Festival Internacional de Cine de Tequila ()

Tequila International Film Festival


15 Jun 2020
Call for entries

30 Dec 2020
Festival closed

07 Mar 2021
Notification date

15 Apr 2021
18 Apr 2021


Ermita 1326,  44500, Guadalajara, Chapalita, Mexico

Festival description
Short film festival >1' 29'<
Feature film festival >60' 120'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 Production date: Any
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  >1' 29'<
 Feature Films  >60' 120'<
 Any language
English Spanish
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Photo of Festival Internacional de Cine de Tequila
Photo of Festival Internacional de Cine de Tequila

Photo of Festival Internacional de Cine de Tequila
Photo of Festival Internacional de Cine de Tequila


Festival start: 15 April 2021      Festival end: 18 April 2021

The festival is a unique space for the formation and development of film talent, which takes place in February, in the municipality of Tequila and in some others, which make up the agave landscape, declared a Pueblo Magico and a world heritage site by the State of Jalisco, Mexico.

The Tequila municipality provides different cultural sections, for example: Tequila Express, which consists of making a short film with actors that the festival itself offers, in locations of the agave landscape. There are also short-feature film competitions, cultural events and the Hacienda "Tequileras" giving a unique experience to make and enjoy the film arts.

The festival is on it's 4th year running and is currently in it's 5th edition. Honorary country invitee 2021 is Brazil and will be awarded reduced submission fees as follows. Feature Film: $10 USD, Medium and Short Features will be reduced to student fees.

PDF/Convocatoria 5a Edicion 2021 can be found on the following link:


Feature film: Participation Diploma,
$100,000.00 pesos M.N. and the emblematic
sculpture “Torcacita” by the artist Rodo Padilla

The winning film will debut two weeks on
exhibition at the CINETOP complexes of the
Mexican republic.

Medium-length film: Diploma of participation,
$10,000 (ten thousand pesos M.N.) and the sculpture “Luz de Agave ”by the artist José Jorge Sánchez Martínez.

Short Film: Participation Diploma,
$10,000 (ten thousand pesos M.N.) and the sculpture “Luz de Agave” by the artist José Jorge Sánchez Martínez.

Public Awards:

-Best film. Sculpture “Luz de Agave y

-Best Actor. Diploma

-Best actress. Diploma

Recognitions and mentions will be delivered
for outstanding work.

THE FICTEQUILA will send all the certificates of participation in digital format.
In case the category is declared void, the prizes become part of FICTequila.

It is the responsibility of the participant or winner to attend the closing ceremony to receive for their awards. Otherwise, the committee disclaims any submission.

Any cost derived from the transfer of economic resources will be borne by the winner, if necessary.

Music video clips or works with
political or religious propaganda purposes.

In the case of being selected, the FICTequila is not
forced to pay for meals, lodging and transportation

It is a regional festival so the exhibitions are
performed in the Tequila Houses, in the Museum
Nacional del Tequila, CINETOP Guadalajara,
university centers, public places, in the networks
FICTEQ and the Integration Center and
Justice of the Regional Valles de Jalisco
(CEINJURE) at Tequila.

Stories that exalt Mexico in
the world context and Tequila as culture and

The call closes on December 30,
2020 until 11:50 p.m.
Mexico. No material will be received after that
Date and Time.

Movies from Jalisco and Mexico may be invited
for exhibition to the festival without Trial selection to compete for the public award.

In no case will the rights of
exhibition of a work.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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