5th Vintage International Film Festival 2023 (5)


18 Jan 2023
Call for entries

31 Mar 2023
Early deadline

30 Jun 2023
Standard deadline

15 Aug 2023
Late deadline

31 Aug 2023
Festival closed

05 Oct 2023
Notification date

21 Oct 2023
22 Oct 2023


7,  416001, Kolhpur, Maharashtra, India

Festival description
Short film festival >1' 50'<
Feature film festival >60' 180'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 Production date: Any
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  >1' 50'<
 Feature Films  >60' 180'<
 Any language
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Photo of 5th Vintage International Film Festival 2023
Photo of 5th Vintage International Film Festival 2023

Photo of 5th Vintage International Film Festival 2023
Photo of 5th Vintage International Film Festival 2023


Festival start: 21 October 2023      Festival end: 22 October 2023

Vintage Film Foundation Present
5th Vintage International Film Festival, 2023

Considering the historical and ancient background in the field of cinema from this cultural city like Kolhapur, the Vintage Film Foundation came into existence. New artists entering this field of cinema can get a huge platform through short films and documentaries, so these artists need exposure to the film industry through such platforms but looking for future perspectives they don’t get a proper platform to showcase their talent. This talent mustn’t be restricted to their local level, so we are providing them a chance to showcase it at the international level.

This historic city has given birth to many famous and prestigious artists like Baburao Painter, V. Shantaram, Master Vinayak, Master Vithhal, Bhalji Pendharkar, etc., who have great contributions in Marathi as well as World cinema, who are still rising and becoming successful. By looking forward to these artists as an idol, the upcoming youth of Kolhapur are chasing their dreams.

Here 5th Vintage International Film Festival gives them a chance to showcase their efforts at the international level to express their ideas, thoughts, and innovations in front of national and international artists and audiences.

Similarly, we have decided to organize a workshop to provide exposure and knowledge about minute details, and techniques of filmmaking to groom the new artist.

Cash Prizes: 3,000$

Short Film Section
• Best Short Film - International - Cash, Trophy, Certificate
• Best Short Film - National - Cash, Trophy, Certificate
• Best Short Film 2nd - Cash, Trophy, Certificate
• 2 Special Jury Awards

Documentary Film Section
• Best Documentary Film - Cash, Trophy, Certificate
• 2 Special Jury Award

Music Video Section
• Best Music Video - Cash, Trophy, Certificate
• Special Jury Award

Feature Film Section
•. Best Feature Film (Trophy, Certificate)
•. 2nd Best Feature Film (Trophy, Certificate)

Creative Awards
• Best Director
• Best Cinematography
• Best Editing
• Best Screenplay
• Best Sound
• Best Music Director
• Best Actor Male
• Best Actor Female
• Best Child Artist

Rules & Regulations
• Short Films- International / National / Regional Special
• Documentary Films
• Music Video
• Feature Film
• Documentary Feature

• The film must have been completed after 1 January 2013.

• Entries MUST be PAL format only. NTSC is NOT accepted. Festival Management will not be responsible if film is not screened due to problem with the DVD/Online Screener.
• Total running time must be less than 30 minutes in length, including front and back credits. There is no minimum running time.

• *For FEATURE FILMS: (Open to all Directors across the Globe) Films entered in the FEATURE FILM Section should be more than 60 mins and must have been completed after 1 January 2017.

• The film can be in any language or any genre. All non-English films must have English sub-titles for festival presentation.

• The original film may be produced on 35 mm, 16 mm, HD, DIGI BETA, BETA SP, U-MATIC, DV, DVD, But the film must be available for preview purpose for technical committee, selection committee and jury panel.

• Two DVD’s need to be submitted along with the entry. Each Preview DVD should be labeled with the Title, Running-time, Contact E-mail and Phone number,
Submit films via private online link through Vimeo, Google Drive, or We Transfer etc. scanned entry form & fee payment details at vintageiff@gmail.com

• Multiple entries can be submitted, but with separate entry forms, preview DVD, synopsis/description, should be enclosed. Each film is considered as a new entry.

• Once the film is submitted can’t be withdrawn in any circumstances, however festival director reserves the rights to disqualify any film on certain grounds.

• By submitting films to 5th Vintage International Film Festival-2023, filmmaker/producer takes the whole responsibility of copyright issues of music, script and other creative and technical aspects of film.

• Short films/Documentary/ Music Video that are submitted must be the entrants original work and shall not infringe on any copyrights or any other rights of any third parties, the entrant agrees that the Vintage International Film Festival/ Vintage Film Foundation will not be held liable for any copyright infringements perpetrated by you or your short film.
• For promotional or publicity purposes, excerpts from any film entered in the festival may be shown on any Television Network/Internet or related media during the festival period.

• Transportation and insurance costs of DVDs, related documents, photographs and publicity materials from the country of origin to the Festival Office shall be borne by the applicant.
• Entry Forms with incorrect / inadequate / illegible / ambiguous particulars will not be considered. The festival committee reserves the right to accept or refuse any film without assigning any reason whatsoever.

• The competition is open for professionals as well as students. No separate section for student filmmakers.
• Entrant agrees to be bound by all terms of these official Festival rules and regulations as established herein. The Vintage International Film Festival/ Vintage Film Foundation reserves the right to extend the festival deadline for any unforeseen reasons if needed.

• Entrants will retain all ownership rights to their films submitted.

• Entry fee will not be refunded under any circumstances.


• The decision of the Jury will be final and can’t be challenged.
• Winners are selected by a judging panel of industry professionals consisting of independent producers, production companies, filmmakers, and other film industry professionals who may be substituted at the discretion of the festival organizers.
• All films are judged equally based on:
• Content Originality (Quality of storyline, and script)
• Production (Camera work, lighting, and shot composition)
• Post-Production (Editing, transitions, pacing, continuity, and flow)
• Image (Focus, color, and lighting)
• Sound Quality (Clarity, consistency of audio levels, and lack of noise)
• The decision of the selection committee is final and no correspondence will be entered into Finalists will be notified by mail and/or phone call. The Vintage International Film Festival will use its best efforts to announce the selected films, and winners at the designated time, but will not be held liable for any unforeseen delays.
• Vintage International Film Festival/ organizing, selection committee members, juries are not allowed to participate in the respective festivals as a contestant.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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