Memorimage - Festival Internacional de Cine de Reus (19)

Memorimage - Festival Internacional de cine de Reus


11 Jun 2024
Call for entries

08 Jul 2024
Festival closed

10 Oct 2024
Notification date

06 Nov 2024
09 Nov 2024


Carrer de Sant Joan, 27,  43201, Reus, Tarragona, Spain

Festival description
Short film festival
Feature film festival

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Online and Physical Location
 January 2023
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films 
 Feature Films 
 Any language
 Any language
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Photo of Memorimage - Festival Internacional de Cine de Reus
Photo of Memorimage - Festival Internacional de Cine de Reus

Photo of Memorimage - Festival Internacional de Cine de Reus
Photo of Memorimage - Festival Internacional de Cine de Reus


Festival start: 06 November 2024      Festival end: 09 November 2024

Memorimage, International Film Festival of Reus is a Festival targeting films that use archival moving images.

The 19th edition of Memorimage will be celebrated from the 6th to the 9th of November 2024.

Memorimage awards are:

Award to the Best Film of Official Section. Statuette awarded to the Film Director on behalf of Reus City Council. The Jury designated by the organization will decide this award

* This award is applicable to all films screened at the Official Section.

An Award to the Best Research Work. A statuette was given to the Film Researcher on behalf of the Cinema Rescat Association. The Jury configured by Cinema·Rescat will decide this award.

* This award is applicable to all films in the Official Section, MemoriReus and the closing film.

An award to the Best Film of MemoriReus Section. A statuette and 300€ will be given to the Film Director, sponsored by Rabassa, Arts Gràfiques. The audiences attending the Festival will decide on the winner of this award by simple majority vote.
*This award is applicable to all films screened at MemoriReus section.

An award to the Best Film of Memorijove Section. A statuette given to the director. The audience attending at the Memorijove will decide on the winner of this award by simple majority bote. *This award is applicable to all films screened at Memorijove

Award to the Best Film of Official Section or MemoriReus Section. The audiences attending the Festival will decide on the winner of this award by simple majority vote
* This award is applicable to all films screened at the Official Section or MemoriReus Section.

None of the awards described in point 6 may be declared void or exequo.

Both the decision of the jury and the films selection are final and will not be submitted to further discussion.

All the films entering the competition must include audiovisual archival images (moving images, static photographs and sound archives). Archival images shall be understood as images from any period that reflect past situations, places, events, people, etc. that could not be shot again. Images that were originally recorded with no intention of being used in any specific film or television programme.

All films selected must be Spanish premieres (with the exception of the Section MemoriReus), and preference will be given to films that have not been screened at any film festivals in Spain.

*Nevertheless, Memorimage reserves the right to schedule films that have been screened in Spain.

Memorimage has entrusted programmers with the selection of the films. The programmers will be elected by the Festival’s organization through an open call of films.



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