Submissions deadline
15 Aug 20
over 10 mins, under 50 mins
03 Jan 2020
Call for entries
15 Mar 2020
Early deadline
15 May 2020
Standard deadline
15 Jul 2020
Late deadline
15 Aug 2020
Festival closed
30 Sep 2020
Notification date
17 Oct 2020
28 Oct 2020
Festival start: 17 October 2020 Festival end: 28 October 2020
The Scare-A-Con Film Festival supports independent cinema made outside of the direct Hollywood studio involvement, bringing them much needed exposure to major Independent studios around the world.
The Scare-A-Con Film Festival (formerly the B-Movie Film Festival) has been an exciting event in CNY since 1999! We have helped bring exposure to over 10,000 movies, shorts and documentaries from around the world. Many of the movies that have played at our festival have gone on to distribution success with companies like Maverick, Image, Barnholtz, and are available in place like Blockbuster, Best Buy, Netflix, and Walmart. Be a part of the one film festival and horror, sci-fi & fantasy convention that showcases the underdog movies!
The fest is now a part of the Scare-A-Con convention, which brings in hundreds of Hollywood stars like Linda Blair, Tony Todd, Ernie Hudson, Joe Bob Briggs, John Schneider, Doug Bradley, John Russo, C. Thomas Howell, cast members from "The Walking Dead", "Mystery Science Theater 3000" and more and over 6000 patrons per event! The festival and convention hosts events like Filmmaker mixers, dance parties, celebrity panels, costume parties and more. It's an amazing 3 day event, and a great opportunity for filmmakers to socialize and network with their peers.
Judges include:
-Ron Bonk - filmmaker and producer and head of SRS Cinema which has been distributing movies since 1992.
-James V. Johnson - editor of TAPS magazine and founder of Scare-A-Con.
-David J. Skal - an American cultural historian, critic, writer, and on-camera commentator known for his research and analysis of horror films and horror literature.
-Michael Merchant - prolific underground movie actor known for his roles in "She Kills" and "Night of Something Strange".
No awards, we simple select motion pictures to show during the event!
f your movie is nominated to play at the fest, then a reel will be made out featuring a clip that showcases the entry for that particular nomination. When you submit your movie or short, it is with that understanding and with your permission that if nominated, clips of your film may be used in the promotion and presentation of the fest. It is also with the understanding that The Fest has full rights to show your motion picture if accepted at the Festival in whole. You may be contacted regarding future, non-commercial showings of your motion picture at related events to help promote the Fest. Films cannot be withdrawn from consideration once they have been submitted. By submitting, you attest that you are authorized to enter into such an agreement. Please remember to send your screener, payment, and submission to SRS Cinema LLC and postmark your package before the deadline you submit in. FAQs: 1) Many people ask if we will waive the submission fee. We can not. The submission fee is what helps pay for the theater, the projector, the workers, the advertising, special guests, etc. Depending on the number of submissions we get, the more we can do. The fest is no where near a money-making venture for SRS Cinema - it is a labor of love. But we can not afford to foot the bill for all this stuff. If you want a fun fest that showcases your efforts in a great environment, then you understand why a fee is required. 2) If your movie is selected to play at the festival, you must submit a a copy on DVD or Blu-Ray. 3) All entries must be received by one week of final deadline. No entries can be accepted after that date, NO EXCEPTIONS.
Submissions deadline
15 Aug 20
over 10 mins, under 50 mins
Submissions deadline
15 Aug 20
Over 50 mins
Submissions deadline
15 Aug 20
Shorts under 10 mins long
Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.