II Festival De Los Fracasos ()

II Failure Film Festival


08 Oct 2021
Call for entries

07 Jan 2022
Standard deadline

20 Mar 2022
Late deadline

20 Mar 2022
Festival closed

20 Mar 2022
Notification date

04 Apr 2022
09 Apr 2022


Piura 309 Miraflores,  15074, Lima, Lima, Peru

Festival description
Short film festival >2' 30'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Online and Physical Location
 Production date: Any
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  >2' 30'<
 Any language
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Photo of II Festival De Los Fracasos
Photo of II Festival De Los Fracasos
Photo of II Festival De Los Fracasos
Photo of II Festival De Los Fracasos


Festival start: 04 April 2022      Festival end: 09 April 2022

The Fail Film Festival is an educational and therapeutic space that invites amateur and experienced filmmakers to accept and share their failure stories: their most intimate projects full of effort, honesty, and learning; aiming for the festival to be a constant networking space between members of the industry, since, despite the growing number of members and the creation of audiovisual projects in our country, the connection between them is scarce. If we want to become a true industry, we must first be a community; And for that to happen, we must begin to experiment, innovate and collaborate with each other.


Demystifying the negative connotation of failure within the creative process, and is inherent and necessary for our learning and improvement both personally, and professionally.

From the management position to the assistants (in all its varieties), bring them together to share their work experiences and their learning process, with the aim of giving them visibility and recognizing their importance within an audiovisual production.

Interconnect the various associations in the sector, since, despite their great variety and increase in recent years, they do not know each other. Our objective is to generate conversation and debate among them, on current issues and of social importance.

Decentralize the production of national cinema, from a regional and gender perspective.

Create community and encourage the development of projects through workshops, talks, consultancies, and networking.

If you are at college or another institution, this is the spot for you. Students will be able to share their short films, music videos, experimental films, and other kinds of visual projects. Remember, we care about the quality of the project, but most importantly is your story behind the process. Remember, if you are from Peru, you are able to receive a waiver code, please send a mail to sanampa@4monosfilms.com so we'll get in touch with you.

A todos los interesados, pero principalmente a los inscritos a nuestra convocatoria y que hayan postulado su work in progress, recibirán un taller de pitch basado en la perspectiva de un jurado experimentado y la postura del participante.
Either you are a student or an experienced filmmaker, we want to see your current project. You can show a work in progress of your feature film or the teaser of this project. This will be the right place to share to others your new project.

Tienes un proyecto de Realidad Virtual, videoarte o cualquiera que no encaje con otros géneros? Este espacio es para ti.
This is an open call for all kinds of filmmakers and audiovisual artists. Are you thinking about Virtual Reality? Mixed Reality? Videoart? Well, this is your spot

There are many festivals where directors and producers meet, but in our field, there is much more diversity of positions that are essential for each project to become a reality. A diversity of talents also deserves to be celebrated. The Festival of Failures seeks to flatten the playing field, put egos aside, and connect on a personal level. Since only in this way can we create strong connections that will not only move the national industry but will benefit thousands of people with indirect jobs connected to the sector.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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