Festival Internacional De Cine De Terror De Valdivia (22)

Valdivia Horror Film Fest


31 Oct 2024
Call for entries

31 Jan 2025
Final deadline

28 Apr 2025
Notification date

05 May 2025
10 May 2025


Los Robles 04, Isla Teja ,  5110288, Valdivia, Valdivia, Chile

Festival description
Short film festival
Feature film festival

FantLatam accredited festival logo Accredited
Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Theme
 Does NOT have submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 Production date: Any
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films 
 Feature Films 
 Any language
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Photo of Festival Internacional De Cine De Terror De Valdivia
Photo of Festival Internacional De Cine De Terror De Valdivia

Photo of Festival Internacional De Cine De Terror De Valdivia
Photo of Festival Internacional De Cine De Terror De Valdivia


Festival start: 05 May 2025      Festival end: 10 May 2025

Section that has been several years and invites you to participate in a contest where you must terrorize the audience in just 2 minutes, has prizes in money to the first, second and third place, plus a recognition to the most popular audience, elected through popular vote among those who attend the night function. Jury made up of local and national filmmakers and festival personalities and the audiovisual media.

Cash Prizes: 145$

1st Prize: $ 350,000.- (three hundred and fifty thousand Chilean pesos)

2nd Prize: $ 220,000.- (two hundred and twenty thousand Chilean pesos)

3rd Prize: $ 130,000.- (one hundred thirty thousand Chilean pesos)

Who can participate:

Open to all amateurs and / or audiovisual filmmakers of all ages, cities and nationalities. They can participate individually or collectively. Up to two works are accepted per group or contestant.

Gender and theme:

Terror in any of its contents, forms and aesthetics (gore, gothic, giallo, fiction, suspense, psychological, animation, etc.).

Audiovisual treatment:

Free. You can use direct recordings, moving images, animations and audio band; all must be original. It will be the responsibility of the participant or authors of images and audios. In case of having dialogue in a language other than Spanish, it must be subtitled. Any use of images or audio without the relevant rights will imply the elimination of the participant.


Up to 2 minutes (including credits). Works of 3 minutes or more are immediately excluded from classifying.

Delivery of works:

Each participant must send a folder (.rar) through the digital platform "wetransfer or another of similar characteristics, with 2 copies of the short contestant (.mp4 and .avi) and the" REGISTRATION FORM FOR CORTOMETRAJES CINEMA TERROR 2025"( available at www.ccm-valdivia.cl) to the email cinedeterrorvaldivia@gmail.com where the subject must be "Short Film Contest of Terror 2025".

You must include an enrollment form for each short film you send.

Reception period:

Until 23:59 hours january 31, 2025, at the email cinedeterrorvaldivia@gmail.com

Selection criteria:

The jury will select only 10 works that will be considered finalists of the 2024 competition, and will be exhibited at the beginning of the final function of each day of the festival.

The jury will evaluate originality of the script, artistic and technical treatment, and relevance to the genre.


The jury will award first, second, third place; and up to two honorable mentions.

The public attending the functions will choose the "public favorite" prize through ballot voting in ballot boxes installed at the entrance of the Theater.

The awards for 2024 will be:

1st Prize: $ 350,000.- (three hundred and fifty thousand Chilean pesos)
2nd Prize: $ 220,000.- (two hundred and twenty thousand Chilean pesos)
3rd Prize: $ 130,000.- (one hundred thirty thousand Chilean pesos)

The jury reserves the right to increase or reduce the number of distinctions.


They will be announced on Saturday, May 10, 2025, at the Festival closing ceremony.


The short films will be published before and during the Terror Film Festival (April 05 - 10, 2025). The authors of the participating short films assign the exhibition rights to the Terror Cinema, who may exhibit them for the purpose of dissemination and / or promotion of the Festival.


The material delivered by the participants will not be returned. The mere presentation of works implies the acceptance of the contest rules. The responsibility for compliance with copyright laws will be the sole responsibility of the contestants. All costs and expenses incurred by the participants will be of their exclusive charge and the organization will not have any responsibility for them. No participant may demand reimbursement of any kind.

More information:
Nino Bernucci Meixner
63 2 219690



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