제7회 전주국제단편영화제 (7)

The 7th Jeonju International Short Film Festival


13 Jun 2024
Aufruf zu Einschreibungen

15 Jul 2024
Festival geschlossen

19 Aug 2024

26 Sep 2024
30 Sep 2024


전주영화의거리,  54999, Korean Jeonju, Jeonbuk, South Korea

Festival Beschreibung
Kurzfilmfestival 30'<

Festival Anforderungen
 Alle Genre
 Alle Themen
 Hat KEINE Einsende-Gebühren
 Internationales Festival
 Physischer Standort
 Januar 2023
 Produktionsländer: Jede
 Länder Dreharbeiten: Jede
 Nationalitäten Regisseur: Jede
 Kurzfilme  30'<
 Jede Sprache
English Korean (한국어)
Teilen in sozialen Netzwerken

Photo of 제7회 전주국제단편영화제
Photo of 제7회 전주국제단편영화제

Photo of 제7회 전주국제단편영화제
Photo of 제7회 전주국제단편영화제

Korean (한국어)
German ML

Festival Start: 26 September 2024      Festival Ende: 30 September 2024

Regulations for Entry into the Competition Section of the 7th Jeonju International Short Film Festival

The Jeonju International Short Film Festival is an annual event hosted by Cinesup, a cultural content research institute in South Korea.

The 7th Jeonju International Short Film Festival will be run by members of an executive committee.

The Jeonju International Short Film Festival contributes to the diversity of film and culture by introducing to audiences exceptional short films produced in Korea and around the world.

The 7th Jeonju International Short Film Festival will be held in Jeonju from September 26st to September 30th, 2024.

Geldpreise: 67,530$

The festival will present awards in the following categories.

* International Competition
- Grand Prize (1 million won, Trophy, Prize)
- Best Director Award (Trophy, Prize)
- Best Actor Award (Trophy, Prize)
- Special Jury Award (Trophy, Prize)
- Asia Cultural Creativity Institute Award (Trophy, Prize)

* Korean Competition
- Grand Prize (1 million won, Trophy, Prize)
- Best Director Award (Trophy, Prize)
- Best Actor Award (Trophy, Prize)
- Arts Award (Trophy, Prize)
- Special Jury Award (Trophy, Prize)
- Audience Award (Trophy, Prize)

* Jeonbuk Competition
- Grand Prize (500 thousand won, Trophy, Prize)
- Best Director Award (Trophy, Prize)
- Arts Award (Trophy, Prize)
- Bean Sprouts Award (given to a club, organization, or college student) (Trophy, Prize)
- Best Actor Award (Trophy, Prize)

The details of the awards are subject to change at the discretion of the film festival.

Exhibition Guide

Works completed after January 2023 are eligible regardless of genre and theme.

The film must have a total running time of no more than 30 minutes (including end credits).

Films may have screened and received prizes at other festivals.

Entry Period
June 10 (Mon.), 2024 –July 15 (Mon.), 2024

Submission Method
International Competition: festhome.com

Korean and Jeonbuk Competition : googledocs,

Online Entry via Email / Attachment
Screener link or MOV/MP4 file (2GB limit)
- 3 film stills, 1 director headshot
- director’s bio
- Synopsis

All foreign language entries must include English or Korean subtitles.

Every submission must include a detailed screening and award history.

Selection of Works

Film selection and awards will be conducted by an impartial panel of judges separate from the programming team of the Jeonju International Short Film Festival.

Filmmakers will be notified and the selected films will be announced on the website and blog of the Jeonju International Short Film Festival in early September 2024.

Once selected, the work must screen in competition at the 7th Jeonju International Short Film Festival and cannot be canceled.

Guidelines for Promotional Materials

The Jeonju International Short Film Festival may use parts of a selected work for promotional purposes but will limit its usage to no more than 20 seconds.

Parts of the selected works will be used for promotional materials on program brochures, the festival homepage, and various social media of the 7th Jeonju International Short Film Festival.

Exhibition Format

Exhibition copies must be DCP or MOV (ProRes 422). For any other alternative exhibition formats, filmmakers must obtain prior consent from the Jeonju International Short Film Festival.

All foreign language entries must include English or Korean subtitles.

Exhibition copies must arrive at the Jeonju International Short Film Festival Office by September 8, 2024. (Entrant is responsible for delivery costs.)

Exhibition copies will be returned to the address designated by the filmmaker or distributor in charge of the selected work within four weeks after the closing of the festival. (Festival is responsible for return shipment fees.) However, exhibition copies submitted online will not be returned.

Award-winning films at the Jeonju International Short Film Festival may be invited to additional domestic and international screenings hosted or supervised by the Jeonju International Short Film Festival. In such cases, the Jeonju International Short Film Festival will consult with the filmmaker or distributor in charge to obtain permission.

Once the entrant has completed registration and submission of work online, the entrant automatically agrees to the regulations and conditions set forth by the Jeonju International Short Film Festival.

Additional Information

Upon submission, the entrant authorizes that the work is cleared for exhibition. In the event of any copyright-related disputes, the entrant is solely responsible and may be disqualified from screenings and awards.

The schedule and screening platform of the film festival may change due to force majeure. In such cases, the Jeonju International Short Film Festival will notify and consult with the filmmaker or distributor in charge of the work.

The Jeonju International Short Film Festival will consult with its entrants on matters not included in the above provisions before making a decision.



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