Asylum Fantastic Fest ()


05 Jan 2021
Call for entries

31 May 2021
Festival closed

31 Jul 2021
Notification date

21 Oct 2021
24 Oct 2021


piazza umberto pilozzi,  00038, valmontone, roma, Italy

Festival description
Short film festival >1' 45'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Theme
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Online and Physical Location
 Production date: Any
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  >1' 45'<
 Any language
English Italian
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Photo of Asylum Fantastic Fest
Photo of Asylum Fantastic Fest

Photo of Asylum Fantastic Fest
Photo of Asylum Fantastic Fest


Festival start: 21 October 2021      Festival end: 24 October 2021

Following the great success of the First and Second Edition of the Asylum Fantastic Fest, which in 2019 saw over 2,500 admissions, over 30 Italian and international guests, about 300 films sent for selection, and in 2020, over 70,000 contacts in streaming, the 'Department of Culture of Valmontone and the OutOut Art Workshop open the selections for the Third Edition.

Born from the idea of ​​the Founder Claudio Miani, it is located in the heart of Lazio, in Valmontone, to become a reference point at national and international level for lovers of the genre, in a vision of long-term cultural project capable of bringing further emphasis , prestige and tourism to the entire territorial area.

An Art Festival as a "living cultural" project, where we do not just want to understand the culture in which we live, the actualization of the theme and the expressive form linked to the world of Horror and Fantastico, but with a wider range, all those experiences with their own roots and those evolutions developed by them, which in the positive sense of globalization interchange themselves in new cultural realities. It is therefore a question of interpreting a world by giving it a new form, perceiving its contents and aspirations in order to manifest them and communicate them through cinema, literature, music, performing arts, comics, animation and live contests. A research full of stimuli and hints, of new linguistic compositions and symbolic horizons, which are best expressed in a visual, narrative and structured diegesis, able to offer new genre perspectives.

The main purpose of the Asylum Fantastic Fest is to provide real visibility and support to the excellence of horror creativity, promoting realities and works that are able to provide new content readings and above all to confront the new 2.0 languages. The search for new trends and the opening up to currently non-standardized basins, allows us to guarantee the realization of a Festival capable of acting as a multi-year point of reference for a current that has always been looking for stimuli and developments. An event that wants to be an opportunity to stimulate collaboration between young Italian and international artists, offering moments of meeting and exchange for the sections present at the Festival.

Contamination is the word that contains sufficiently and clearly the importance that the Asylum Horror Fest reserves in this first edition and will reserve in those to come, the encounter between the different artistic forms. Working in a non-formal environment, where all the entities involved will be jointly responsible for the organization, it will be possible to reach the common goal of creating an expressive context where each of the participants can express their creative potential.

Cash Prizes: 1,200€

- Best Film Fiction (check of €. 150,00 and Asylum Award);
- Best Music Video (check of €. 150,00 and Asylum Awaard);
- Best Video Art (check of € .150,00 and Asylum Award)

The rules for registering the Cinematographic Works at the Festival are established as follows:

Art. 1
The competition has three sections:
- Video Art
- Music video
- Short films and fictional medium films

All films presented in the competition must have a maximum duration of 45 minutes, therefore short and medium-length films are allowed.

Art. 2
To participate in the Festival selections it is necessary to follow the procedures through registration on one of the following platforms:

Art. 3
For participation in the selection of the Second Edition of the Asylum Fantastic Fest there is a fee set in €. 10.00 (ten / 00) as administrative procedures.

Art. 4
Each author responds personally to the content of his works and guarantees paternity.

Art. 5
All films presented in languages other than Italian and English must be complete with subtitles in Italian or English.

Art. 6
Each author can submit a maximum of 3 works for each selection, but only 1 can access the final phase.

Art. 7
The final date by which it will be possible to register the Works for the Competition is set for March 30, 2021 and the Films admitted to the Competition will be communicated by April 15, 2021 by electronic notice to the interested parties and publication on the official website

Art. 8
The films selected will be screened based on a program that will be published on the Official Website prior to the event and directly communicated by electronic notice to direct productions.

Art. 9
All finalist films will be subjected to examination by a jury that will award a prize for the following categories:

- Best Film Fiction (check of €. 150,00 and Asylum Award);
- Best Music Video (check of €. 150,00 and Asylum Awaard);
- Best Video Art (check of € .150,00 and Asylum Award)

Furthermore, the Jury reserves the right to assign any ex-aequo, special mentions for merit or not to assign awards where there are no works deemed worthy.

Art. 10
To ensure an impartial and anonymous evaluation, the members of the Jury will be notified at the closing of the selections with a specific notice on the Official Website of the Festival
In any case, it will be composed of leading figures such as Directors, Screenwriters, Film Authors and Film Critics.

Art. 11
The decisions taken by the Jury are final.

Art. 12
 In case of selection it will not be possible to withdraw the Film from the competition.

Art. 13
The Direction of the Asylum Fantastic Fest, does not take charge of the expedition of the Prizes in the event that the Author was not present on the occasion of the Prize-giving.

Art. 14
No screening fees are due to the authors / distributors of the selected films.

Art. 15
With the acceptance of this announcement, the OutOut Art Workshop, curator of the Competition, is authorized to project the work in future events where the Asylum Press Editor Brand is present. Authors will always be notified of the inclusion of their work, before any screening.

Art. 16
The request to register for the Asylum Fantastic Fest implies the unconditional acceptance of this regulation.

Art. 17
For any clarification or information you can contact the contacts on the Official Website

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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