Antofacine. Festival Internacional ()

Antofacine. Festival Internacional


06 Jun 2023
Aufruf zu Einschreibungen

15 Jul 2023
Festival geschlossen

29 Feb 2024

28 Feb 2024
02 Mär 2024


Granaderos 440, oficina 31,  1240000, Antofagasta, Antofagasta, Chile

Festival Beschreibung
Kurzfilmfestival >1' 30'<
Spielfilmfestival >50' 200'<

Festival Anforderungen
 Alle Genre
 Alle Themen
 Hat KEINE Einsende-Gebühren
 Internationales Festival
 Physischer Standort
 Januar 2022
 Produktionsländer: Jede
 Länder Dreharbeiten: Jede
 Nationalitäten Regisseur: Jede
 Kurzfilme  >1' 30'<
 Spielfilme  >50' 200'<
 Jede Sprache
Teilen in sozialen Netzwerken

Photo of Antofacine. Festival Internacional
Photo of Antofacine. Festival Internacional

Photo of Antofacine. Festival Internacional
Photo of Antofacine. Festival Internacional

German ML

Festival Start: 28 Februar 2024      Festival Ende: 02 März 2024

ANTOFACINE, the Antofagasta International Film Festival, is a gathering instance for national and international filmmakers; based on this premise we would like to contribute to:

● Promoting fiction, nonfiction and animations films as tools for cultural and social transformation and to benefit all of Antofagasta Region residents.

● Fostering the development of audiovisual projects in the region and country, supporting the creation of a professional space in order to promote local, national and international audiovisual works; contributing to audience formation and generating a gathering point in Antofagasta for the necessary interaction of all relevant agents of the audiovisual industry.

The 12 version of the Antofagasta International Film Festival, ANTOFACINE 2023 will be held from November 14 to 18, in the city of Antofagasta and other places of the region.

The awards contemplated by this event are:

10.1 Best International Feature
1.200.000 chilean pesos

10.2 Best National Feature
1.000.000 chilean pesos

10.3 Best International Short Film
500.000 chilean pesos

10.4 Best New Languages Film
800.000 chilean pesos

10.5 Audience Award for the Best National Feature

The amount of the money prizes considers the corresponding shipping costs via wire transfer, Western Union, PayPal or equivalent, therefore they will not be discounted from the total prize.

The amount of the money prizes in chilean pesos will be awarded in their equivalent in dollars to international productions.

NOVEMBER 14 - 18, 2023
Antofagasta - Chile


ANTOFACINE, the Antofagasta International Film Festival, is a gathering instance for national
and international filmmakers; based on this premise we would like to contribute to:

● Promoting fiction, nonfiction and animations films as tools for cultural and social
transformation and to benefit all of Antofagasta Region residents.

● Fostering the development of audiovisual projects in the region and country, supporting the creation of a professional space in order to promote local, national and international audiovisual works; contributing to audience formation and generating a gathering point in Antofagasta for the necessary interaction of all relevant agents of the audiovisual industry.

The 12th version of the Antofagasta International Film Festival, ANTOFACINE 2023, will be held from November 14 to 18, in the city of Antofagasta.
The festival is currently being planned in a hybrid versión, with onsite and online exhibitions.


National or International films produced in 2022 / 2023, are eligible. Priority will be given to works that are premiere in the northern part of the country (including the regions of Arica and Parinacota, Tarapacá, Antofagasta, Atacama and Coquimbo).


International Feature Competition. Films completed in 2022 / 2023 in Spanish language or with Spanish subtitles; 50-minute minimum duration and available for screening in any festival approved format, as indicated on item 6.1 of these regulations. Entries can be fiction, nonfiction and animations films.

National Feature Competition. Films completed in 2022 / 2023 in Spanish language or with Spanish subtitles; 50-minute minimum duration and available for screening in any festival approved format, as indicated on item 6.1 of these regulations. Entries can be fiction, nonfiction and animations films.

International Short Film Competition. Films completed in 2022 / 2023 in Spanish language or with Spanish subtitles, 30-minute maximum duration and available for screening in any festival approved format. as indicated on item 6.1 of these regulations. Entries can be fiction, nonfiction and animations films.

International New Languages Competition. Productions with Innovative and experimental audiovisual language narrative techniques, hybrids and video creations. All works completed in 2022 / 2023, in Spanish language or with Spanish subtitles, 5-minute minimum duration and available for screening in any festival approved format, as indicated on item 6.1 of these regulations.

Those applying for pre-selection must register their films on the Online Entry Form on the festival website ( or through the Festhome online platform, until july 15, 2023.

Once both requirements have been received, the online entry properly filled out and an operative link for the film screening, within the aforementioned deadline, we will consider the film officially entered for pre-selection.

The registered films will be evaluated by ANTOFACINE programming staff. Their role will be to define the films in competition.
The Festival will publish the pre-selection film title listing for competition on our website ( no later than October 2023.
The PROGRAMMING TEAM decision is final and not subject to appeal.

6.1 Screening Formats.

Selected films need to be available for festival screening in the following formats:
I) Blu Ray

6.2 Shipping of selected films and associated material.
a. International entries, please add – Cultural Contents, No Commercial Value, Not for Commercial Purposes. All the films must be in Chile no later than october 10th, 2023.
b. All associated material (technical sheet, stills, etc.) must be send no later than september 20, 2023.
If films do not arrive by the specified deadline, the organization reserves the right to eliminate the film from competition.

6.3 Insurance
a. The festival will not be responsible for damage or losses incurred during copy transit.
b. In case of serious damage or losses during the festival and while print copy is in our care, the organization will accept responsibility for replacement costs.

6.4 Print return of selected copies.
Copies of selected films will be returned within 30 days from the festival closing.
In the case of awarded films in each category, the festival reserves the right to keep one the two copies sent; strictly for non commercial promotional purposes within the festival’s extension activities, or for events following the film festival, with previous notification and authorization request, as detailed on item 8 of these regulations.

Selected films will be screened during the Festival in Antofagasta from November 14 to 18, 2023, according to the final selection and programming.

Those selected for competition authorize the festival for screening the film within the Festival time frame, and up to 2 extra screenings for the festival itinerant program.
All screenings are free of charge to the general public.

Once the film is entered and selected, it cannot be withdrawn from the competition.

The jury for each category will be people linked to the national and international audiovisual industry. They are not eligible to enter films in competition.

Each category will have a jury body integrated by at least 3 members.
The jury decision is secret and the votes will be counted via simple majority.
Jury members commit to withhold their opinions regarding films in competition, prior to the official award ceremony.

Any resolutions not covered in these guidelines will be reviewed by the Festival Direction and resolved accordingly.

The jurors in each category will make a ruling not subject to appeal, bestowing the winning films with ANTOFACINE top awards and prizes and can extend up to two honorable mentions.

The festival Direction has established that the Jury MUST AWARD ALL PRIZES in all competitive categories.

The awards contemplated by this event are:

10.1 Best International Feature
1.200.000 chilean pesos

10.2 Best National Feature
1.000.000 chilean pesos

10.3 Best International Short Film
500.000 chilean pesos

10.4 Best New Languages Film
800.000 chilean pesos

10.5 Audience Award for the Best National Feature

The amount of the money prizes considers the corresponding shipping costs via wire transfer, Western Union, PayPal or equivalent, therefore they will not be discounted from the total prize.

The amount of the money prizes in chilean pesos will be awarded in their equivalent in dollars to international productions.

The festival will announce the winning films during the award ceremony at the festival closing.
Those films that receive an award or acknowledgment, will commit to mentioning the festival in the film credits.

Entering a film in the festival authorizes partial use of selected films, for use on television or any other circuit for festival promotional purposes only.
The selected films will be kept in the festival video library. Future showcases or activities that consider the use of this material, will be allowed for non-profit activities only and if previously authorized by the Production Company or director.

By filling the entry form with all the required information, the applicants agree to participate and certify that they are true representatives of the filmmakers. Submittal of the entry form is considered an acceptance of all the festival rules and regulations hereby explained.

Any situation not covered in these regulations will be resolved by the Festival Direction in the most appropriate and convenient manner.

For any questions regarding these regulations, please write to:
Cynthia García Calvo
Programme Coordinator

Antofagasta/ Chile / 2023



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