Premios Oriana y Festival De Sant Andreu De La Barca (13)

Premios Oriana


07 Nov 2024
Call for entries

10 Sep 2025
Final deadline


07 Oct 2025
Notification date

08 Oct 2025
11 Oct 2025


Avenida Argentina 47,  08740, Sant Andreu de la Barca, Barcelona, Spain

Festival description
Short film festival
Feature film festival

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 June 2023
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films 
 Feature Films 
English Spanish
English Spanish
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Photo of  Premios  Oriana   y Festival De Sant Andreu De La Barca
Photo of  Premios  Oriana   y Festival De Sant Andreu De La Barca

Photo of  Premios  Oriana   y Festival De Sant Andreu De La Barca
Photo of  Premios  Oriana   y Festival De Sant Andreu De La Barca


Festival start: 08 October 2025      Festival end: 11 October 2025

13th of the Sant Andreu de la Barca Film Festival and framework of the Oriana Awards delivery
The gala is held at the Nuria Espert Theater, where in one night the work of a year of filmmakers of short films, documentaries, web series and feature films is brought together.



We know you're months waiting for this moment, you have a short, documentary or film and that you've accumulated thrilled thinking in participating in the next edition of the awards ORIANA and the FESTIVAL of cinema and short films of SANT ANDREU DE LA BARCA.

Now is your time, and we offer you a complete guide of all the steps to follow to get your shorts. documentaries or movies, we encourage you to follow the instructions step by step and, of course, wish you good luck.You have to comply with basic rules: natural or legal persons of any nationality can participate.

The number of short films, documentaries, and movies that you can present to contest is unlimited, your short, documentary or movie must be original or a version of a work, produced between June, 1st, 2023 and July, 1st, 2025.

Your short film, documentary or film can be featured in this festival if you have submitted previously to this festival.

Topics dedicated to violence or pornography will not be accepted. If your short film, documentary or film in breach of any of these points, it may not be accepted in competition. In addition, may not participate in the contest employees of Los Premios Oriana, or the Festival of Sant Andreu of the Barca.

Your short

If you present your short in the edition of the Festival and awards Oriana have to take into account the following requirements:

Fiction y animation: your short can last a minimum of 2'30'' minutes to 23 minutes maximum including end credits.

Documentaries: between 45 and 120 minutes long.

Feature films: between 45 and 120 minutes long.

Our festival is bilingual. So that your short can be seen by the largest possible number of people, it is mandatory to send it subtitled.

If your short is in Castilian, subtitles in english

If your short is in english = Spanish subtitles

if your short is in any other language = subtitles in english or Spanish.

In addition to the video file, you have to send two images: poster of your short film.

A frame of your short, containing the title and the subtitle overlay. It is very important that both the poster and the frame that you send have good quality (that look sharp, not pixelated) because the cover letter of your short on the web.

CHARACTERISTICS of your documentary and the FILM playground(2) not violent nor PORNOGRAPHIC content.

Submissions deadline:september, 01th, 2025.

FINALLY, prompt authorization will be asked for non commercial use of your short film in the FESTIVAL, both for the promotion on the official webpage and in the projection the day of the GALA.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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