Festival latinoamericano de cortos online ()

Online Short Films Latinamerican Film Festival

Dates limites

07 juin 2023
Appel à Inscriptions

30 sept. 2023
Festival fermé

24 nov. 2023
Date de notification

23 nov. 2023
25 nov. 2023


-,  6320, PUERTO LA CRUZ, Anzoátegui, Venezuela

Description du Festival
Festival d court métrage >5' 10'<

Exigences du Festival
 Festival de cinéma
 Music Video
 Tous les genres
 Tous les thèmes
 N’a pas de frais de d’inscription
 Festival International
 Lieu physique et en ligne
 janvier 2021
 Pays de production: Obligatoire
 Pays de tournage: Tout
 Nationalités des directeurs: Tout
 Premiers Films 
 Projets scolaires 
 Courts-métrages  >5' 10'<
Partager sur les réseaux sociaux

Photo of Festival latinoamericano de cortos online
Photo of Festival latinoamericano de cortos online
Photo of Festival latinoamericano de cortos online
Photo of Festival latinoamericano de cortos online

French ML

Début du Festival: 23 novembre 2023      Fin du Festival: 25 novembre 2023

Only for Latinamerican film-makers // Solo para cineastas latinoamericanos y se abrió un capitulo para España y lenguas extrangeras con subtitulos en español para el 7º festival 2023.

Digital Certificate

DE CORTOS online


DE CORTOS online PUERTA DEL SOL (FESLACOR) is based in the city of Puerto la Cruz, Anzoátegui state, in Venezuela.

2.- In this 7th EDITION, short films from any Latin American country and from the rest of the world can participate. Without exception, works in foreign languages must be subtitled in Spanish.

3.- The category of the participating short films will be FICTION, DOCUMENTARY, ANIMATED and POSTER of the work.

4.- The duration of the short films, including titles and credits, will be a minimum of FIVE (05) minutes and a maximum of TEN (10) minutes. The shorts that exceed this rule do not enter the competition, however, the jury will consider selecting them only for showing.

5.- Each Latin American participant may send up to THREE (03) short films, only ONE (01) per category. Participants from the rest of the world may send ONE (01) short film.

6.- The accepted format is MP4, MPG or AVI.

7.- Only short films made after January 1, 2021 will be accepted.

8.- To participate, you must upload the short films using ONLY ONE of the following options:

• https://drive.google.com/
• https://vimeo.com/watch
• https://www.youtube.com/
• https://www.wetransfer.com
• https://www.festhome.com

In the description of the File or Video, "Participant of the FESTIVAL LATINOAMERICANO
DE CORTOS online" must appear, indicating the password or password in cases where it is used.

8.- Once the works have been uploaded to the platforms, they must also be MANDATORY sent to the email
feslacoronline@gmail.com the following information:

• The REGISTRATION SHEET duly signed with all the requested information.
• PHOTOGRAPHY of the director or director and
• POSTER or Poster of the short film.

If necessary, the Organizers will maintain contact with the participants ONLY through their sending email.

9.- The works must be sent between June 3 and September 30, 2023. The Organization, however, reserves the right to extend the date of reception of works if it deems it appropriate.

10.- The authors or representatives of the short films are responsible for any infringement against copyright that their work may produce, exempting the Organization from any type of responsibility.

11.- Of all the short films received, the organization will preselect FIVE (05) works for each category which will participate in this edition. The list of PRESELECTED shorts will be published on October 14 on the Festival website (https://festlatinocortospu.wixsite.com/feslacor). On October 21, the NOMINATES will be announced and finally the WINNERS of the Festival on October 28, 2023.

12.- The Jury of this edition will be made up of professionals from the national and international audiovisual media and their names will be announced in due course.

13.- The Festival will recognize the best works chosen by the qualifying Jury:

• Best Fiction Short Film,
• Best Documentary Short Film
• Best Animated Short Film and
• Best Poster or Poster
• The best work chosen by the Public (Best Short Film by Popular Vote) will also be recognized.

14.- Additionally, the Jury may determine and recognize the Mentions it deems appropriate depending on the quality of the works presented.

15.- All the winners will receive a Digital Diploma that accredits the recognition obtained.

16.- Institutional short films or those that contain explicit advertising of any institution or product are not allowed, it will only be accepted in the credits and acknowledgments.

17.- Sending the works to the Festival automatically implies full acceptance of these Terms and grants the Organization power for promotion and dissemination.

18.- Anything not provided for in these rules will be resolved by the Jury and the Festival Organization.



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