New Earth International Film Festival ()

New Earth Interational Film Festival

Fechas Límite

17 abr 2019

31 ago 2019
Festival Cerrado

20 sep 2019
Fecha de notificación

16 oct 2019
20 oct 2019


Komandosow 10/58,  30-334, Krakow, Małopolska, Polonia

Descripción del festival
Festival de cortometrajes >1' 12'<
Festival de largometrajes >60' 120'<

Requisitos del festival
 Festival de cine
 Cualquier género
 NO tiene tasa de inscripción
 Festival Internacional
 Ubicación física
 enero 2017
 Países de producción: Cualquiera
 Países de rodaje: Cualquiera
 Nacionalidad del Director/a: Cualquiera
 Óperas Primas 
 Proyectos Escolares 
 Cortometrajes  >1' 12'<
 Largometrajes  >60' 120'<
Compartir en Redes Sociales

Photo of New Earth International Film Festival
Photo of New Earth International Film Festival

Photo of New Earth International Film Festival
Photo of New Earth International Film Festival

Español ML

Inicio Festival: 16 octubre 2019      Fin Festival: 20 octubre 2019

You can experience the disastrous effects of climate change first-hand today. You can even feel air pollution, destruction of nature and ecological imbalance in the city. Look around and see what is happening around you.

Can you have an impact on the future and the quality of the environment? Does air quality depend on you? How about waste management, energy consumption or focusing on renewable energy sources? Just think.

What you can definitely do is make sure that as many people as possible are aware of the risks. Reach out to those who have not yet realized the consequences of ignoring environmental issues. Grab a phone, a camera, use an interesting idea to create an animation, a documentary, a short story to show that everything we do now has an impact on what air we breathe and what kind of environment we live in.

Make your planet perfect again!

Who is the competition for?
University students from all over the country,
Filmmakers and film industry professionals, film school students, people associated with the advertising industry, communication, visual arts and the environment,
Everyone regardless of nationality, profession, nature of studies and physical or legal personality.

Films objectives
Communication objectives
To raise awareness of all environmental problems.
To show how air pollution, bad greenery management, renewable sources, waste management, recycling, new technologies affect our surroundings and can affect the future.
To promote ideas and actions aimed at protecting and taking care of the natural environment in an adequate way.
To show how renewable energies, waste segregation, education, energy acquisition methods, energy-saving construction improve the quality of life.
Topics related to the management of environmental resources.
To show the importance of forest management, smart deforestation and afforestation, environmentally safe waste incineration, limiting car traffic for air quality; especially in cities.
The importance of nature protection for environmental.
To show what would happen if man did not care about the environment or vice versa....

Who we talk to:
Through a strong, dynamic and even advanced artistic message. Effectively attract the viewer's attention so that they can identify with both the problem and the real actions they can take to protect nature.

How can you present it?
Through a powerful message, as well as being dynamic and modern in such a way that it effectively captures the attention of the public, it identifies with both the problem and the possible concrete actions to be carried out.

Some of the topics to talk about:
Climate change, global warming, deforestation, air pollution, water pollution, conservation of natural resources, conservation and sustainability, protection of endangered animal and plant species, terrestrial biodiversity, depletion and destruction of natural resources, food waste, energy efficiency, use of renewable energy, solid and waste disposal, sustainable eating, protected areas, biological diversity, sustainable production and consumption, overpopulation, ocean acidification, ozone layer depletion, acid rain, urban sprawl, public health issues, ocean trash, illegal landfills in forests, etc.

What films can we accept for the competition?
Short films (animation, story, documentary) must be made after 1 January 2017, have a minimum length of one (1) minute and a maximum length of thirty nine (39) minutes, including credits.
Full-length films (animation, story, documentary) must be made after January 1, 2017, have a minimum length of forty (40) minutes, and a maximum length of one hundred and twenty (120) minutes, including credits.
Submitted films whose language is not Polish must be subtitled in English. Remember that the call for competition films closes on August 31, 2019.

Registration for the NEW EARTH International Film Festival 2019 for polish is free. The shipping of materials to the NEW EARTH International Film Festival 2019 offices must be covered by the participant.

The participant of every Edition must complete just one application form on one of our application platforms:

Entering data as requested means that the participant accepts the terms of participation.
All participants who send materials to the NEW EARTH International Film Festival 2019 festival explicitly accept the terms of the present Rules and the legal basis thereof.
For legal purposes, this means that all audio-visual work which is subject to competition in terms of the present General Rules complies strictly with each and every one of the conditions described therein, so that the submitting person or entity releases the Organizing Committee, the convener’s institutions or individuals, partners, officers, employees, agents and commission agents, from any liability which may arise from claims by third parties should they deem to have rights over such works or their content, and they shall bear the sole responsibility for any legal action taken against them as well as the economic consequences arising from these obligations.

The NEW EARTH International Film Festival 2019 reserves the right to disqualify from the competition all those works which do not comply with the rules of this call, or with the technical specifications set out on the website, or those which do not present the minimum quality of audio and video (low resolution image, underexposed, overexposed, inaudible or saturated audio, etc.); or in case of falsehood or inaccuracy of any information provided when submitting the artwork to the competition.


The registered films can be uploaded only once to one of the following platforms: FESTHOME from 6:00 pm on April 17th to 11:59 pm on August 31st, 2019.

All citizens of the world may participate. Filmmakers and film and advertising industry professionals, film, communication, visual arts, advertising students and all those related to the visual arts and the environment, collectively or individually, regardless of their profession or nature of their studies or physical or legal entity.
Excluded from the competition are all individuals and entities who participate or have participated in the organization and development (production of campaign materials, distribution, sponsorship and production) of the NEW EARTH International Film Festival 2019.
The NEW EARTH International Film Festival will feature 6 categories:
Short films:

Feature films:

In all cases the works submitted must comply with the technical specifications and content published at Any registered material which does not meet the required characteristics will be disqualified.
To participate in the competition categories:
The short films (Animation, Fiction, Documentary) must have been made after 1 January 2017, have a minimum length of one (1) minute and a maximum length of twelve (12) minutes, including credits.
The feature films (Animation, Fiction, Documentary) must have been made after 1 January 2017, have a minimum length of sixty (60) minutes and a maximum length of one hundred and twenty (120) minutes, including credits.
Registered films whose language is not Polish must be subtitled in English.
Each participant may submit one audio-visual (individual or team) work, by completing one form for each registered work, regardless of category.
For the purposes of the present Rules, it shall be assumed that a physical or legal person submitting an audio-visual work for the competition is the producer of the work and therefore owner of the economic rights.
The Producer must prove conclusively having obtained the rights of audio-visual performance from the various authors thereof considered individually (Direction, Screenplay, Adaptation, Photography, Music, Cartoons) as well as from artist performers in the part in question, by holding the respective contracts, on the understanding that failure to do so shall automatically disqualify the audio-visual work in question from the competition.
Such contracts shall have been granted under the rules established by law and be capable of being registered with the National Institute of Copyright or equivalent registration of each Country.
All audio-visual works which are subject to competition must be original and unpublished.
The contents of the audio-visual works should not incorporate parts or fragments of literary and artistic works, creative elements whose rights belong to third parties, except in accordance with your prior express written authorization, nor shall they contain phrases, expressions or threats against third parties, or which adversely affect the prestige, reputation or beliefs of others.
Nor shall trademarks of products or services, whether well-known or not, appear on screen.
The contestant must always retain, as part of their own collection, a digital copy of the audio-visual works subject to competition, given that the Organizing Committee will not have any obligation to return the files receive, or to preserve or maintain the same for any given time.
For all legal purposes in this case, a person who sends the audio-visual work to the competition in accordance with the present General Rules, by this fact alone authorizes the Organizing Committee to organize public presentations, transmission on television and electronic media containing the work subject to competition as part of the event called NEW EARTH International Film Festival and / or in coordination with its sponsors and co-operators, without having to pay a fee for the presentation or transmission of any audio-visual work which participates or appears in these media. The participant hereby grants the presentation and retransmission rights to the Organizing Committee or parties responsible for the organization of the International Film Festival NEW EARTH without any claims and without enforcing any rights.
The holders of the economic rights to each and every one of the works which are finalists must sign the contract to transfer rights to use and exploit them for the Alive Today Foundation, which will be provided to them by the Organizing Committee.
Failure to sign this contract will result in the disqualification of the work concerned.
Failure to comply with these requirements shall give the Organizing Committee and / or Jury the right to automatically disqualify the work in question.
Anything not covered in this notice shall be resolved exclusively by the Organizing Committee and its decisions are final.

All registered materials are evaluated in two stages:
First, by a selection committee comprised of specialists, academics, filmmakers and film industry professionals.
The competition jury shall qualify selected audio-visual works for the second stage, and thus they shall form part of the Official Selection 2019.
The Jury will be composed of 10 personalities from the film, advertising, communication and the environment industries.
The jury will evaluate the works submitted for the competition taking into account the clarity with which the message is expressed, its relevance to education and / or public awareness, creativity, originality, content and significance.
The jury’s decision is final.
All selected movies are going to be downloaded by FilmFreeway.
The Jury may declare void any of the categories of the competition or winners of thereof when, in its judgment, it finds that the works submitted do not meet the merits or requirements of this solicitation.
The decision of the Jury will be final and will be made public on the day of the award ceremony to be held in Krakow, Poland, whose date will be announced through and other official websites of the Festival.
Subsequently, these results will be published through the website and other official websites.
The contestants who have been winners in any category will be contacted via email to the address registered in the respective registration record.
Failure to reply to the letter by the deadline specified therein may void the prize.


All films selected from the first edition of the NEW EARTH International Film Festival 2019 will be exhibited at public events, movies, forums, and in electronic media.

The owners of the copyright and property rights accept that work such as extracts from such materials for dissemination are displayed in non-commercial events as part of the activities organized by the NEW EARTH International Film Festival and its sponsors or alliances.

The venues where the films will be presented will be announced through and / or other related official websites



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