Universal Film Festival ()


19 9월 2019
출품 요청

31 5월 2020
영화제 마감

01 8월 2020

22 8월 2020
24 8월 2020


P.O. Box 41222,  64141, Kansas City, Missouri, United States

영화제 개요
단편 영화제 >8' 60'<
장편 영화제 >80' 150'<

영화제 참가요건
 Music Video
 모든 장르
 모든 테마
 출품비 있음
 국제 영화제
 실제 위치
 1월 2015
 제작 국가: 기타
 촬영 국가: 기타
 감독 국적: 기타
 데뷔 영화 
 학교 프로젝트 
 단편영화  >8' 60'<
 장편영화  >80' 150'<
 모든 언어
 모든 언어
소셜 네트워크에서 공유

Photo of Universal Film Festival
Photo of Universal Film Festival
Photo of Universal Film Festival
Photo of Universal Film Festival

한국어 (Korean) ML

영화제 시작: 22 8월 2020      영화제 끝: 24 8월 2020

Universal Film Festival is an Annual International Independent Film Festival held in Kansas City Missouri USA. We at Universal Film Festival celebrate, validate and support the talents of the next generation of independent filmmakers around the world

Award in following categories:

01) Best Actor
02) Best Actress
03) Best Cinematography
04) Best Comedy
05) Best Director
06) Best Drama
07) Best Documentary
08) Best Film
09) Best Foreign Film
10) Best Horror
11) Best Producer
12) Best Short Film

Rules and Recommendations:


1) Submissions in languages other than English must have English subtitles.
2) Submissions will be accepted via Festhome. The submitter must have proper rights to submit the film.
3) Production of the film must be within 5 years of festival date. (2015 or later)
4) Exhibition format must be delivered on DCP. This MUST be by the date stipulated in invitation. NO exceptions.
5) Any promotional materials (i.e. DVD, Posters, Etc.) mailed to Universal Film Festival will remain property of Universal Film Festival
6) Films are allowed to have screened prior to submission to the Universal Film Festival, but must not be under current distribution.
7) Films cannot have been released prior to submission to the Universal Film Festival and/or been broadcast on television.

1) Submit trailer along with virtual presskit upon initial submission
2) Student discount waiver offered. Student ID must be presented. (contact info@unversalfilmfestival.com for more information)

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



단 한번의 클릭으로, 멋진 영화와 영화제를 발굴해보세요
