MUFF / Mieres Under-60’ Film Festival (3)

Mieres Under-60’ Film Festival


06 Set 2023

10 Out 2023
Festival fechado

08 Nov 2023
Data de Notificação

09 Nov 2023
12 Nov 2023


Vega de Arriba,  33600, Mieres, Asturias, Spain

Descrição do festival
Festival de curtas-metragens 60'<

Requisitos do festival
 Festival de Cinema
 Music Video
 Qualquer gênero
 Qualquer tema
 Com taxas de inscrição
 Festival Internacional
 Localização física
 Janeiro 2021
 Países de produção: Qualquer um
 Países de gravação: Qualquer um
 Nacionalidades do diretor: Qualquer um
 Filmes de estréia 
 Projetos escolares 
 Curtas-metragens  60'<
 Todos os idiomas
Asturian Spanish English
Compartilhar em Redes Sociais

Photo of MUFF / Mieres Under-60’ Film Festival
Photo of MUFF / Mieres Under-60’ Film Festival
Photo of MUFF / Mieres Under-60’ Film Festival
Photo of MUFF / Mieres Under-60’ Film Festival

Portuguese ML

Início do Festival: 09 Novembro 2023      Fim do Festival: 12 Novembro 2023

MUFF / Mieres Under-60' Film Festival is a fresh, young and groundbreaking international short film festival that is committed to new talent. It is the biggest short film festival in Asturias (Spain) and is held in Mieres.

It is made up of various competitive sections (International, European Schools, MUFFY), complemented with parallel sections and training and industry activities.

Prêmios em dinheiro: 1,700€


The International Jury of the Official Selection will award the following prizes:

Best of the Fest Short Film Award (Best of the Fest): 600 € (taxes included).
Best Animation Award
Best Director Award
Best Acting Award
Best Screenplay Award
Best Cinematography Award
Best Editing Award
Two Jury's Special Mentions (optional: Best of the Fest and Animation)

The following prizes will also be awarded:

Award for Best Spanish Short Film Directed by a Woman: with a diploma. All Spanish short films from the Festival's competitions are eligible for this award.
Mieres Underground Award for Best Original Soundtrack: with a diploma. All Spanish short films from the Festival's competitions are eligible for this award.


The European Film Schools Competition will award the following prizes:

Best Short Film Award: 400 € (taxes included).
Special Mentions (optional) for Best Short Film

MUFFY - Young Audiences
The MUFFY Jury will award the following prizes:
Best Short Film Award: 300 € (tax incl.)
Jury's Special Mention (optional)

ASTURIES - Asturian Short Films
The Asturies Jury will award the following prizes:
Best Asturian Short Film Award: 200 € (taxes included)
Jury's Special Mention (optional)

The audience, by means of a vote, will award the prize for this section, worth €200 (including taxes).

All prizes with a monetary award will be subject to the corresponding deductions.


The 3rd edition of the Mieres Under-60' Film Festival. Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes de Mieres (MUFF'23), to be held in Mieres (Asturias, Spain) between the 9th and 12th of November 2023, sponsored by the Town Council of Mieres.

Participation is open to all Spanish and international short films produced and made after 1st January 2021.

The duration cannot be longer than 60 minutes (including credits).

All genres (fiction, animation, documentary, experimental), themes and formats are accepted.
original formats are accepted.

The short films in competition must not have been submitted in previous editions of the festival.

The works must be submitted by a person, organisation or company that holds the rights to them or legally represents them. The person who submits works to the competition will be responsible for paying the royalties generated by their works.


The registration period will open on 1 September and will close on 10 October 2023.

To participate in MUFF'23, works must register through the following platforms
official platforms of the festival:

The following registration fees to be paid by the participants are established: 3 €

In order for their works to be considered, participants must provide the platforms with copies of the original version of their works. If the language of the work is different from Spanish or Asturian, it will be presented with subtitles in one of these languages or, failing that, in English.


The Selection Committee, made up of professionals from the world of audiovisual arts and the organisation, will be in charge of selecting the works for the different sections of the festival.

The organisation will notify the final result of the selection by e-mail to the contact person.

If a work is selected, the organisation will contact the representative to request all the necessary material.

The screening copy of the selected works will be sent within the period and in the form requested by the organisation. In any case, it will be sent on-line.

The projection format will be digital. The technical characteristics are:

Container: .mov / mepg 4 H264 or Apple ProRess 442
Resolution: Full HD (1920×1080)
Bitrate: up to 20,000kbps
Audio: Stereo AAC

The screening copies of the selected works shall be sent in their original version. If the language is different from Spanish or Asturian, subtitles in one of these languages or the list of dialogues in English (preferably in .srt format) must be submitted.

Copies of the selected works may be used in limited screenings for the selection committee and in the Festival's Awards Ceremony screenings organised by the festival, always for cultural and non-profit purposes, with prior notification to the producers of the use to be made of them.

MUFF'23 will take place on the indicated dates in the festival's physical venues and its extensions. The festival may carry out part of its programme in online format as a complement to its on-site offer, always with the knowledge and consent of the rights holders.

The selection of a work in one or more of the festival's competitions does not imply the automatic transfer of its rights for online broadcasting on the festival's official platforms and/or channels, unless the festival is forced to cancel its on-site activity due to force majeure or for reasons beyond the organisation's control.

The selected films will be screened at the times and places listed in the catalogue and on the festival's official website (

With the registration of a work and the subsequent acceptance of these rules, the works that are selected to participate in competitive sections grant the Festival the right to screen these works -always for exclusively cultural and non-commercial purposes- throughout the year and a half following the celebration of the Festival in the different extraordinary activities that are occasionally held outside the dates of the festival, the purpose of which is to promote the MUFF.

In any case, these possible screenings will always be notified to the owner of the work.


Mieres Under-60' Film Festival 2022 will have the following sections:


In the International Competition, international and Spanish* short films will compete on equal terms, and all of them are eligible for the prizes of this section as indicated below.

The organisers will also pay for the accommodation expenses of the representatives of the selected films in single rooms, at least on the day of the screening.

The Official Section will have its own specific International Jury, which will award the corresponding prizes independently from the rest of the sections.

Spanish short films are considered to be all Spanish productions, co-productions in which the Spanish participation is greater than 40% and those works directed by Spanish filmmakers, even if they have been produced by other countries.


In the European Film Schools Competition, international and Spanish* short films, produced in an audiovisual training centre in a European country, will compete on equal terms. All works are eligible for the prizes in this section as indicated below.

The organisation will also pay for the accommodation expenses of the representatives of the selected works in a single room, at least on the day of the screening.

The Official Section will have its own specific International Jury, which will award the corresponding prizes independently from the rest of the sections.

4.3. MUFFY

This international competition is open to all works aimed at children and young audiences, with 2 competition categories (+3 and +7 years old).

This competition is open to all films that meet at least one of the following requirements:
- They must be directed by a filmmaker born or resident in Asturias.
- They must be produced by a filmmaker born or resident in Asturias.
- They must be produced by a production company based in Asturias.
- Directed or produced by a filmmaker who has been resident in Asturias for at least 5 consecutive years.

This is an international competition dedicated to fierce, wild, iconoclastic, controversial and carefree works.

This section will have an independent Jury that will award the corresponding prizes, detailed below.


MUFF'23 completes its programme with a series of parallel and informative sections outside the competition.

* Spanish or Asturian short films are considered to be all Spanish or Asturian productions, co-productions in which Spanish or Asturian participation exceeds 40% and those works directed by filmmakers of Spanish nationality, native or resident in Asturias, even if they have been produced in other countries.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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