No Fee
Submissions deadline
10 Jul 25
Best Fiction Film show on XXXIV Bogota Film Festival
Bogota Film Festival
09 Jan 2025
Call for entries
10 Jul 2025
Final deadline
10 Jul 2025
Notification date
20 Nov 2025
26 Nov 2025
Festival start: 20 November 2025 Festival end: 26 November 2025
Internationally, the Festival will award the Best Film, among the first three feature films of a director who has not yet made the fourth, with the Pre-Columbian Circle in its Gold, Silver and Bronze categories. As well as the Pre-Columbian Gold Circle for Best Director, Best Social Documentary, Art and the Environment.
At local level, the Pre-Columbian Gold Circle will be awarded for Best Colombian Film short and feature films.
Non-competitive categories: International Short Films, Animation, Sacred Films, Films for Children and Blinds.
International featured films awards:
· Gold Pre-colombian Circle to best featured film
· Silver Pre-colombian Circle to best featured film
· Bronze Pre-colombian Circle to best featured film
· Gold Pre-colombian Circle to best director
National featured film award:
· Gold Pre-colombian Circle to best colombian featured film
National or international Documentary films:
· Gold Pre-colombian Circle to Best Social Documentary film
· Gold Pre-colombian Circle to Best Art Documentary “Enrique Grau”
· Gold Pre-colombian Circle to Best Enviromental Documentary film
November 20th to 26th of 2025
The Bogota Film Festival, organized by the Corporación Bogocine, was created in 1984 in order to reward Colombian Film Production. For its second Edition, the Festival brought together national and other Andean countries cinematography, and continued to honor productions from the Caribbean Islands, South America, Spain, France, Africa and the Pacific Coast.
At present the Festival is recognized as a worldwide Festival specialized in New Directors' feature films.
The Festival rewards the best Opera Prima at an international level with the Pre-Columbian Circle Award in Gold, Silver and Bronze categories, and the Pre-Columbian Gold Circle to the best director of an Opera Prima; making a selection from the first 3 feature films of a director that has not yet made his fourth one.
At national level, the Pre-Columbian Gold Circle is given to the best Colombian Film and Fiction Video.
The Festival rewards the Best International Social Documentary, the Best on Environment and the Best Documentary on Art.
The Festival has a section on Animation, sacred, short films and for Children.
A consideration is given to a person or entity, which has been distinguished for its contribution to the national and international film development.
The Festival also invites directors who have made more than three films and exhibits Contemporary, Specialized and Classic Film Sections.
Article I
The purpose of the Bogotá Film Festival is to emphasize the best International Films, to recognize the Colombian Film Production, to serve as a stimulus of the Film Industry and to diffuse cinematography culture.
Article II
The XLII Bogotá Film Festival will be held in Bogotá from November 20TH to 26TH of 2025.
Article III
The Festival reserves itself the right to elect the films which it considers appropriate to participate in competition as well as for the parallel film samples. The Festival selects a film among the productions of a director who has not yet directed more than three films.
Article IV
During the days of the Festival invited film may not be exhibited outside of projection rooms of the Festival before the official presentation.
Article V
For pre-selection the Films should be shown with Spanish subtitles before July 10th online version. For final selection, will have to send a copy of the film in FTP link for DCP, MP4 (vimeo) or disk before september 10th. The producer will take care of the transportation expenses.
Article VI
The Bogotá Film Festival appoints the members of the Jury as well as the President. The Jury will be made up of a President and a maximum of four (4) foreign and Colombian judges competent in the subject of cinematography art, and who have no ties with the productions or with the participants in competition.
The vote is secret. The decisions are taken by an absolute majority of voters in the election or by the relative majority in the following returns.
The Directory and the General Secretary of the Bogotá Film Festival participate in the deliberation of the Jury but they cannot vote.
No person with interests in the production and the promotion of any film in competition may form part of the Jury.
Article VII
The jury must assign the following awards:
The Pre-Columbian Gold Circle award to the Best Film.
The Pre-Columbian Silver Circle award to the Best Film.
The Pre-Columbian Bronze Circle award to the Best Film.
The Pre-Columbian Gold Circle award to the Best Colombian Film.
The Pre-Columbian Circle award to the Best Film can not be shared.
The Pre-Columbian Gold Circle to the Best Social Documentary
The Pre-Columbian Gold Circle to the Best Documentary on Art
The Pre-Columbian Gold Circle to the Best Documentary on Environment
Each Film selected and exhibited at the Bogota Film Festival will receive a Participation Certificate.
Article VIII
The award winners and their distribution companies promise to use in the promotion of their Film the Pre-Colombian Circle award and the following text: "BOGOTÁ FILM FESTIVAL 42 -2025".
Article IX
Documentation about each film selected should be delivered to the Secretary of the Festival before JULY 10th of 2025, to be used as promotional material and to prepare the catalogue.
A DCP and/or MP4 Copy with Spanish subtitles of each selected movie must be delivered to the Festival before September 15st, 2025.
Article X
Article XI
The expenses related to the shipment and insurance of the participating copies are to be paid by their owner.
The transportation expenses of the films sent to the members of the selection committee for their eventual invitation are entirely incurred by the producers of the organization which supply the film.
The Festival is only responsible for the projection, storage, and the insurance expenses of the copies of the selected films since the moment they have been handed in to the Festival until the moment they are given to the freight agent for their return. In case of loss or damage of a copy the Festival will not be liable except for the value indicated by the producers in the Entry Form.
Article XII
The Director of the Bogota Film Festival retains the power to rule any case, which is not foreseen in these regulations, but in conformity with the International Regulations.
Article XIII
The Bogota Film Festival abstains from any political, moral and religious censorship of the Films exhibited during the Festival, giving equal free opportunity to the selected material.
Article XIV
The attendance to the Festival implies the compliance with the present rules.
Article XV
During the Festival, no film entered in any of the Festival sections may be screened more than a total of 3 times, including screenings for press. Films for side bars may be screened more than a total of 5 screenings including the screening(s) for press and only in the city where the Festival takes place and during the Festival's official dates and at the PLATAFORM BOGOCINE.
For any additional screenings of whatever nature, the Festival will have to obtain a written authorization from the producer or eventually, from his duly empowered representative.
Any screening held which is not authorized in writing or the object of a contract is liable to legal pursuit for infringement of national laws and the International Copyright Conventions.
Films in “Festival On Line” have special rules.
Note: Please fill the entry form at: Dead Line: July 10th .
Participating in the Festival means you agree with these conditions.
Terms and Conditions
1. If this application is not properly filled in, it WILL NOT be sent.
2. Keep in mind that it is mandatory for the application process to send a copy from vimeo or a downloaded link of your audiovisual production with Spanish subtitles, and no water marks, along with application form, before July 10th 2025.
3. Please fill in the application in either Spanish or english. Send it as an attached file to the email, along with photography of the director, banner and frames of the production.
4. Please, if you send a hard disk copy with, attach a signed print copy of the application. Label the envelope with the sender’s name, the category to which it’s applying to, the name of the production and a contact email.
5. All the shipment fees will be paid by the applicants.
Participating in the Festival means you agree with these conditions.
No Fee
Submissions deadline
10 Jul 25
Best Fiction Film show on XXXIV Bogota Film Festival
No Fee
Submissions deadline
10 Jul 25
Best documentary on social themes to be exhibited at the XXXIV Bogota Film Festival
No Fee
Submissions deadline
10 Jul 25
Best documentary on environmental or territorial themes to be exhibited at the XXXIV Bogotá Film Festival
No Fee
Submissions deadline
10 Jul 25
Best Documentary on artistic themes, cultural tendencies or biography of artists to be exhibited at the XXXVII Bogota Film Festival
No Fee
Submissions deadline
10 Jul 25
No Fee
Submissions deadline
10 Jul 25
Competition of fiction short films of any subject that will be exhibited at the XXXVII Bogota Film Festival
No Fee
Submissions deadline
10 Jul 25
Sample of films for children to be exhibited at the XXXIV Bogota Film Festival
No Fee
Submissions deadline
10 Jul 25
No Fee
Submissions deadline
10 Jul 25
Best Colombian Film Production (Short, Medium or Feature Film)
No Fee
Submissions deadline
10 Jul 25