Festival Cinemística (10)

Cinemystic Film Festival

Крайние сроки

14 фев 2024
Позвоните для записей

15 июл 2024
Фестиваль закрыт

15 окт 2024
дата извещения

07 ноя 2024
24 ноя 2024


Plaza Campo del Príncipe 1, bajo-izquierda,  18009, Granada, Granada, Spain

Описание фестиваля
фестиваль короткометражных фильмов 30'<
Фестиваль художественных фильмов >31'

Требования фестиваля
 Любой Жанр
 Любая тема
 Имеет плату за заявки
 Международный фестиваль
 Физическое расположение
 Дата производства: Любое
 Страны производители: Любое
 Страны, где снимали фильм: Любое
 Национальности режиссеров: Любое
 Школьные проекты 
 Короткометражные фильмы  30'<
 Полнометражные фильмы  >31'
Spanish French English
Spanish French English
Поделиться в социальных сетях

Photo of Festival Cinemística
Photo of Festival Cinemística
Photo of Festival Cinemística
Photo of Festival Cinemística

Russian ML

Фестиваль начинается: 07 Ноябрь 2024      Фестиваль заканчивается: 24 Ноябрь 2024


What drive us:

A contest dedicated to transcendental cinema, at its several meanings, including philosophic, psychological, scientific, anthropological, spiritual and poetic cinema.

Because transcendence in the man and the world, might be eventually ineffable and, on this, cinematographic art has certain advantages, and a huge responsibility.


All cinematographic possibilities are welcome, with a major interest on rareties


Cinemística as an open space-time, with non restrictive features, enabling the authors to develop their own language: all formats, duration, nationality, year of production, etc. are accepted.


An international refuge for films that intend, technically or with the plot, an approaching to the big mystery of world representation, in the art and in the man. Without dogmas, under any individual or collective perspective, from faith, but also from agnosticism, spiritual atheism and scientific thought.


Filmmakers' looks, in all their socio-cultural diversity, interested in any film as a result of personal discovering, researching or experimentation, inspiration and work, from revelation or introspection of the authors. Quotidian, ecstasy and disparity as structures to create depth on the film treatment.


Mysticism and asceticism in film production represent, probably, a more absolute estate compare to others, because a cinema with huge budget and more technical complexity could be done, but sometimes the most humble and simple film is, however, universal.


Impermanent cinematographies, from the still, from 'amateur' cinema (from French verb aimer), define directors not only by what they show and how they do it on screen, but by what they decide not to show.


What appears and disappears, topologies emergence, materials or conscious, and their invisibility or subsequent expiration. The sequential surroundings of emptiness, of matters and time. Shafts at the discourse, eloquent, everyone can understand it by himself. Absence and miracle: Mystic as a possible cohabit together.


Great importance of the colloquiums and live interaction between spectators and filmmakers. maximum communication, respect, sympathy and closeness from the organization to the filmmakers, artists and directors who come to present their films.

The first and highest award/trophy of the contest has a strong symbology: “THE MAGNIFIER AND THE MAGNET”. It’s about two elements connected very close with the person of the famous granadian cinemist José Val del Omar (1904-1982), who thought about the magnifier as occidental culture symbol (the obvious, the rational) against the magnet, element of the oriental culture (the magnetism, the invisible). For Val del Omar, Granada will be the meeting point between East and West.
The Jury annually awards 7 films with "THE LIGHT AND THE MAGNET", and may also award SPECIAL MENTIONS TO ACTORS, WORKS AND DIRECTORS who deserve special attention for various artistic and/or technical reasons.

1. Participation

Participation is open to all film producers and directors of any nationality or origin. Each author can present the number of films that they want, except for films which have previously been submitted to this contest.

2. Requirements

All genres are allowed (fiction, animation, documentary, experimental), production year, duration (shorts and features films), and format. The pieces will be presented either on Vimeo link or similar.

The formats of the films to the projection can be:

- Digital format (.MP4, .MOV, .MPEG, etc...). We do not accept DCP.
- Physique format of S8mm, 16mm. or DVD or BluRay.

The participant films must be in original version with Spanish subtitles. They could be admitted with english or French subtitles, by justified reasons.

The authors will be the responsible of doing the pays of the copyright of their films.

3. Registration

To participate in this contest, the following conditions must be respected, and the participants will behave in accordance with:

- Each participant must complete and send before the dead-line the registration questionnaire which will be found further on this same web: www.cinemistica.com.

If you register your film through the platform Festhome it is not necessary to fill in the registration form on the website.

The Festival will recognize the signer of the registration questionnaire as the only interlocutor to negotiate all the aspects related to the film and as the only responsible rather than other companies or people who have been involved on the film production.

- Audiovisual format for the preselection

Authors must send a link to view their films. If the film is not in Spanish, and only for the selection process, films may be subtitled in english or French. But with the commitment of the authors to subtitle the film in Spanish in case their film is selected.

In case that you have not indicated in the entry form a link & password for downloading your film, a copy will be sent by postal mail or courier service, in DVD or BluRay format, to:

Plaza Campo del Príncipe 1, bajo-izquierda
18009 Granada - Spain

Transport costs will be paid by the entity which register the film.

Express agreement is made to the contrary, the Festival will not return any DVD or similar received. In case of refund, the shipping costs will be paid by the person who request it.

The sender will communicate immediately to the Festival the delivery information.

In case of being selected, the management will contact the author asking for the material necessary for the projection and promotion of the film.

Selected films will be exhibited at the time and places showed on the programme and on the official website www.cinemistica.com. The films received will be kept on Arte7Cinemateca catalogue and may be free used (without copyrights etc.) for their cultural activities as well as in screenings in the Asociación Guadalcine/Arte7 activities in universities, cinema clubs and cultural centers.

Participation implies the full acceptance of these rules.

4. Price list for film inscriptions

Film with a duration of 30 minutes or lower: 7.- €
Film with a duration over 30 minutes: 15.-€


  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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