출품 마감일
01 7월 24
Trabajo realizado por creadores extranjeros, de nacionalidad extranjera no colombiana.
The works must be subtitled in Spanish.
Frenesí La Unión Valle Film Festival
27 3월 2024
출품 요청
01 7월 2024
영화제 마감
08 12월 2024
10 12월 2024
영화제 시작: 08 12월 2024 영화제 끝: 10 12월 2024
The International Film Festival of La Union Valle FRENESÍ, seeks to be a platform for the meeting, support and dissemination of new audiovisual creators in search of expanding their knowledge. We celebrate the passion for cinema, giving the opportunity to share with creatives in the same line.
Recognition with the respective logo of winner and a digital certificate endorsing the position or mention delivered by the jury.
Regulation or selection criteria
Selection criteria
For fiction, documentary, video clip and animation categories
Maximum 15 minutes including credits (No exceptions) for the categories of fiction and animation, 35 minutes including credits for documentary, 1 minute including credits for video-clip.
The short films should be sent to the email frenesifilmfestival@gmail.com in .MOV or .MP4 format with a minimum quality of 1920x1080.
Stereo sound.
Only works completed from August 1, 2022 onwards, enter into competition.
Short films that are permanently available to the public or available on digital platforms are not accepted, except for those that apply to the category Video-clip.
Non-Spanish speaking works must be subtitled in Spanish.
The participant must send an email to the address: frenesifilmfestival@gmail.com with the subject: Call 2024 in which you must attach:
A drive link with the option to download the audiovisual piece to participate
Final poster in original size.
A photo of the director
Official trailer (if it is within the official selection)
Short synopsis
Data sheet
Email and contact number
Makign off (In case of not having video record, attach at least 10 photos of Making off)
Social networks of the project (if you have them)
For the digital category
8-Only material exposed to the public is permanently received on any digital platform and uploaded to them on a date after January 1, 2017 (and created for that purpose).
9-All entries must have a minimum of 100,000 one hundred thousand reproductions by the closing date and a maximum duration of 7 minutes including credits.
10-The reproductions will not influence, the work with millions of reproductions will be judged the same as the one of one hundred thousand and the previous amount said as an initial measure of its effectiveness as digital content is required. In this case at the time of pre-selection, the committee in charge will measure the coherence of likes and comments of the video with the number of reproductions to rule out the use of bots, but this measure will not be applied by the juries when choosing the winners of the category.
11-An additional copy must be sent together with the Lick for accommodation of the public piece, which must include the respective credits of the production at the end of the video.
12-In case of being housed in a platform with its own sound library, it should be specified, as well as the names of the compositions, the authors' names and pertinent information in the credits.
13-If the filmmakers used music from sound banks under creative commons licenses and derivatives, they must include the respective license badges, cite the bank from which the material was extracted and give their respective credits to the authors.
14-Any audiovisual piece created for exclusive diffusion of the Internet, Vlogs, Daily vlog, Challenges, Tutorials, parodies, shorts, etc ... that merit participation for its good use of the audiovisual language and film narrative in the festival and face to the critics of the jury.
15-In the case of music videos that will be made under digital purposes such as challenges, celebrations, parodies, etc ... that have sufficient merits to participate in the festival, they will be included immediately in this category and not in the video clip.
For all categories
16. Works with the participation of minors must attach the permissions of the legal guardians allowing their participation in the short.
17. Submitted works not selected for competition, may be included in the official section under the heading "Out of competition" and in the dissemination projections of the different platforms of the festival.
18. The festival may, in future editions, make use of fragments of the submitted works and include them in a campaign of expectation or exclusive and exclusive advertising for the strict use of and not for purposes unrelated to the festival (faithfully respecting the author's right, granting on all occasions the credits thereof).
19. When sending the works, the entire group that makes up the production accepts the terms and conditions, the rules and selection criteria of the festival and abides by the rules established by the organizing committee, at the time that accepts the jury's decision.
20. The works must be originals of the production team.
21. Works with advertising content are not allowed.
22. The participation of works with musical elements or their own or without respective authorization for their use is also not allowed. (The music must be original or sound banks licensed creative commons) If you have used music, sounds or sound effects of banks or derivatives under creative commons license, must be specified, as must be mentioned the name of the library, that of the compositions, that of its authors and pertinent information in the credits as well as the respective badges. applies in the same way for the sound pieces acquired under payment in any platform.
Selection criteria
23. The jury will assess the use of audiovisual language and the creative way of applying it in the work, visual, scenographic, sound, photographic, narrative-literary, prosaic (in case of prose), psychological, anthropological, quality will be important. color, musical, assembly, the respect of the laws or the justified and creative break of the same as well as the type of narration and successful exploration of the same.
24. In the same way, recursiveness and creativity will be fundamental for the final decision when narrating and dealing with the chosen topics, the nature to manipulate time and the narrative line without forcing and saturating excess elements.
25 The jury may award as many mentions as it deems pertinent and meritorious.
26. The jury has the power to declare a category void, it must justify very well to the organizers the reason for the decision and it will not be public.
27. The curator committee, the internal team of the festival, the organizers and the jury may propose not to admit, exclude, not admit and exclude from the competition and the official section in general any work that is considered unfit for the public , that violate or demonize ethnic, sexual, animal, natural or cultural groupings, without meaning or violence. We are an open mind festival, but at the same time inclusive, that among its flags wave the respect in every sense for any living being, the unity and consolidation of a responsible community.
28. The works that do not comply with the established will be disqualified, in case of being discovered a violation to the established in the web page after the award, the prize will be withdrawn, the production will have to return the statue, diplomas, documents and stimuli delivered the award ceremony. In the same way, a sanction will be applied that annuls the participation of management and production during a version in the holidays and of not making the respective returns the sanction will be extended for life.
29. Merit to the diffusion: The festival will be able to exonerate any work that does not fulfill some requirements (only some specific ones) in the amateur categories of being sanctioned or to leave the official section only if it has sufficient merit to be amnestied for the present version or in case of not giving an opportune failure, to be exhibited and to receive honorable mention (If thus the failure is concluded) in the successive editions.
30. The selection committee reserves the right to admit pieces that do not meet the aforementioned requirements and participation policies.
31. In the face of unexpected events, for the good and improvement of the festival, only on extraordinary occasions will the organization be able to modify the regulations, transform or add articles, applied only to the unanimous vote of a committee made up of directors Alexandra Lopez Correa, Rafael Rangel Valencia , the executive producer Nataly Restrepo, the local producer José Rangel, a representative of the jury of the current version or the last version made and a representative of the volunteer group.
Only members of the management and production departments may call such a vote, but any person may suggest to them that this be done.
출품 마감일
01 7월 24
Trabajo realizado por creadores extranjeros, de nacionalidad extranjera no colombiana.
The works must be subtitled in Spanish.
출품 마감일
01 7월 24
Products made for diffusion purposes in social networks and internet platforms.
The works must be subtitled in Spanish.
출품 마감일
01 7월 24
Works carried out by citizens of Colombian nationality.
The pieces made in native languages or foreign to Spanish must have subtitles to it.
출품 마감일
01 7월 24
Nonfiction works or simulations of it (False documentary).
The works must be subtitled in Spanish.
출품 마감일
01 7월 24
Jobs that do not fit into any of the other categories.
The works must be subtitled in Spanish.
출품 마감일
01 7월 24
Works made for the promotion and dissemination of artists, works or musical products.
The works must be subtitled in Spanish.
출품 마감일
01 7월 24
Pieces that depended on the different animation techniques for their production or shooting and post production.
The works must be subtitled in Spanish.
출품 마감일
01 7월 24
Movies focused on young audiences that have been made in order to contribute to their healthy social development, with positive messages.
As a selection criterion, the creative use of cinematographic language from each department and its proposals for innovation will be taken into account.
Foreign language films must be subtitled in Spanish.