Festival del Cinema di Castel Volturno ()

Castel Volturno Film Festival


06 Apr 2021
Call for entries

31 Aug 2021
Festival closed

31 Oct 2021
Notification date

24 Oct 2021
30 Oct 2021


-,  81030, Castel Volturno, -, Italy

Festival description
Short film festival

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Online and Physical Location
 Production date: Any
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films 
 Any language
 Any language
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Photo of Festival del Cinema di Castel Volturno
Photo of Festival del Cinema di Castel Volturno
Photo of Festival del Cinema di Castel Volturno
Photo of Festival del Cinema di Castel Volturno


Festival start: 24 October 2021      Festival end: 30 October 2021

The "Festival del Cinema di Castel Volturno" was born in December 2018 with the purpose to become an annual prestigious appointment for the Territory and for National and International film industry.
The project takes its roots from the desire to promote Castel Volturno as a place of interest and point of Reference for the cinema, since in the last years it became the set of numerous films, documentaries, short films and video clips thus granting an important slice of artistic production in this area.


❖ "Best feature film” – Public prize


❖“FCCV Prize”, Best short film – FCCV Jury

❖"Best short film” – Young Jury

❖“Special mentions” – FCCV Jury

Best actor
Best actress
Best script
Best soundtrack.

ROTARY Section

❖“Rotary Prize”


“Best animated short film”

Call and regulations

1. Introduction
TITANIA TEATRO reopens the international Call for short and feature films to participate to the fourth edition of the Castel Volturno film festival taking place from 25 to 30 of October 2021.

2. The Purpose of the Competition
This Festival aims at making Castel Volturno a point of reference for the film industry, as it is already a source of inspiration for all the directors and producers that have chosen this place for films of international relevance. The Call has the purpose of making the Festival an occasion for training and formation, beyond its borders.

3. Works Selections
• Preselection

All the applications will be viewed and pre-selected by the Committee chaired by the Artistic Director, Daniela Cenciotti, whose judgment will be unquestionable. It will be independent and will follow the rules of procedure.
The Committee will select short and feature movies by assigning scores taking into account both the construction techniques and the mode of expression adopted by the author in dealing with the themes.

After the Committee preselection, the short films will be viewed and evaluated by:

FCCV Jury: theatre, cinema and journalism personalities, whose names will be published on our website;

YOUNG Jury: composed by young people between 14 and 20.

For additional information: www.festivaldelcinemadicastelvolturno.it

After the Committee preselection, the feature films will be viewed and evaluated by:

Public jury: composed by people who signed up on our website, having the code for voting.

For additional information: www.festivaldelcinemadicastelvolturno.it

After the Committee preselection, the animated short films will be viewed and evaluated by:

Jury: cinema personalities and animation sector specialists, whose names will be published on our website;

The Committee will be responsible for the selection of 5 short movies, that will be viewed and evaluated by the Rotary Jury.
Short films mandatory topic: environmental sustainability and care of the planet.

4. Award Ceremony
The following prizes will be assigned to the winners:


❖ "Best feature film” – Public prize


❖“FCCV Prize”, Best short film – FCCV Jury

❖"Best short film” – Young Jury

❖“Special mentions” – FCCV Jury

Best actor
Best actress
Best script
Best soundtrack.

ROTARY Section

❖“Rotary Prize”


“Best animated short film”

5. Rules of procedure
Participation in the competition will be regarded as your acceptance of the terms and conditions of these rules, under penalty of exclusion from the competition:

I. By submitting the work, the sender claims to be the owner of all rights to use of the same, that the content of the work does not violate the laws and that the work does not contain any libelous. In any case, the sender raises the organization from all losses, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses of any nature whatsoever that may be incurred due to the content of his work and his public screening.

II. The works submitted for selection will become part of the heritage of the Archive established for education purposes, and that could be used during no profit cultural events.

III. It should be noted that, regardless of the selection, the participation to the Festival implies the authorization for the Festival organization to screen the work during the Festival week (25 to 30 October). Also, it is recalled that just the SELECTED works (25 short films and 5 feature films) will be visible on the Festival platforms (website, YouTube) protected by password and for a limited time.

IV. No theme restriction.

V. All the film genres are accepted besides: documentaries, videoclip and video-art.

VI. All the works with English subtitles will be considered.

VII. The selected feature films will have to provide Italian subtitles, under penalty of exclusion from the competition.

VIII. Feature films must last for at least 60 minutes, under penalty of exclusion from the competition.

IX. Short films must last for a maximum of 15 minutes, under penalty of exclusion from the competition.

X. Authors are asked to, in case of victory, ensure their presence during the award ceremony or to send a video message to screen during the ceremony.

XI. The participation fee is 10 Euros. When payment has been ascertained, the submission will be valid.

6. Material to submit:
All the material must be send through the online platform www.filmfreeway.com

7. Selected works
In case of final selection, the following material must be sent to the email: selezionefilm@fccv.it, under penalty of exclusion from the competition.

❖English subtitled digital copy of the short film.

❖Italian subtitled digital copy of the feature film.

❖Teaser of the work (not more than 1 min and 30 sec)

❖Accepted formats: mov, h264, mpeg4

❖Documentary evidence of identity of the signatory of the consent form;

❖Poster (PDF or Jpeg format), possibly high resolution.

talian and English synopsis. 

❖Italian and English biography and filmography of the director (min 400 / max 500 characters, spaces included)

❖Photographic documentation with a publication authorization: from 4 to 10 film photos (Jpeg format). Every file must be named under the film name, for cataloguing purposes.

8. Deadline for Submission
The deadline for submitting the works is 31th of August 2021, h 23.00 (Italian time).

9. Information
For additional info write to selezionefilm@fccv.it

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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