Glance Short Film Festival With Pride ()

Glance Short Film Festival With Pride


12 2월 2020
출품 요청

25 1월 2021
영화제 마감

05 2월 2021

14 2월 2021
14 2월 2021


Mumbai,  400053, MUMBAI, Maharashtra, India

영화제 개요
단편 영화제 >1' 30'<

영화제 참가요건
 Music Video
 모든 장르
 모든 테마
 출품비 있음
 국제 영화제
 실제 위치
 제작일: 기타
 제작 국가: 기타
 촬영 국가: 기타
 감독 국적: 기타
 데뷔 영화 
 학교 프로젝트 
 단편영화  >1' 30'<
 모든 언어
소셜 네트워크에서 공유

Photo of Glance Short Film Festival With Pride
Photo of Glance Short Film Festival With Pride
Photo of Glance Short Film Festival With Pride
Photo of Glance Short Film Festival With Pride

한국어 (Korean) ML

영화제 시작: 14 2월 2021      영화제 끝: 14 2월 2021

We welcome you to Films with Pride of LGBT people - Celebration of quality independent filmmaking, awards, and industry events in front of a live audience of film critics, enthusiasts and producers. Join us for memorable night of screenings, networking and red-carpet treatment.

This festival is designed to showcase the short films,documentaries, best men themed short film,best women themed short films etc We seek out stories that are genuinely imaginative,emotional and positive. Our passion is to share great stories.

We aspire to promote, recognize and support independent filmmakers throughout the world by hosting a variety of awards in order to provide the best opportunities for filmmakers, helping them receive recognition. We welcome submissions from a range of genres including short films, documentaries, features, animations of LGBT people.

Our objective is to provide support for film-makers through reviewing, judging, marketing.With our live screenings,we aim to showcase and promote the work of filmmakers. We believe our film festival will give filmmakers a chance to showcase their work to a very wide range of audiences.

We are accepting submissions for a number of categories and are open to all languages, as long as films in a language other than English are subtitled in English.

Best Film
Best Actor
Best Actress
Best Director
Best Screenplay
Best Student Film Category


1. Eligibility
A. Films made in India or abroad are eligible, Film up to 30 Min.
B. Film(s) entered /shorter version(s) /revised versions of film(s) already entered will not be eligible.
C. Film may be entered by any organization an individual film Producer/Director who holds the copyright. There is no restriction on number of entries.
2. How to Apply?
A) To submit a short film for Glance Short Film Festival With Pride 2020.
B) Entry Fee – All filmmakers -USD 30/-
C) Student filmmakers - USD 20/-(All Entry fee is non-refundable)
D) Director's Debut Film: Entry for the film in “Director's Debut Film” Category should be submitted along with a certificate by the applicant that the film is a debut film of a Director, failing which the film will not be treated as a Director's Debut Film. If the Director has made, at an earlier date, any other film (feature, short, documentary or animation film, except a student film as a part of a curriculum), he/she shall not be eligible for this award.
3) Student's Film: Entry for the film in “Student's Film” Category should be submitted along with a Certificate from the Institute / Film School concerned, failing which, the film will not be treated as a student film.
4. Submission fees are in U.S. dollars, per film entry.
The submission fee is non-refundable.
5. Cut -off Dates: 15th January 2020 (for both International & National)
6. Screening Format: Digital Blue Ray Digital file (MPEG4), Standard definition – Frame Size 720 x 576.
MOV, bit rate 25 mbps & above Apple Pro Res 4:2:2 High Definition – Frame Size 1920 x 1080
7. The festival will not provide feedback on films or specific reasons for rejection of any film. The filmmaker will be notified about selection at the end of the selection process and no information will be divulged before that.
8.The submitting filmmaker must own the copyright to the work. In the case of any legal dispute involving the film, Winter Film Awards will immediately remove the work from our schedule.
9. For films in non-English language, screener must have English subtitles. In case a screener of a non-English language film is submitted without subtitles, it will be ineligible for selection.
A. If a film is submitted in more than one section the program committee will reserve the right to choose the most appropriate section for the film, if selected. A filmmaker with multiple entries (titles) must submit each entry and entry fee separately.
10. Intimation:
A. Successful submission of entry shall be acknowledged via
B. The festival director also reserves the right to remove any film from the selection in any special cases as deemed by the festival.
C. Content should be based on LGBT only.
D. Only entrants of films selected in GSFFP Section will be informed about their selection.
ATTENTION: All Communications, Entries, including DCP/ hard disc / Blue-ray /DVDs and other Documents/certificates/undertaking should be sent freight prepaid, addressed to:


  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



단 한번의 클릭으로, 멋진 영화와 영화제를 발굴해보세요
