Festival start: 15 September 2015
Festival end: 20 September 2015
The festival is a platform for showcasing the best films from around the world, as well as a platform of professional people that helps the growth and form the local film industry.
The festival has two major international competitions, non-competition program, and panorama of documentary films.
The main jury awards the following prizes this year:
International Jury prizes:
Statuettes “Gold Tenia”:
− The main prize – for Best Film
- Award for Best Director
- Award for Best Actor
- Award for Best Actress
- Award for Devotion to the Film Muse
The personal involvement of the winners is assumed during the ceremony.
Item 1
Sevastopol International Film Festival (SIFF) will be held on September 17th, 2015 in order to develop cinematography, cultural exchange and cooperation between filmmakers around the world, to promote the co-production between Russia and other countries, to train the future personnel, to expand the film markets, the film production, the film distribution and the film industry in Sevastopol.
Item 2
SIFF established and conducted by the Nonprofit Partnership (NP) in the Field of the Development of Cinematography “OK” (Russia) and TOV (Limited Liability Company) “Film Fest” (Ukraine). Their main authorized activity is the holding of this festival. NP and TOV (LLC) signed a cooperation agreement, which governs copyright, liability and responsibilities of the parties in organizing and conducting SIFF, and further they will be called – the Production Centre and the SIFF Directorate.
All rights to this festival belong to the general producer, director and founder of the SIFF – Elena Naumova. The Directorate has all exclusive copyrights for the organization and holding of the festival, ideas, programs, promotions, ceremonies and all the integral components of the film festival process.
The NP and the SIFF Directorate reserve the right to elect the President of the SIFF among the famous figures of culture and politics, as well as to change the SIFF terms and regulations.
General Director of the festival is Elena Naumova.
Item 3
The festival program includes:
• The main international film competition;
• Out-of-competition screenings of documentary films;
• Retrospective screening;
• Foreign films panoramas;
• Special film programs;
• Film Forum;
• Film School.
Item 4
Those wishing to present the film at the Sevastopol International Film Festival should officially declare this to the SIFF Directorate. Application filing is starting from July 15th, 2015.
The selection of films for the SIFF is performed by the Selection Committee. The deadline is on August 25, 2015.
The program of the film screenings at the festival is determined by the SIFF Directorate.
Each film may be shown during the festival up to three times, including screenings for the press.
Item 5
Fiction, documentary and animated films are participating in the competition accordingly to the Festival themes.
World and international premieres are preferred in the competition program.
The competition of the Sevastopol International Film Festival should include at
least 10 films.
The copies of the films accepted for the competition of the festival should be received by the SIFF Directorate no later than September 10, 2015.
Item 6
In other programs films are accepted in their original format how they were created.
Copies of the films accepted for screening in other programs of the festival, should be received by the SIFF Directorate no later than September 10, 2015.
Item 7
All terms and conditions are binding; otherwise the SIFF Directorate reserves the right to exclude the film from the festival program.
Item 8
The completed filmographic list (entry-form) for each submitted film confirming the participation in the SIFF should be received by the SIFF Directorate by 1 September 2015.
Along with the notification of participation the following documents should be sent to the SIFF Directorate:
• Full text of the film in original language and one of the following languages: Russian, English, French;
• List of subtitles in English or French;
• Libretto, promotional materials, press materials;
• Promotional video and footage from the film;
• Materials for the catalog should be sent in advance (information about the creators of the film, photos, including the photo of the director, film slides).
Item 9
Shipping expenditures for the competitive films to Sevastopol and back (sender’s AIRPORT – Sevastopol – receiver’s AIRPORT) are incurred by the SIFF Directorate.
The costs of storage and insurance of the films included in the festival program and will be covered by the SIFF Directorate.
Item 10
All the matters about inviting guests, the terms of their stay and accreditation during the Festival are taken under consideration of the SIFF Directorate.
Participation of the films in the SIFF competitive programs provides the mandatory presence of 1 or 2 representatives of competitive film (director, actor / actress).
SIFF Directorate incurs travel expenses for the round trip and accommodation within 5 (five) days for 1-2 representatives of the competitive film (director, actor / actress).
The conditions for other festival guests are stipulated in their personal invitations.
Applications for accreditation are accepted by the SIFF Directorate strictly until 1 September, 2015.
Item 11
To assess the competitive films the International Jury of the main competition is created.
The SIFF Directorate incurs living expenses of each member of the jury in Sevastopol as well as their travel costs for the round trip to the festival.
The jury cannot include people involved in the production or commercial distribution of any film in the appropriate category.
The participation of a producer in each jury is binding.
Item 12
The main jury awards the following prizes this year:
International Jury prizes:
Statuettes “Gold Tenia”:
− The main prize – for Best Film
- Award for Best Director
- Award for Best Actor
- Award for Best Actress
- Award for Devotion to the Film Muse
The personal involvement of the winners is assumed during the ceremony.
Item 13
Participation in the festival includes compliance with all clauses of these Regulations.
In case of a dispute upon the Regulations the Russian text of these Regulations is taken as a basis.
The SIFF Directorate has the right to decide all matters which are not specified in these Regulations in accordance with the Items of the International Regulations for film festivals FIAPF.
Item 14
Address and contact numbers of the SIFF Directorate:
e-mail: naumova_lena@mail.ru
+7 916 6881593
+7 495 9260868