Festival start: 22 September 2025
Festival end: 27 September 2025
Dieciminuti Film Festival was created in 2005 by IndieGesta. It was able to quickly become one of the events dedicated to short films most important in Italy.
The Festival, whose first 19 editions attended by more than 18,000 short films involving a total of nearly 23,000 spectators, is structured in various competitive sections: Official Selection (for short films up to 10 minutes released after the 1st of January 2024), Extralarge (for shorts between 10 and 15 minutes released after the 1st of January 2024) Animations (animations for up to 10 minutes released after the 1st of January 2024), Doc10 (documentaries for up to 10 minutes released after the 1st of January 2024), Music Videoclip (videoclips for up to 10 minutes released after the 1st of January 2024), Visti da Vicino (for short films up to 10 minutes released by directors coming from the province of Frosinone after the 1st of January 2024).
At the Competitive sections, joins the Dieciminuti Academy, a school of cinema that brings young people of our province to create from scratch a short fiction or animation. The thing that is unique about the festival on the national scene is to be a real school for young people who want to explore the world of cinema. It ‘s also very much appreciated the Section Esplorazioni, which allows viewers to get in touch with the short film coming from a different country each year. During last years, the festival has hosted the short unpublished masters of Japanese animation by Studio Ghibli, directed by Hayao Miyazaki, the animated short films of the Tehran Film Festival, the short films of Georges Méliès, the avantguardes, the web-series. During the 13th edition was opened also the Futurama Section, dedicated to masterclasses for students.
Cash Prizes: 3,500€
a) Winner of Official Selection: 1.000,00 € + Hercules;
b) Winner of ExtraLarge: 500,00 € + Hercules
c) Winner of Animations: 500,00 € + Hercules;
d) Winner of Doc10: 500,00 € + Hercules;
e) Winner of Music Videoclip: 500,00 € + Hercules;
f) Winner of Visti da Vicino: 500,00 € + Hercules;
g) The Jury will awards also the following prizes: Best Director, Best Screenplay, Best Editing, Best Photography, Best Original Soundtrack, Best Actor, Best Actress, with the Hercules, the award of the Festival;
IndieGesta APS organizes the 20th Dieciminuti Film Festival in Ceccano, Italy. The main aim of the Festival is to present short movies and animated movies.
2. Participation is Free and Open to All.
3. Any Director can inscribe only 1 movie for any competitive section.
The Competitive Sections of the Festival are the following:
Official Selection (International Short Movies of 10 minutes or less, released after the 1st of January 2024);
ExtraLarge (International Short Movies between 10 and 15 minutes, released after the 1st of January 2024);
Animations (International Animated Movies of 10 minutes or less, released after the 1st of January 2024);
Doc10 (Documentaries of 10 minutes or less, released after the 1st of January 2024);
Music Videoclip (Videoclips of 10 minutes or less, released after the 1st of January 2024);
Visti da Vicino (Short Films of 10 minutes or less, released after the 1st of January 2024 by directors coming from the province of Frosinone);
4. Films that have just participated to the last editions of the Festival will be not accepted.
5. Any participant has to send the short film by Festhome. It’s mandatory:
a) The short movies must be subtitled in english. It’s ALWAYS mandatory to include also a copy of the dialogue list.
b) A copy of the movie in MP4 format (minimum ratio 1920x1080);
c) It’s mandatory the authorization to the download of the short film on the platforms, also if the short film is a Vimeo Link.
6. The deadline is on 15 of October 2024.
7. The Directors consent to the Organizers publishing information about the movie on the Festival website as well as in all printed promotional materials (catalogues, program, press materials, etc.)
8. The Director is the only responsible for the Movie.
9. A Selection Committee shall choose the movies that will enter in the various competitive sections.
10. The Jury awards the following prizes:
a) Winner of Official Selection: 1.000,00 € + Hercules;
b) Winner of ExtraLarge: 500,00 € + Hercules
c) Winner of Animations: 500,00 € + Hercules;
d) Winner of Doc10: 500,00 € + Hercules;
e) Winner of Music Videoclip: 500,00 € + Hercules;
f) Winner of Visti da Vicino: 500,00 € + Hercules;
g) The Jury will awards also the following prizes: Best Director, Best Screenplay, Best Editing, Best Photography, Best Original Soundtrack, Best Actor, Best Actress, with the Hercules, the award of the Festival;
11. The Festival will be on Spring/Summer 2025 in Ceccano (Fr), Italy.
12. Submitting a movie to the Dieciminuti Film Festival is equivalent to the acceptance of the conditions set out in these Regulations. All decisions in the matters not covered by these Regulations shall be taken by the Organizers represented by the Festival Director.
Short Films (max lenght 10 min)
Short Films 10'< (2024+)
Standard Fee2€ -8% 1.84€ PRO 18% 1.64€
Get an Annual Pass and get the maximum discount on festival and submission fees
Submissions deadline
15 Oct 24
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Short Films with lenght from 10 to 15 mins
Short Films >10' 15'< (2024+)
Standard Fee2€ -8% 1.84€ PRO 18% 1.64€
Get an Annual Pass and get the maximum discount on festival and submission fees
Submissions deadline
15 Oct 24
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Animations (max lenght 10 min)
Short Films 10'< (2024+)
Standard Fee2€ -8% 1.84€ PRO 18% 1.64€
Get an Annual Pass and get the maximum discount on festival and submission fees
Submissions deadline
15 Oct 24
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Documentaries (max lenght 10 min)
Short Films 10'< (2024+)
Standard Fee2€ -8% 1.84€ PRO 18% 1.64€
Get an Annual Pass and get the maximum discount on festival and submission fees
Submissions deadline
15 Oct 24
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Italian Short Films from Directors coming from the province of Frosinone
Short Films 10'< (2024+)
Standard Fee1€ -8% 0.92€ PRO 18% 0.82€
Get an Annual Pass and get the maximum discount on festival and submission fees
Submissions deadline
15 Oct 24
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International Music Videoclip up to 10 minutes
Short Films 10'< (2024+)
Standard Fee1€ -8% 0.92€ PRO 18% 0.82€
Get an Annual Pass and get the maximum discount on festival and submission fees
Submissions deadline
15 Oct 24
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Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.