Cibo Corto Cine Festival - International Food Film Festival (6)

CIBO CORTO Cine Festival dei due mari


10 Dez 2023
Aufruf zu Einschreibungen

06 Mai 2024
Festival geschlossen

25 Mai 2024

19 Jul 2024
21 Jul 2024


-,  96010, Portopalo di Capo Passero, Siracusa, Italy

Festival Beschreibung
Kurzfilmfestival >3' 20'<

Festival Anforderungen
 Alle Genre
 Hat KEINE Einsende-Gebühren
 Internationales Festival
 Physischer Standort
 Produktionsdatum: Jede
 Produktionsländer: Jede
 Länder Dreharbeiten: Jede
 Nationalitäten Regisseur: Jede
 Kurzfilme  >3' 20'<
Teilen in sozialen Netzwerken

Photo of Cibo Corto Cine Festival - International Food Film Festival
Photo of Cibo Corto Cine Festival - International Food Film Festival
Photo of Cibo Corto Cine Festival - International Food Film Festival
Photo of Cibo Corto Cine Festival - International Food Film Festival

German ML

Festival Start: 19 Juli 2024      Festival Ende: 21 Juli 2024

The Cultural Association CAP 96010 has organized the 6th edition of the International Short Food Cine Festival, which will be held on 19th, 20th, and 21st of July 2024 in Portopalo di Capo Passero (Sr), Sicily.

The Festival aims to enhance and disseminate history, culture, traditions, and cuisine diversity all over the world through video language.
The competition notice is reserved for:

Short films: duration: from 3 to 20 minutes

Documentaries: maximum duration 30 minutes

The documentaries must have food as the theme, subject, or protagonist.

Works will be judged by a jury made up of national and international experts from film, publishing, and food and wine sectors. The best works will be awarded as follows.

Best Short Cibo Corto 2024
Best Documentary Cibo Corto 2024
Best Direction
Best Original Screenplay
Best editing
Best Photography
Best Actor / Actress in a Leading Role
Best Soundtrack

Art. 1
Place and date of performance

The sixth edition of CIBO CORTO CINE INTERNAZIONALE FESTIVAL will take place in Portopalo di Capo Passero (Sr) on the 19th, 20th, and 21st of July 2024.

Art. 2
Organization and theme of the competition

1. The audiovisual works in the competition (listed below) must have food and drink as their main theme, subject, or protagonist, but beyond this, producers are free to vary their representation any way they wish.

2. The jury reserves the right to change the membership category by alerting the director and / or producer of the film.

Art. 3
Terms and conditions of registration:

Registration for the Festival is subject to a fee. The rates are available at

Preferably, the screening during CiboCorto will be the first screening of the film.

All works must have english subtitles.

All non-Italian works in the final selection must be equipped with Italian subtitles.

Art. 4
Sending in the material

All of the above material must be sent, via the Festhome portal, no later than May 6th, 2024.

2. Works that arrive after the indicated date will not be taken into consideration.
We do not take responsibility for telematic failure.

Art. 5
Conditions for eligibility and selection

All entries must have been completed after January 1st, 2018

2. The duration of the works must be:
- short film: between 3 and 20 minutes.
- documentary: no longer than 30 minutes.
For all works, the opening / closing credits must be included on schedule and must be no longer than 10 seconds.
The entries will be kept in the archives of the CAP 96010 Association for study, promotional purposes, or to be the subject of other reviews, in which case the Management will make arrangements with those entitled to the work.

Art. 6
Selection of works

The Festival Management will send the results of the selection to all finalists via e-mail, to the addresses indicated by the participants, by May 26th, 2024.

The selected authors must then send the following material (by e-mail) to no later than June 10th, 2024, under penalty of exclusion from the competition:

a link from which to download a copy of the work that will be screened during the festival in the format: .mov, .m4v, or .mpeg in order to carry out the technical tests

Italian subtitles (for non-Italian works) and english subtitles in SRT format

Attachment A for data processing and release for screening.

A synopsis of the film

A movie poster

The trailer (where present)

The Management reserves the right to request the replacement of copies that are inadequate for a good public screening.

All final works will be screened on the days of the Festival followed by an interview with the authors or a representative in charge.

The Jury will have the right to accept works in the OUT OF COMPETITION section; these works will be considered for a screening outside the competition.

5. prizes will be awarded on the final evening of the event: July 21st, 2024.

Art. 7

The Festival Direction will appoint a Jury composed of a president and four jurors. A representative of the festival management will attend this election of jurors with the sole function of assisting in matters of regulation and practice.

2. The decisions of the Jury are indisputable and unappealable.

Art. 8

The winning authors and producers may announce their awards in the titles of films and documentaries and on the title page of all communication material and social media, without exception.

Art. 9
awards ceremony

The awards ceremony will take place during the evening on July 21st, 2024.

Art. 10

The jury will award prizes in the following categories:

World short film category
Sicily short film category
Documentary category

Specific awards:

Best Short Film Cibo Corto 2024
Best Documentary Cibo Corto 2024
Best Direction
Most Original Screenplay
Best editing
Best Photography
Best Actor / Actress in a Leading Role
Best Soundtrack

The awards will include the delivery of a plaque or artisan work and maximum media coverage of the work by the organization.

Art. 11
Arbitrary clauses

Any dispute that should arise between the participants and the Organization must be devolved to an arbitration panel made up of three neutral composer arbitrators, who will judge "ex bono et aequo" without procedural formalities or prejudice to the contradictions of the parties within 60 days of the appointment.

Their decision will result in an agreement between the parties.

3. Each disputing party will appoint one arbitrator. The third will be appointed by the first two arbitrators or, if they cannot agree, by the president of the Court of Catania, who will also appoint the arbitrator for any party that has not done so.

Art. 12
Final provisions


The authors and / or producers of the works in competition must authorize their screening and popularization (on TV, press, radio, posters, internet, etc.), even in part, for the promotional purposes of the event. They must also authorize the live online screening of the entire event on the web channel (Youtube and / or Facebook and / or similar) of the same festival. The authors and / or the producers must also authorize the event to be broadcasted on TV.

2. The Organization also has the right to select some works for screening in other national / international festivals, film reviews, or events in line with the theme of the work.

Art. 13
Obligations of members

Members must accept this Regulation in its entirety and without conditions. Any irregularity or non-fulfillment will render the participant unable to partake in any portion of the event. Upon registration, the finalists must also sign the information for the processing of personal data (Annex A).

Members are responsible for the content of the works presented, for any copyright of third parties and, in particular, for the rights regarding the privacy of the subjects involved in the proposed artistic works.

Members personally assume responsibility for the truthfulness of the information indicated.

Members are liable for any violations of copyright or privacy.

The intellectual property of the works and consequent rights remain with the authors and / or producers.

Authors must guarantee to be the sole and exclusive creator of the submitted works.

7. All authors and / or producers, in accordance with the established rules on copyright, must guarantee that their work is free from any copyright of artistic property and from the rights that may belong to third parties and organizers that would result in action being taken against the authors/producers by the right holders. Furthermore, for the scenes that portray people and / or things for which it is necessary to obtain specific consent, the authors and / or producers must declare to have obtained the necessary consent (also, where appropriate, pursuant to Legislative Decree N . 196/2003, "Code regarding the protection of personal data") for participation in this competition and for granting the organization the rights referred to in these Regulations.

Art. 14

The information stored in our archive will be used for the competition and for conveying informational material for promotional purposes related to the festival. It is possible to request the correction or cancellation of information, as required by the Italian law 675/96 on the protection of personal data.

Art. 15
Final indications

In the event of force majeure, technical and organizational problems, the need for improvements, or unforeseen exceptions, the organization may modify these Regulations and will communicate the modified information on the event website.

The organization also reserves the right to cancel the event if an unforeseen circumstance, organizational difficulties, and / or adverse weather conditions occur.

Although not explicitly stated, the organizers of the competition are empowered to decide in full autonomy.

4. This competition announcement and the participation form are published on the website: and on the

5. These regulations are drawn up in Italian and english. In the event of a conflict of interpretation, the Italian version prevails. For any clarifications and / or further information, contact:



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