Ways to participate: Through Festhome in the case of short films. Through in the case of the “making of” of works already sent.
● Reception open from March 26, 2023 at 00:00h until May 15, 2023 at 23:59h for short films. One more week for the “making of” of works already sent.
● The X edition of Shorty Week 2023 International Short Film Festival, to be held in early September in Cádiz, is convened by the Cultural Association Shorty Week.
[i] When we say we advise we mean that if you do not have these bases in mind, you have nothing to do in this festival.
[ii] In this section you participate through a video that shows moments of the shooting of the short film admitted to the contest.
Shorty Week 2023
단편영화 9'<
출품 마감일
15 5월 23
All films in competition may be awarded in the following categories:
- Best short film: 1.000€
- Best comedy: 250€
- Commitment Prize: 250€.
- Best Making Of: 250€
- Best animated short film: 250€
Making of
단편영화 9'< (2019+)
출품 마감일
15 5월 23
Award for Best Making of the as made, is a vital part of any director, see and understand teamwork, imagination, hours, etc..