17 Jul 24
- Fiction, Documentary, Animation short films duration 30 min.
08 Apr 2024
Aufruf zu Einschreibungen
11 Apr 2024
Frühe Frist
12 Mai 2024
12 Jun 2024
Späte Frist
17 Jul 2024
Festival geschlossen
19 Jul 2024
21 Jul 2024
21 Jul 2024
Festival Start: 21 Juli 2024 Festival Ende: 21 Juli 2024
Open Window International Film Challenge is an independent film competition with quarterly physical screening. Open Window International Film Challenge is open to all Organization /Agency /Independent /Producer/Directors aiming to inspire, motivate and award the true innovative and artistic geniuses of our time. Every independent artist hopes to one day emerge from the underground scene and share their talents with the masses. Hopefully the showcase platform we provide will help facilitate that dream. We’re excited to display a wide range of works from all genres that will have industry pros, filmmakers and film goers buzzing.
Every quarter, Judges will award the best films of each category. Every winner will be given the distinction of an Official Finalist of the annual event in which Judges and Audience will award the best films of each category. The physical screening event shall be in Kolkata
Venue Detail :
Jogesh Mime Academy Auditorium
95, SP Mukherjee Road,
Kolkata, West Bengal 700026
Best Indian Short Film
Best International Short Film
Best One Minute Short Film
Best LGBTQ+ Film
Best Indian Feature Film
Best International Feature Film
Best Student Film
Best Music Video/ Best Music
Best Web Series.
Best Documentary Film
Best Animation Film
BEST Drama Film
Best Experiment Film
Best Horror Film
Best Romantic Film
Best Jury Award
Best Director
Best DOP
Best Screenwriter
Best Editor
Humanitarian Award
The winner will receive Laurel, Certificate.
Depending upon the number of entries for each category and the quality of films submitted, we could also give Special Mentions.
1. Open Window International Film Challenge is a quarterly film competition with live screening open to all Organization /Agency /Independent /Producer/Directors.
2. Submission will be accepted by submission partners/ Hard copy(DVD not acceptable)
3. Categories of the festival are
International Short Films: - All Genre of International Short Films with Duration 2 minutes to 15 minutes with opening and closing credit.
Indian Short Films: - All Genre of Indian Short Films with Duration 2 minutes to 15 minutes with opening and closing credit.
Student Short Films: - All Genre of Student Short Films with Duration 1 minutes to 20 minutes with opening and closing credit.
LGBT Films: - All LGBT Films with Duration 1 minutes to 120 minutes with opening and closing credit.
International Feature Films: - All Genre of International Feature films with Duration 60 minutes to 120 minutes duration with opening and closing credit. The winner of this categories will be announced once in three Month.
Indian Feature Films: - All Genre of Indian Feature films with Duration 60 minutes to 120 minutes duration with opening and closing credit. The winner of this categories will be announced once in three Month.
Music Video: - All Genre of Music Video with 10 Min. Duration Maximum.
Web Series: - All Genre of Indian/International Web Series with One Episode preview only (Prefer the First episode of the Season) other episodes are required on request.
1 Minute Short Film: - All Genre of Indian/ International Short Films with one-minute duration with opening and closing credit. More the one-minute duration films will be disqualified.
Screenplay: All kind of Short film Screenplay ( 30 Page maximum)
Best Indian Short Film
Best International Short Film
Best One Minute Short Film
Best LGBT Film
Best Indian Feature Film (One Film in three months)
Best International Feature Film (One Film in three months)
Best Student Film
Best Music Video/ Best Music
Best Web Series.
Best Documentary Film
Best Animation Film
BEST Drama Film
Best Experiment Film
Best Horror Film
Best Romantic Film
Best Jury Award
Best Director
Best DOP
Best Screenwriter
Best Editor
The winner will receive Laurel and Certificate.
Depending upon the number of entries for each category and the quality of films submitted, we could also give Special Mentions.
Submitter, Applicant agrees with Category and Award terms and rules by submitting the film.
4.Our jury screens the selections and also it goes for public screening and from there we select the winners.
5. All submissions are final. No refunds are provided.
6. All genre films will be accepted.
7. Winner films will require HD format of the film festival demand for screening in the annual event through Dropbox or WeTransfer.
8. All films which are selected/nominated for the competition or Festival will be informed only by emails & listed on festival website.
9. No inquiries or arguments will be entertained regarding non-selected films. The decision of festival selection committee will be final.
10. All non-English foreign language films /regional language Indian films must have English subtitles.
11. Festival organizers will not be responsible if the film is not screened due film format problem.
12. Festival director reserve the rights to disqualify any film on certain grounds.
13. Each entry will be accompanied by non-refundable fees.
14. The festival authorities will have the right to retain copies of each film and the material send as part of our festival library & can be screened in for Education, promotion, awareness & non-commercial purposes.
15. The excerpts from films send for Open Window International Film Challenge can be shown on the Indian / Int. T.V. / Local Network / Internet etc. For Promotional / Publicity.
16. Films that are submitted must be the entrant’s original work and shall not infringe on any copyrights or any other rights of any third Parties. Contestants agree that they have obtained all required copyright permissions regarding music, sound & images. Etc presented in their film
17. Entrants agree that Open Window International Film Challenge organizers will not be held liable for any copyright violations by you or your films.
18. Open Window International Film Challenge reserves the right to not screen any film for any reason it deems valid.
19. Open Window International Film Challenge will communicate all details through email communications only, so please give authorized email addresses and respond to emails asap. No phone call inquires.
20. Submission fee is non-refundable. Entries will not be processed without submission fee payment. No refund for non-selected, disqualified films
21. Open Window International Film Challenge organizers reserve rights change, cancel or re-schedule the dates, venue, awards & categories without consent or information to contestants.
22. The organizers reserve the right not to award any or all of the prizes.
23. Festival Director reserve the right to take all decision about the festival
24. The code of conduct will have to be strictly followed by the entrants; misbehavior will lead to disqualification & legal actions.
25. Open Window International Film Challenge and organizers reserve the right to make any necessary changes in regulations or scheduling.
26. The decision of the management is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
27. Films once entered infest will not be allowed to be withdrawn. Participation in the Open Window International Film Challenge implies acceptance of all these rules.
28. The decision of jury members will be final and accepted by all no inquiries or arguments will be entertained
29. Agree on the above terms & conditions of Open Window International Film Challenge organizing committee and promise to abide by it.
30. The applicant agrees to have read and accepted the rules & regulations for participation in the Open Window International Film Challenge . The applicant confirms that he/she has the requisite authority or has obtained the requisite authority from the producer/right holder to enter this film in the Open Window International Film Challenge and make available the print for screening. Under NO circumstance, the authorities of Open Window International Film Challenge and Competition will entertain or be answerable to anyone else apart from the applicant.
Selected films will enter into film competition. Where a special panel of festival jury will award the best films FOR THE EDITION, Winner films will receive Digital Printable Certificate and Laurel and discount coupon for expert review writing and winners' trophy (courier charges to be paid by the winners if they can not attend the screening).
17 Jul 24
- Fiction, Documentary, Animation short films duration 30 min.
17 Jul 24
All kind of Fiction, Documentary, Animation films by Students only
All short films by the student only.
17 Jul 24
All Documentary and Fiction, animation Feature Films
All Documentary and Fiction, animation Feature Films
17 Jul 24
All Web Series only one episode required.
17 Jul 24
All Music Video
17 Jul 24
Only Films with LGBT Subject
17 Jul 24
Only Films with DOCUMENTARY Subject
17 Jul 24
17 Jul 24
17 Jul 24
Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.