Sehsüchte Internationales Studierendenfilmfestival (54)

Sehsüchte International Student Film Festival

Fechas Límite

25 nov 2024

12 ene 2025
Fecha límite

24 abr 2025
Fecha de notificación

23 abr 2025
27 abr 2025


Marlene-Dietrich-Allee 11,  14482, Potsdam, Brandenburg, Alemania

Descripción del festival
Student Films
Festival de cortometrajes
Festival de largometrajes

Requisitos del festival
 Festival de cine
 Cualquier género
 Cualquier tema
 NO tiene tasa de inscripción
 Festival Internacional
 Ubicación física
 enero 2023
 Países de producción: Cualquiera
 Países de rodaje: Cualquiera
 Nacionalidad del Director/a: Cualquiera
 Óperas Primas 
 Proyectos Escolares 
 Cualquier idioma
Compartir en Redes Sociales

Photo of Sehsüchte Internationales Studierendenfilmfestival
Photo of Sehsüchte Internationales Studierendenfilmfestival
Photo of Sehsüchte Internationales Studierendenfilmfestival
Photo of Sehsüchte Internationales Studierendenfilmfestival

Español ML

Inicio Festival: 23 abril 2025      Fin Festival: 27 abril 2025

The 54th edition of the Sehsüchte International Student Film Festival, one of the biggest film festivals for young filmmakers in Europe, will take place from 23rd April to 27th of April 2025 in Potsdam. It offers up-and-coming filmmakers from all over the world a platform to present their works to a broad audience and come into contact with the industry. Founded in the 1970s as a showcase for young filmmakers in the GDR, Sehsüchte has established itself over the decades as an internationally important festival and has become an integral part of the Berlin and Brandenburg cultural landscape.

Sehsüchte sees itself as a place of encounter and creativity, as an event of cultural diversity and a celebration of cinema, today as well as tomorrow. The festival is planned, organized and implemented entirely by students of the Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF. The direct connection to the renowned film university enables a unique exchange between young talents, media practice and academia.

The motto of Sehsüchte 2025 is beyond. It is intended to put emphasis on the
diverse aspects of the festival that go beyond the ordinary and connect both the
past and the future of filmmaking.
beyond embodies the idea of building a bridge between nostalgic elements and
modern innovations. The focus is on the synergies that arise when different
generations and perspectives, young filmmakers and industry experts, come into
contact with each other and learn from each other.
beyond reflects the diversity of the stories that are to be told at Sehsüchte. In an
increasingly polarised social climate, we position ourselves as willing to listen to
all voices and remain open. Regardless of origin, financial means, level of
education, gender and our other differences, we want to offer everyone a chance
for a platform. We want to think our festival beyond boxes, borders and barriers.
With beyond, we invite our audience to broaden their own horizons and explore
new ideas and concepts. The aim is to overcome cultural, geographical and
ideological boundaries in order to create a platform for a diverse narrative.

Our program offers local and international artists a screen, allows us to experience (un)known perspectives through a variety of cinematic-aesthetic forms of expression, and promotes discourse between underrepresented and established film regions.
With a festival campus centered in the "Schiffbauergasse", Sehsüchte opens up a space for networking and discussion between students and industry experts. We see ourselves as a young festival with a clear stance: only through an honest exchange at eye level can the industry's challenges be overcome, an awareness of ecological and social resources be created and, above all, an open culture of film be shaped. Let us embrace the current transformation and actively shape the resulting potential, the future of film.

Feature Film
Documentary Film
Engaged Film
Focus: Animation
Exhibition – Resonant Realities
Genre Film

Premios en Metálico: 35,000€


Best Fiction Film
Outstanding Artistic Achievement in a Fiction Film
Best Documentary Film
Outstanding Artistic Achievement in a Documentary Film
Best Animated Film
Best Sound and Music
Best Children's Film
Best 360° Film
Best Script
Best Pitch


Best Genre Film (Audience Award)

Festival Requirements

Film contributions must have been completed after 1st January 2024 and are not allowed to have been part of the programme during a previous edition of Sehsüchte.

No premiere status is required (prior participation in a German or foreign film festival is not an exclusion criteria).
The Sehsüchte Festival does not charge a submission fee. Costs may be incurred by the submission platform. Sehsüchte does not pay screening fees.

Films in languages other than English must be submitted with English subtitles.
Films submitted in the Future section must always be subtitled in English.


Regulations of the 53rd Sehsüchte International Student Film Festival

1. Conditions of Participation
Eligible for submission to the Sehsüchte Filmfestival are: Short, Medium-Length, Feature and 360° films, as well as scripts and exposés in the context of Schreibsüchte, and digital media art for the Exhibition. All submitted works must have been created by students, in an educational (universitary, school or self-taught) context or be debut films by young filmmakers or lateral entrants.

2. Submissions
The online registration and submission of the film via has to be completed by 7th January 2024 at the latest. Submitted films must be made available via download link to the festival organizers.

In order to submit a film, the viewing copy must be uploaded to and the other required documents must have reached the Sehsüchte festival office by 7th January 2024 at the latest. It must be ensured that the film remains available online on the Festhome platform until at least 12th May 2024.

The Sehsüchte Festival reserves the right to extend the submission deadline (7th January 2024) for all or individual sections.
For films submitted in the Future section, further submission requirements apply in addition to the above-mentioned conditions (see section 4.4).

For films submitted in the Focus: Sound section, further submission requirements apply in addition to the above-mentioned conditions (see section 4.5).

For scripts and exposés in the Schreibsüchte section, separate submission requirements apply (see sections 4.6 and 4.7).

Note for debut filmmakers: For debut films, the relevant section with "Debut" in the title (e.g. feature film debut) should be used for submissions on the platform.

3. Programme and Competition
All films, scripts and exposés selected for the official programme will compete for prizes and awards. By submitting their entries, the entrants agree to the potential selection of their work for one of the competitions, an exception is the Showcase. If the work is selected for the festival by the programme committee, two accreditations will be given to the creators. There is no legal claim regarding the selection for the festival programme and competitions. In exceptional cases, Sehsüchte reserves the right to show submitted films outside of the competition, but within the framework of the festival.

3.1 Selection and Programming
Each submitted work (film, screenplay, exposé or exhibition piece) can be selected for all possible festival categories. The selection and programming of the works and their assignment to the relevant competitions will be carried out by the programme commission on the basis of the viewing copies or the screenplays and exposés.

Only one section per film can be selected for submission. Independently thereof, there is the possibility that the film may also be considered for other competition categories. Sehsüchte reserves the right to nominate a work for one or more awards.

Notification of a screening within the festival programme or of participation in the competition will be sent via e-mail by 18th of March 2024 at the latest. You will be notified via e-mail or the submission platform if your work has not been selected. For organizational reasons, a notification that your work has not been selected may only be sent after 18th March 2024. The programme commission has the right to allow exceptions in special and justified cases.
If the programme commission selects the submitted film, a screening copy (see sections 8.1 - 8.3) and further documents (see sections 8.9) must be made available.

4. Sections with Prizes

4.1 Fiction Film
This section contains works with predominantly fictional content. Films in this category have the chance to win prizes in the following competitions: Best Fiction Film (Short, Medium-Length & Feature Film, awarded to the Director), Outstanding Artistic Achievement in a Fiction Film (Short, Medium-Length & Feature Film, awarded to Cinematography, Montage, Original Film Music, Book, Acting, Scenography, Sound Design or Special Effects). The feature films selected by the programme commission will be shown in the festival programme.

4.2 Documentary Film
This section contains works with predominantly non-fictional content. Animated documentaries may also be submitted. Films in this category have the chance to win prizes in the following competition categories: Best Documentary Film (Short, Medium-Length & Feature Film, awarded to the director) and Outstanding Artistic Achievement in a Documentary Film (Short, Medium-Length & Feature Film, awarded to Cinematography, Montage, Original Film Music, Book, Sound Design or Special Effects). The documentaries selected by the programme commission will be shown in the festival programme.

4.3 Animated Film
This section contains films that were created using mainly animation techniques. Films in this category have the chance to win the prize in the following competition category: Best Animated Film. The animated films selected by the programme committee will be shown in the festival programme.

4.4 Future: Kids
This competition is aimed at viewers from the age of 6. Live action as well as animated films, fictional or non-fictional, can be submitted. Films in this category have the chance to win the prize of Best Kids Film. The children's films selected by the programme commission will be shown in the festival programme.

For this competition, special rules apply for submission: All submitted films which contain dialogue must be subtitled in English. As the children's films will most likely be dubbed during the screening, a complete dialogue list in German (or English) is required for each invited film. It should be noted that the films must pass an FSK examination (FSK 0 or FSK 6) after submission, which is carried out on the basis of the Jugendschutzgesetz (JuSchG) and the principles of the FSK (Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle Filmwirtschaft). Unfortunately, submitted films that are classified by the FSK as unsuitable for children cannot be shown in the Future: Kids section.

4.5 Focus: Sound
The works submitted for this section have the chance to win the prize for Best Sound and Music. In addition to artistic achievement, the prize honors outstanding conceptual achievements in the interplay of sound design and music by up-and-coming international artists.

We welcome submissions of works with an extraordinary, innovative auditory level. At least 60 percent original film music created exclusively for the submitted work is required. Fiction films, animated films and documentary films of all lengths can be submitted. Possible sound formats are mono, stereo and 5.1. The films in this section selected by the programme commission will be shown in the festival programme. All submitted documents are viewed by the festival team and the jury and they will, of course, be treated with the utmost discretion and will be completely deleted two weeks after the festivals at the latest.

In addition to the submission (see section 2), the following documents must be sent via e-mail to
- a synopsis incl. logline (max. 1 page) and specification of the sound format
- Music Cue Sheet with details of durations, information on the composer and references to right holders
- if necessary, details of relevant passages in the film using time codes
- list of all persons involved in the sound design and music (such as sound designer, mixing engineer, foley artist, music composer, etc.)

The documents submitted in digital form (PDF) must not exceed a size of 10MB. If possible, they should be sent as one file. The submission and the corresponding documents must reach the programme commission by 7th January 2024 at the latest.

Questions regarding submission can be sent to

4.6 Schreibsüchte: Screenplay
In the section Schreibsüchte, submitted screenplays have the chance to win the prize for Best Screenplay. All German, yet unfilmed screenplays which have a minimum planned runtime of 50 minutes may be submitted (serial screenplays are excluded here). As part of Schreibsüchte: Kopfkino, there is expected to be a scenic reading of excerpts from the selected screenplays in front of an audience. Sehsüchte intends to record the scenic reading and publish it online. For the submission the filled-out application form, found on the website, and the screenplay need to be sent via email to by 7th January 2024.

4.7 Schreibsüchte: Pitch!
Submitted works have the chance to win the award of Best Pitch. During the festival, the nominated authors will present the concepts for their unproduced feature or documentary film, series or format as part of a pitch event. This presentation will take the form of a pitch in front of a jury and audience. The submitted German exposé may be no longer than 7 DIN A4 pages. For the submission the filled-out application form, found on the website, and the exposé need to be sent via email to by 7th January 2024.

A nomination requires attendance on the day of the competition which may take place within the expected festival period between 25th to 28rd April 2024. A notification of the exact date will be sent with the invitation to the festival. Sehsüchte reserves the right to record the pitch event and publish it online.

4.8 360°
In this section, films have the chance to win the prize for Best 360° Film. All linear VR films, of more than 2 minutes in length are eligible for submission (no VR- Experiences). Films must have been completed after 1st January 2023.
The works must be sent as video files via a file sharing platform such as WeTransfer, Google Drive or MyAirBridge to and made available to the programme team. The works must be submitted by 11th February 2024 at the latest. In addition, the PDF application form available on the Website must also be completed and sent to by 11th February 2024. Submissions in languages other than English must be subtitled in English.
The selected films will be exhibited in a 360° Space during the festival, as well as probably being made available online. Should the work not be completed at the time of submission, it must be ensured that the final file will be available for exhibition at the 360° Space on 15th of March 2024.

Submitted files will be saved for the purpose of programme selection. Only the festival team has access to the data. Works that have not been selected will be deleted from the festival database.

If you have questions regarding the 360° section, please contact:

4.9 Miscellaneous
Films falling into other categories not listed above (e.g. experimental film, dance film, erotic film, music video) will be assigned to one of the above categories by the programme commission and have the chance to be nominated for one of the above-mentioned sections and shown in the festival programme. Image or advertising films are not permitted.

5. Sections with Awards

5.1 Genre Film
This section includes fictional works from the above-mentioned feature and animated film categories (Short- & Medium-Length-Film) that have a clear genre reference (e.g. horror, fantasy or science-fiction). The genre films selected by the programme commission will be shown during a one-time film block screening and have the chance to win the audience-determined award: Best Genre Film. The selected genre films remain part of their original sections and still stand the chance to win the respective prizes (Best Fiction Film or Best Animated Film).

6. Juries, Prizes and Awards
The prizes and awards are decided by independent juries consisting of experts and personalities from the film and media industry. The best films in the Future section are selected by a children's jury respectively. The award for the Best Genre Film is chosen by the audience and is based exclusively on the voting results.

7. Exhibition – Resonant Realities
For the Exhibition - Resonant Realities we are looking for innovative projects using modern technologies in a creative manner. These could involve novel forms of storytelling and digital media art. We are particularly interested in two categories: Live Audiovisuals and Projection Mapping.

7.1 Live Audiovisuals: Experimental approaches to audiovisual narratives
We are welcoming unconventional projects that explore the interplay of sound and image. These include experimental approaches to audiovisual narratives, in particular live performances, immersive installations and interactive media art. A physical presence of the selected artists during the entire festival is mandatory in order to present the projects in an exhibition and performance space in front of an audience.

Submissions are possible via email to until the 7th January 2024 and must include:
- a two to three-page detailed description of the planned work (in English of German) including images and/or Videos
- a technical rider (layout, setup, required equipment)
- a short biography of the main collaborators (up to 150 words)
- if you need to apply for a grant for travelling expenses from the festival
We will be aligning ourselves with all hygiene regulations and Corona protective measures, applicable during the festival period and therefore cannot confirm all details as of yet. Therefore, we cannot ensure if the opportunity for traveling (internationally and within Germany) can be provided at this time.

7.2 Projection Mapping at Waschhaus
As part of the projection mapping, we are looking for engaging audiovisual, immersive works with a duration of at least two and a maximum of seven minutes. Please register your interest by 7th January 2024 by sending an email to with the subject line "Projection Mapping". Detailed information and core files will be sent on request.

Concrete concepts and a short biography (up to 150 words) must then be submitted to by 7th February 2024. The selected concepts will be announced by 14th February 2024. For selected projects, a trailer and a detailed description must be submitted by 1st of April 2024. The final work must be submitted by 07th April 2024. Physical presence of the artist is not mandatory for the projection mapping.

Submitted files will be saved for the purpose of programme selection. Only the festival team can access the data. All the data of the works, which are not selected this time, will be deleted from the festival database.

If you have questions regarding the Exhibition - Resonant Realities, please contact:

8. Festival Films

8.1 Screening Formats
A screening copy in DCP format must be provided for all films selected for the film festival programme, except for VR Films. Allowed are InterOp DCP and SMPTE DCP. The programme commission reserves the right to request other formats of submitted films (e.g. ProRes files).
Additionally, a full HD video file (1080p; .mp4) must be provided.
VR Films must be provided as video files, compatible with popular VR glasses such as Oculus or HTC Vive, for exhibition in the 360° space. For the intended online screening an additional video file with stereo sound must be provided which is optimized for streaming and works with popular smartphone VR systems (e.g. Google Cardboard, Samsung Gear).

8.2 Submission Deadline and Delivery of the Screening Copy
All screening copies (DCPs and video files) of the invited entries must be received by 22nd of March 2024 at the latest. Ideally the screening copies should be sent via a file sharing platform (e.g. WeTransfer, Dropbox, Google Drive). Alternatively, the screening copies may also be shipped by post.

The address is as follows:
Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF
Sehsüchte – „Screening Copy“
Marlene-Dietrich-Allee 11
14482 Potsdam-Babelsberg

Shipments sent from countries outside the EU must bear the following note in order to keep customs duties as low as possible: "No commercial value, for cultural purposes only". If a value of goods is to be mentioned, it should be as low as possible. Sehsüchte cannot cover any transport, customs or other costs associated with the delivery of the screening copy and other documents. Costs resulting from false declarations must be invoiced to the sender. Alternatively, a screening copy can be handed in personally at the Sehsüchte office in the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF by appointment.

8.3 Language of Screening Copies
Screening copies in languages other than English must have English subtitles. All non-English films in the festival programme will be shown in their original language with English subtitles; non-German language children's films will possibly be dubbed in German. All children's films must have English subtitles. Subtitles should be at the bottom of the screen, not inside a letterbox.

8.4 Return of Screening Copies
Upon request, the screening copy will be sent to the address listed in the submission form within eight weeks of the end of the festival. Sehsüchte Festival will bear the cost of the return shipping of the screening copies. The festival participant bears the liability for the transport to and from the festival.

8.5 Insurance of Screening Copies
The screening copy will be made available on loan by the festival participant for the duration of the festival. The screening quality is dependent on the accuracy and completeness of the technical data regarding sound and format. The insurance cover for the screening copy is limited to the material value of the copy on the part of Sehsüchte and is valid from the time of arrival at the festival office (download) until it is returned to the address specified in the submission form. The compensation in case of loss depends on the insurance coverage. In addition, liability for slight negligence by Sehsüchte is excluded. The festival participant bears the risk of transport to and from the festival.

8.6 General Usage Rights
The screening copy will be made available on loan by the festival participant free of charge for the duration of the festival. Sehsüchte does not pay screening fees.

The works selected for the festival programme can be screened publicly up to six times at one of the festival’s screening venues as part of the Sehsüchte festival.

The festival participant will also make the screening copy available to the festival for possible retrospective screenings for up to six months after the end of the festival. Furthermore, Sehsüchte maintains the option to make the Film available on an online platform after the festival for a specific timeframe, for which separate consent of the copyright-holder is required.
Sehsüchte will immediately inform the entrant(s) in the event of a claim made by a third party. The festival receives further royalty-free, spatially and temporally limited rights in accordance with the selection made in the submission form. The Festival reserves the right to digitize all selected works for viewing and screening purposes.

The entrant confirms that in the event of the selection of the submitted film, all necessary rights for viewing and screening within the framework of Sehsüchte 2024 have been cleared and will be transferred to the organizers.
By submitting the work, the entrants declare that they are the copyright holder of the submitted work. The entrant guarantees that the materials are free from the rights of third parties. In the event that third parties assert claims against the Sehsüchte Festival with regard to the materials and works made available, the entrant shall indemnify Sehsüchte against these claims and shall also bear the costs incurred by Sehsüchte for the necessary legal defense.
Furthermore, the entrant confirms that the selected work may be advertised by Sehsüchte for an unlimited time and space via channels considered relevant. For this purpose, the media content provided in the submission process may be used to create advertising and marketing materials for Sehsüchte. The design of these means is at the discretion of the festival organizers. In the case of cinematic works, excerpts of a maximum of 10% of the total running time may be used for advertising and marketing purposes.

8.7 Screenings for Press and Industry Professionals
Upon request, accredited press representatives and industry professionals will be given the opportunity to view all festival contributions on the basis of the screening copy, insofar as such a screening has not been expressly objected to in writing before 22nd of March 2024 at

8.8 Archiving of Screening Copies
The Festival reserves the right to use and archive selected preview copies for internal, non-commercial purposes.

8.9 Further Documents
Upon selection of the film contributions for the festival programme (further information to follow per email with the selection notification) additional documents will be requested.
- Screening Copy (in accordance with the information under section 8.1)
- Three film stills of the submitted film (each digital, at least 1000x500px at 300dpi, jpg)
- A photo of the nominated person (digital, 600x800px at 140dpi, jpg)
- Biography and filmography of the nominated person

8.10 Online-Catalog and Programme Booklet
Sehsüchte intends to publish the information given in the submission form regarding title, languages used, genre, running time, year of production, country of production, production company or institution, colour, one or more film stills, a picture and a biography with filmography of the director or other nominees, credits and a contact address in an online catalogue on the festival's website ( For the short description the given synopsis will be used completely or partially, or a separate text will be written. A selection of the above-mentioned information will be included in a possible programme booklet.

9. Final Remarks
The registration of a film, video, installation, screenplay or an exposé to Sehsüchte Festival implies acceptance of the regulations. The entrant is responsible for ensuring that third parties involved in the production agree to participate. There is no legal claim regarding the selection for the festival programme. The festival management has the right to regulate all cases not provided for in the guidelines and to allow exceptions in special and justified cases. All questions not included in these regulations will be decided by the festival management.



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