
15 Nov 2019
Call for entries

15 Mar 2020
Festival closed

01 Jun 2020
Notification date

24 Sep 2020
27 Sep 2020


place de lauceston,  22300, Plestin Les Gréves, Bretagne, France

Festival description
Short film festival >5' 20'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Does NOT have submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 January 2018
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  >5' 20'<
 Any language
 Any language
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Photo of Festival ARMORICOURT
Photo of Festival ARMORICOURT
Photo of Festival ARMORICOURT
Photo of Festival ARMORICOURT


Festival start: 24 September 2020      Festival end: 27 September 2020


The short film festival Armoricourt is organized by the association Armoricourt.
The edition 12 will take place from 24 to 27 September 2020. The festival is held in France, Brittany, Côtes d’Armor, Plestin Les Grèves (22310).


The Armoricourt festival aims to:
- Broadcast and promote the short film to the public;
- Support cinematographic creation;
- Encourage and reveal talents;
- Encourage meetings and exchanges between the directors and the public;
- Propose a cultural event.

The festival revolves around a short film competition, split into 2 sections: Francophone Films(language french) and Non-Francophone Films(no french language)with French sub-titles.

Awards and Rewards

Competition Francophone films
- The Armoricourt Award
- The Audience Award at each session of the competition

Competition for non-Francophonefilms
- The Armoricourt Award.
- The Audience Award

1- Participation in the competition

The competition is opened to professional or amateur filmmakers presenting films produced by production companies, associations, schools or self-produced.

2 - General conditions of participation
- The competition is opened only to fiction films made in real images;
- Animated films, clips and documentaries are not allowed;
- The theme is free;
- Films must have been made in 2018, 2019, 2020;
- The duration of films, including credits, must be between 5 minutes and 20 minutes;
- A director can present several films but only one can be selected.

3 - Registration

- Registration for the competition is only via the Festhome platform;
- Film registration is free;
- A contribution of 2€ per film is requested by Festhome;

-Registration is opened from 15/11/2019 to 15/03/2020.

4 -Final official selection.
The complete list of films selected in competition will be announced by mid-June 2020.
Only selected participants will be notified by e-mail of their selection.
A participant cannot remove a film from the competition.
Some films, not selected for the competition, may be screened out of competition during the festival.

5 -Sending selected films to competition

The selected films are to be transmitted to the festival in 2 forms:
- A digital file in HD format (1920 * 1080);
DCP and digital files must reach the festival before 08-01-2020;
DCP will be returned to participants or by post;
DCP have to be sent to: ARMORICOURT Festival - LE DOURON Cinema - Place de Launceston, 22310 Plestin-les-Grèves France
The digital files are to be sent by Transfer or by a downloadable link to the following email address: festival.armoricourt@gmail.com

If there is no DCP, the transmitted HD digital file will be converted to DCP by the festival technical service. This technical conversion can not be questioned during the projection.



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