Post Alley Film Festival ()


14 Jun 2019
Call for entries

16 Aug 2019
Standard deadline

08 Nov 2019
Late deadline

13 Dec 2019
Festival closed

14 Feb 2020
Notification date

28 Mar 2020
28 Mar 2020


1506 35th Avenue,  98122, Seattle, King County, United States

Festival description
Women Film
Short film festival >2' 15'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 Production date: Any
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  >2' 15'<
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Photo of Post Alley Film Festival
Photo of Post Alley Film Festival
Photo of Post Alley Film Festival
Photo of Post Alley Film Festival


Festival start: 28 March 2020      Festival end: 28 March 2020

Post Alley Film Festival is a day-long screening event of female centric and eccentric short films celebrating established and emerging, creative filmmakers. The festival provides a venue for the female voice in film with thought provoking works that entertain and challenge. PAFF screens short films by women and men. It is unique in the Pacific NW. PAFF is sponsored by Women in Film Seattle WIF Seattle is a professional organization that provides resources and opportunities for female filmmakers and promotes the interlacing of our filmmaker community. WIF Seattle is dedicated to promoting respect of women on and off set and screen.

Cash Prizes: 2,000$

Audience Award - cash prize $250 and laurels
Curators Pick - cash prize $250 and laurels - sponsor, Laughing Dog Pictures
Best Director - cash prize $250 and laurels - sponsor, Von Piglet Productions
Emerging Filmmaker - cash prize $250 and laurels
Best Comedy - cash prize $250 and laurels - sponsor, Canine Productions
Best Editing - cash prize $500 and laurels, plus 3 months Adobe CC - sponsor, Hello
Outstanding Achievement - cash prize $250 and laurels - sponsors, Ron Leamon and Gerard Parr
Other Jury Awards in variable categories + laurels. Future prizes TBD


Welcome to the Post Alley (shorts) Film Festival! PAFF is a day of woman centric and eccentric short films celebrating established and emerging filmmakers with strong creative voices. PAFF is co-sponsored by Women in Film Seattle whose mission is to provide connection, education, equity and support for female filmmakers and the interlacing of a strong, educated, creative, filmmaking community. WIF Seattle promotes respect for women on and off set and screen.

WIF Seattle is a member of international WIFTI, a non-profit professional organization dedicated to advancing opportunities for women in the film, television, video, digital, and screen-based media industries.

Festival venue: The SIFF Film Center, Seattle Center, Seattle, Washington.

Eligibility: PAFF accepts only short films (narrative, documentary, animated, experimental, student) completed by October of the previous festival year. PAFF may accept and welcomes earlier produced films if, in the sole discretion of PAFF, the film is of outstanding quality or importance. Such films have typically won numerous festival awards and/or have obtained archival status. Note: PAFF has screened films that are more than 10 years older than the current festival date if they deserve, in the curator’s discretion, to be theater screened, despite being available in the public sector or online. (Note: by film we mean: film, video, digital, photographic media.)

Women directors are encouraged. Woman-oriented subject matter and films are imperative. PAFF screens films in which women have played important creative roles. PAFF will screen films by male directors.

• Industrial/corporate films, music videos, commercials, PSAs, and pornographic material are not accepted.
• All music and other copyrighted material used in films must be properly licensed.
• All films must be in English or subtitled in English.

Length: 1-19 minutes

Submission fees/deadlines:
Early Deadline: General entry fee: $15.00 - Women in Film members fee: $10.00
Official Deadline: (postmarked) General entry fee: $20.00 – Women in Film members fee: $10.00
Late Deadline: General entry fee: $25.00 – Women in Film members fee: $15.00
Absolute deadline: General entry fee: $30.00 and a note from your mother. WIF members: $25.00

• One submission per entry fee only please.
• Print supplier is solely responsible for the cost of submission and shipment.
• Please supply return pre-paid envelope if you wish your entry returned.

Payment: If not using Festhome, pay via PayPal on or make checks payable to: Women in Film Seattle (note on your check: PAFF) and send with your application to: Post Alley Film Festival Att Virginia Bogert 1506 35th Avenue, Seattle, WA , 98122, USA.

Submission screeners: Movies can be submitted for viewing via Festhome or on NTSC professional DVD Zone 0 preview screeners, or uploaded on VIMEO and the link (Quicktime, mov.) sent to the PAFF Curator

Note: If you provide a link and your film is accepted, PAFF requires a usable link to promote future festivals. f you send DVDs, submission screeners will not be returned. Please test your two DVD preview screeners for imperfections before submitting.

Final festival screening specs: Films can be projected in DVD, Blu-Ray, HD, Digital Beta, Betacam SP, 16mm, 35mm, and Full resolution QuickTime file (pro-res 422) - preferred. You may also submit your final festival screener on a returnable thumb drive. (Please provide a stamped, self-addressed envelope).

If selected, please supply the highest quality format to screen your film. We want it to look as good as you meant your film to be.

Note: The times and dates of screenings of films are at the discretion of PAFF.

Also, please state what format your film has been mastered on and on what format you will send your final screened version.

Delivery: Final Masters, send to: Curator Virginia Bogert – contact addresses below.

Notification: Check Post Alley Film Festival facebook page for dates of notifications and Festhome.

• Fill out the application form of the PAFF website!
• Filmmakers who have been invited to screen at the festival must still fill out an application form and send it to Virginia Bogert, Curator PAFF.
• Send links to or two (2) preview DVDs if not submitting via FilmFreeway. DVDs will not be returned.
• Filmmakers wanting return of their submissions if on tape or film must submit a pre-stamped self-addressed envelope. The materials will be returned after the festival.
• Foreign language films must have English subtitles.
• To be considered, PAFF must receive:
A completed entry form submitted via email and/or by mail with DVD screener, hard copy signed if not submitting via FilmFreeway.
• Two (2) DVDs, NTSC format of your film/video or a viable link to your film.
• The required entry fee.

Mailing address:
Virginia Bogert, Curator Post Alley Film Festival (PAFF)
1506 35th Avenue
Seattle, WA 98122

If you have questions about eligibility, deadlines, possible fee waivers, shipping, or anything else that you can’t Google or Bing, or on PAFF’s FAQ, contact Curator/Festival Director: 206 380-1236
"My goal as Post Alley Film Festival curator is to program with care and intelligence exceptional work by women filmmakers, provide a venue for female-centric movies, and at the same time, present a balanced lens that includes films by and about women and men." –Virginia Bogert, PAFF Curator, WIF Seattle President Emerita | Community Liaison

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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