Submissions deadline
01 Aug 22
15 Jan 2022
Call for entries
15 Jan 2022
Early deadline
01 Mar 2022
Standard deadline
01 Jun 2022
Late deadline
01 Aug 2022
Festival closed
15 Jan 2022
Notification date
05 Oct 2022
09 Oct 2022
Festival start: 05 October 2022 Festival end: 09 October 2022
The Marbella International Film Festival brings together artists and their films from all corners of the globe to display their talents to the commercial world.
The Festival is growing in stature and receives continuous worldwide accolade, recognition and support for its contribution to the arts.
We are delighted to now be entering our 17th Marbella International Film Festival, to be held 5th to 9th October 2022.
The Festival has expanded considerably since it’s launch in 2006 and we now have additional collaboration and association with the Marbella Town Hall and Tourist Board, Marbella Film Office and the Andalucia Film Commission.
During the Festival we host five glamorous evening events with many networking opportunities, culminating in the grand Gala Awards Ceremony.
Attendees come from all over the world and include filmmakers, industry professionals, exhibitors, dignitaries, celebrities and VIPs, special invited guests and the rich and famous of course!
Awards for best short film
best feature
best documentaries
best director
5th to 9th October to 2022. (subject to change due to future possible corona restrictions.)
1.The Board of Directors invites and selects the films which will be presented in the competition and for screening. Each film invited to be part of the official selection by the Board of Directors will receive a Certificate of Participation.
2. Only films that meet the following criteria may be chosen for invitation to the official selection:
i) Films that have been produced during the eighteen months preceding the Festival.
ii) If participating in the “Short Film” category, films should not exceed 30 minutes in length, including credits.
3. Throughout the duration of the Festival, none of the films invited may be shown outside the Festival’s official theatres before its official screening.
4. Once a film has been selected it cannot be withdrawn from the Festival program during the event.
5. All non-english speaking films must be presented in their original version with english subtitles. All subtitling expenses are to be met by the film’s producer.
6. english language films must be subtitled in Spanish for the final screened version.
7. The Board of Directors selects all members of the jury for competition and screening. Each jury member will vote by a secret ballot. No person having taken part in the production or promotion of a film in competition may be on the jury.
8. The jury is obliged to award:
The best film in each category: Feature, TV Drama, Documentary, “Shorter Short”, Short.
9. All films to be submitted for the official selection must be entered by 1st August 2022.
An entry form must be completed for all submissions via our website prior to this date.
10. All films submitted must reach the Film Festival office by 5th August 2022. If copy of the film or a link to online version of the film is not received by this deadline it will not be submitted. This deadline is final.
11. The following will only be accepted for the submission process:
online secure screener
Please send your film once and in one format only.
Please note that the films submitted will not be returned.
N.B. It is possible to present a rough cut or in working progress of the film.
When filling out the entry form, please state if it is the final version, a rough cut or in working progress.
12. Complete documentation for each submitted film is to be made available to the Film Festival when required.
13. Submission fees:
13.1. Submissions are at reduced fee of £15-00 for shorts and £25-00 for features, for early bird calls up to 1st March 2022.
13.2. Standard submission fee of £25-00 for shorts and £35-00 for features and documentaries, applicable from 1st March to 1st June 2022.
13.3. Late submissions fees of £35-00, for shorts and £55-00 for features and documentaries applicable from 1st June to 1st July 2022.
13.4. Extended deadline submission fee of £50-00 for shorts and £75-00 for features and documentaries, applicable from 1st July to 1st August 2022
14. Marbella International Film Festival is organized by New World Trust, a non-profit organization that supports many different programs and initiatives within the industry.
15. If your film is selected you will be notified by 1st September 2022.
16. On being selected you must supply to us your work in link allowing the film to be screened online, formats as well as digital copy of the film on memory disc, by 20th September 2022.
17. You will be required to provide promotional materials such as posters and trailers of your film at your own expense, for the use during the festival.
18. Any supporting marketing and PR material available for the films selected must be supplied by the 20th of September 2022.
19. The Film Festival office can provide you with further details if your film is selected.
20. Any expenses for the shipping (for both import and export), screening and translation of films and DCP/DVDs presented to the selection committee with a view to their possible selection, are to be met by the film’s producers or relevant body. All expenses for the transportation and insurance of prints are also the responsibility of their owner.
20.1. If your film is selected for screening at the festival, it is the requirement of the festival that you must attend the festival, at your own expense, during 5th to 9th October 2022, to promote and support your film, and collect any awards. The film maker is required to provide proof of attendance by means of providing travel documents or apply and pay for festival accreditation, prior to final screening selection.
21. The Film Festival office has the power to settle all cases not covered by the present rules and regulations.
23. Participation in the Festival implies acceptance of all the aforementioned regulations and respect of submission and screening conditions. Furthermore, by completing the initial online submission form (you/ your company) agree to the Festival’s terms of the release as follows.
1) [You / The Company] hereby grant(s)the organizers of the Festival
Permission to screen the film during the Festival, and the festival’s world tour, and other associated promotional events. For the avoidance of doubt the location and timing of any screenings of the film shall be the sole decision of the organizers of the Film Festival.
2) [You / The Company] [have / has] obtained signed release forms in relation to copyright and all other rights now known from all the cast, crew and any freelance contributors who were involved in the making of the film.
3) The film contains no material which is obscene, libellous, or defamatory.
4) [You / The Company] [have / has] obtained the appropriate copyright clearances for all music used in the film (if required).
5) [You / The Company] will be solely responsible for all costs resulting from the submission of the film to the Festival including but not limited to postage or insurance of the film, transport costs of the film to and from the Festival and travel costs and expenses of your staff or any representatives of the film.
6) [You / The Company] will indemnify the organizers of the Festival against all claims, demands, costs, damages, expenses (including legal fees), proceedings and losses resulting from the screening of the film at the Festival or from claims by any third parties.
7) [You / A director of the Company] [have / has] read, understood, and agree[s] to be fully bound by the Rules and Regulations 2022 of the festival.
8) [You / The Company] understand[s] and agree[s] that any failure to follow and adhere to the Rules and Regulations 2022 of the Festival will result in the disqualification of the film.
9) [You / The Company] hereby give[s] the organizers of the festival a nonexclusive license to use [your/ its] name, [photograph / logo], and likeness in connection with any and all publicity and promotional activities relating to the festival, and its promotional activities and events.
10) [You / The Company] understand[s] that the Festival is not obliged to return the copy of the film that [you / the company] submitted to the Festival and confirm that [you / the company] [have / has] retained at least one other copy of the film.
11) [You / The Company] understand[s] that the organizers of the Festival accept no liability for the loss or non-receipt of the film.
12) [You / The Company] understand[s] that there are no fees [due to you / it] for screening the film at the Festival or for any other matters arising from the submission of the film to the Festival and accept that the organizers of the Festival are therefore under no obligation to pay you any sums
13) [You / The Company] agree[s] to be bound by the decision of the judges of the Festival whose decision will be final. [You / The Company] further understand[s] and agree[s] that the judges are not obliged to give any feedback to you regarding the film.
14) [You / The Company} confirm[s] and warrant [s]that [you are/it is] the author of the film and the sole and exclusive owner of all rights now known in the Film and [have /has] full and exclusive rights to submit the film to the Festival. [You / The Company] further warrant [s] that the film is not under option, nor has it been purchased by any third party. [You / the Company] also warrant[s] that there is no current dispute as to the ownership of the film and that no rights or permissions are required from any third parties before the film can be screened at the Festival.
15) [You / The Company] agree[s] that any legal dispute between [you / the company] and the organizers of the Festival will be heard in the english courts according to the law of England and Wales.
The festival's Terms and Conditions of Entry to which all applicants must agree.
Participation in the Festival implies acceptance of all the aforementioned regulations and respect of pre-selection conditions, furthermore by completing the online submission form (you/ your company) agree with the festival’s terms of the release as follows:
1. You/ the Company hereby grant(s) the organisers of the festival permission to screen the Film during the Festival. For the avoidance of doubt the location and timing of any screenings of the Film shall be the sole decision of the organisers of the Festival.
2. You/ the Company have/ has obtained signed release forms in relation to copyright and all other rights now known from all the cast, crew and any freelance contributors who were involved in the making of the Film.
3. The Film contains no material which is obscene, libellous, or defamatory.
4. You/ the Company have/ has obtained the appropriate copyright clearances for all music used in the Film (if required).
5. You/ the Company will be solely responsible for all costs resulting from the submission of the Film to the Festival including but not limited to postage or insurance of the Film, transport costs of the Film to and from the Festival and travel costs and expenses of your staff or any representatives of the Film.
6. You/ the Company will indemnify the organisers of the Festival against all claims, demands, costs, damages, expenses (including legal fees), proceedings and losses resulting from the screening of the Film at the Festival or from claims by any third parties.
7. You/ a director of the Company have/ has read, understood and agree(s) to be fully bound by the Rules and Regulations 2022 of the festival.
8. You/ the Company understand and agree (s) that any failure to follow and adhere to the Rules and Regulations 2022 of the Festival will result in the disqualification of the Film.
9. You/ the Company hereby give(s) the organisers of the festival a nonexclusive licence to use your/ its name, (photograph/ logo), and likeness in connection with any and all publicity and promotional activities relating to the Festival.
10. You/ the Company understand(s) that the Festival is not obliged to return the copy of the Film that you/ the Company submitted to the Festival and confirm that you/ the Company have/ has retained at least one other copy of the Film.
11. You/ the Company understand (s) that the organisers of the Festival accept no liability for the loss or non-receipt of the Film.
12. You/ the Company understand(s) that there are no fees due to you/ it for screening the Film at the Festival or for any other matters arising from the submission of the Film to the Festival and accept that the organisers of the Festival are therefore under no obligation to pay you any sums.
13. You/ the Company agree (s) to be bound by the decision of the judges of the Festival whose decision will be final. You/ the Company further understand (s) and agree(s) that the judges are not obliged to give any feedback to you regarding the Film.
14. You/ the Company confirm (s) and warrant(s) that you are/ it is the author of the Film and the sole and exclusive owner of all rights now known in the Film and have/ has full and exclusive rights to submit the Film to the Festival. You/ the Company further warrant(s) that the Film is not under option, nor has it been purchased by any third party. You/ the Company also warrant(s) that there is no current dispute as to the ownership of the Film and that no rights or permissions are required from any third parties before the Film can be screened at the Festival.
15. You/ the Company agree (s) that any legal dispute between you/ the Company and the organisers of the Festival will be heard in the english courts according to the law of England and Wales.
Submissions deadline
01 Aug 22
Submissions deadline
01 Aug 22
Submissions deadline
01 Aug 22
Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.