Submissions deadline
23 May 22
28 Sep 2021
Call for entries
06 Nov 2021
Early deadline
04 Dec 2021
Standard deadline
01 Feb 2022
Late deadline
23 May 2022
Festival closed
30 May 2022
Notification date
31 May 2022
31 May 2022
Festival start: 31 May 2022 Festival end: 31 May 2022
"So You Think You Can Act" is a competition exclusively targeted to recognize the talent of actors and actresses, stunt and fight performers, impersonators, standup comedians, and much more from around the world. Actors simply submit their reels or featured movie clips to the competition for consideration of their acting skills in many genres from drama to comedy. Or, for the multi-faceted actor, combination genre clips may also be submitted.
What makes So You Think You Can Act unique from other actor-oriented competitions? In order to insure that each submission is studied and rated on an individual basis, SYTYCA has instituted a system to insure that entries do not compete against each other, but instead are recognized for their own individual merits. For all intents and purposes, they compete against themselves: each entry is judged on individual merits and scored on an inherent value system. We want to insure that the judges focus is on you when it is your turn to be evaluated, not on all the other actors that are in cue: this insures that they will not have comparisons going on in their minds when they should be focusing entirely on YOU.
Your performance submission clips (s) will be posted screened on for general audience judging. When that stage is over, they will be moved to a panel of independent judges.
Awards are given based on a combination of points from judges and audience plus special suggestions given by judges, so, the audience alone is not a definite winning point. You could win a top award without audience rating. Judges score entries on a performance scale and winning entries are recognized and awarded.
Multiple awards will be given in a variety of genres in the following levels, with a trophy ceremony to culminate at the end of the year:
AWARDS: Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze
Any of the above awards can be combined (or not) with Outstanding Excellence, Excellence, Merit and Kudos
For example:
John Doe, Leading Actor (Finding Mama), Drama, Gold Award:Excellence
Pete Doe, Leading Actor (Timed Poison), Horror, Silver Award:Outstanding Excellence
The number of awards granted at any given level will fluctuate based on the total number of entries received for each competition deadline.
Foreign language clips must be subtitled in English
If submitting clips from film performances, they should be from 1 to 20 minutes and these could be a montage of clips.
Monologues should be not longer than 5 minutes
Please do not include monologues in a montage clip.
When submitting a single clip with your performance in a movie, please let us know the film's name and director's name.
An awards ceremony/Networking will be held a few weeks after the award winners are announced.
In the event not enough winners are available to attend or send a representative, we reserve the right to cancel the ceremony and postpone until the following season award ceremony.
The number of awards granted at any given level will fluctuate based on the total number of entries received for each competition deadline.
The competition reserves the right to refuse entries.
You are not required to be at the award ceremony to receive your award.
Submissions deadline
23 May 22
Submissions deadline
23 May 22
Submissions deadline
23 May 22
Submissions deadline
23 May 22
Submissions deadline
23 May 22
Submissions deadline
23 May 22
Submissions deadline
23 May 22
Submissions deadline
23 May 22
Submissions deadline
23 May 22
Submissions deadline
23 May 22
Submissions deadline
23 May 22
Submissions deadline
23 May 22
Submissions deadline
23 May 22
Submissions deadline
23 May 22
Submissions deadline
23 May 22
Submissions deadline
23 May 22
Submissions deadline
23 May 22
Submissions deadline
23 May 22
Submissions deadline
23 May 22
Submissions deadline
23 May 22
Submissions deadline
23 May 22
Submissions deadline
23 May 22
Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.