Hacer Encima ()


28 Jun 2021
Call for entries

28 Jul 2021
Festival closed

11 Oct 2021
Notification date

08 Dec 2021
12 Dec 2021


Praça do Sairé - Tv. São Cristóvão, 592-712,  68109-000, Alter do Chão, Pará, Brazil

Festival description
Short film festival
Feature film festival

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Online and Physical Location
 Production date: Any
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films 
 Feature Films 
 Any language
 Any language
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Photo of Hacer Encima
Photo of Hacer Encima
Photo of Hacer Encima
Photo of Hacer Encima


Festival start: 08 December 2021      Festival end: 12 December 2021

Due to the Covid-19 virus pandemic The Alter do Chão Film Festival 2021 will be held over the WEB on the Festival website.

The Alter do Chão Film Festival, is a meeting place between cultures around audiovisual production and other artistic manifestations of the Brazilian Amazon and the world in the national and international cinema and audiovisual production environment, stage for musical presentations and other artistic events to foster the interactivity of everyone interested in the intelligent and responsible preservation of the environment, cultures and Amazonian societies.


This year, FEST ALTER will provide another opportunity to publicize the participating films with the creation of AMAZÔNIA FEST ALTER TV - Advanced TV World Class Over The Top Private Label - which will be a window on the Festival's official website. The selected films will continue to be shown after their participation in the Competitive Exhibition and will enter the AMAZÔNIA FEST ALTER TV program during the 5 (five) days of the Festival. Therefore, it will be another opportunity for films / videos to be seen by more people and to give an “Olhar do Público” award. They will be shown during all days of the festival being held free of charge with Global visibility.

An event in partnership with social leaders, indigenous ethnicities, local producers, institutional allies, the eyes of the enchanted, Amazonian knowledge, Amazonian intellectuals and thinkers mixed with popular wisdom.
5 days of Cinema, Culture and Audiovisual via Web

Exhibition of films produced all over the country, internationally and produced by communities in the region and all the continents of the world.
Presentations of rich Amazonian folklore and musical shows by great artists who inspire and spread the Amazon across the world.

Five days of harmony and praise of cultural values. Local, national and international commitment to the real causes and desires of the inhabitants of the Amazon who make up participants and collaborators that guarantee a multiplied universe of dissemination.
Estimated audience of thousands of people during the five days of the event due to exposure via the Web, reaching regional, national and international visibility.

Audiovisual workshops, lectures, production and culture, places for meetings, debates and promotion of these activities in the region.

Sustainable Event
Promoting and using sustainability concepts, the Alter do Chão Film Festival will be a reference for event production.

Haverá um prêmio simbólico para cada um dos vencedores das categorias da Seleção Oficial com a entrega do Troféu Muiraquitã.

Paralelamente aos vencedores da Seleção Oficial, o FEST ALTER também premiará a Triagem Especial por filmes que tenham relevância socioambiental e / ou cultural.

The Alter do Chão Film Festival 2021 will be held via web in digital format on the official event website, www.festivaldealterdochao.com.br, the period of 8 to 12 December 2021, to heed the needs and health requirements to combat the pandemic Covid-19 in Brazil.

1.1 - The Alter do Chão Film Festival, also referred to in this document as FEST ALTER 2021, is a meeting space between cultures in the environment of national and international audiovisual production. The event also includes musical presentations, lectures, debates, testimonies and other artistic expressions to foster the interactivity of all who are interested in the preservation and dissemination responsible for the environment and societies that are relevant in its origin and strengthen the concepts for defense of ethnic groups and the extensive diversity of communities in the Amazon region.
1.2 - FEST ALTER is carried out by the producer Krioca Comunicação Ltda., with the institutional support of the Municipality of Santarém, in the State of Pará, through its Secretariat of Culture, in co-production with Borari Filmes Ltda.
2.1. The Alter do Chão Film Festival 2021, also referred to in this document as FEST ALTER 2021, is intended for Brazilian or foreign filmmakers (as long as the films contain subtitles).
2.2. Films made / finished may participate in the selection of the competitive show from January 1, 2019 or, completed prior to that date, provided they are unpublished in film festivals.
2.3. Each director may register 2 (two) films in each category of the Competitive Show.
2.4 – Each producer, distributor or production company may submit 3 (three) films in each category of the Competitive Show.
2.5 - Members of the Organizing Committee, management, coordination, curators and judges of FEST ALTER 2021, as well as their first degree relatives, cannot participate in this event.
2.6 - Candidates selected for the competitive or parallel exhibition will be informed by email. No information will be provided about the result of the selection before the date scheduled for release on October 11, 2021.
3.1 – The FEST ALTER 2021 is entirely free, from the registration of the films to the access to the event on the platform https://festivaldealterdocao.com.br/festalterplay/
3.2 – Registration will be open for 30 (thirty) days in the period between June 28, 2021 until the end of July 28, 2021.
3.3 – Registration will be held on the FilmFreeway platform, the registration link is below:
3.4 - Enrollment in this selection process implies, from the outset, on the candidate's knowledge, acceptance and obedience of the rules and conditions established in this regulation.
3.5 - Failure to comply with any of the requirements will result in exclusion from the registration.
3.6 – Upon registration, the proponent defines the category in which their work falls, however, if the film is not classified for the COMPETITIVE EXHIBITION, the organizing committee and the curatorship of FEST ALTER 2021 can and have the right to exhibit the film in parallel shows during the Festival;
3.7 – FEST ALTER 2021 is not responsible for problems involved in the placement or posting of the registered films, such as incorrect or changed passwords during the registration and evaluation period, or failures in the website's security;
3.8 - The person responsible for the registration must inform, in a proper field on the FilmFreeway platform, a link to view the film on YouTube or Vimeo.

3.9 – Upon registration, participants must send photos (JPEG) with indicative captions of the director and/or artists and technicians of the film registered at the event. (item not required)
3.10 – Upon registration, candidates must also provide a trailer or excerpt of up to 3 (three) minutes of the registered work for use in promotional pieces for FEST ALTER 2021.
3.11 – The registration platform will automatically send the registration form “confirmed” through the email indicated by the person responsible for the film, which will serve as proof.
3.12 – The information sent by the person responsible for the registration will be the same that will be used for promotional materials and the event's official catalogue.
3.13 – When registering for FEST ALTER, the person responsible for the entry and for the work/film must be aware that the organization has the right to disclose the registered films through photos, frames or excerpts, as well as names that appear in the technical sheet without prior communication.
3.14 – The copyrights of all films are the sole responsibility of the producers and guardians who registered their films and the event or organizers of FEST ALTER 2021, of the producer Krioca Comunicação Ltda and its co-producer, will not be liable for any related problems copyright and exhibition rights of the works at the Festival.
3.15 – The veracity of all registered information is the sole responsibility of the registrant.
4.1 – The entries for the Competitive Exhibition films are classified in the following categories of duration:
- Brazilian fiction feature film (80 minutes or more);
- International fiction feature film (80 minutes or more);
- Short film - Brazilian fiction film (maximum 50 minutes)
- Short film - international fiction film (maximum 50 minutes)
- Brazilian documentary film (no duration limit);
- International documentary film (no duration limit);
- Brazilian Animation Film (no duration limit);
- International Animation Film (no duration limit);
- SmartPhone / Brazilian Cell Phone Movie (no duration limit);
- SmartPhone / Mobile International Movie (no duration limit);
4.2 - Works entered at the festival, not selected for the Competitive Show, may be exhibited in a Parallel Show to be defined by the organization of FEST ALTER 2021.
5.1 – FEST ALTER 2021 will exhibit this year a Special Film Show French artists made and enrolled in this edition that will not be in the Competitive Show and that will be selected by the curatorship of the festival.
5.2 – The Festival will also exhibit an exhibition of “Guest Films” related to the Festival's honoree, Honorable President or personality relevant to the event's concepts.
5.3 – The event will also exhibit films that are relevant to the concepts of FEST ALTER 2021, even if not registered.
6.1 - The Selection / Curatorship Committee for the films registered to participate in the Competitive Exhibition of FEST ALTER 2021 is composed of experienced professionals and recognized experts in the field of cinema.
6.2. The Curatorship is appointed by the Festival's Organizing Committee, when the minutes of the session are drawn up, which contain the criteria adopted below.
6.3. The following selection criteria will be considered:
Direction; Performance/Action; Road map; Photography; Art direction; Assembly/Editing; Sound; Soundtrack and the conceptual vision described in item 1.1 of this regulation.
6.4. The list of those selected will be published on October 11, 2021, through publication on the website: www.festivaldealterdocao.com.br
6.5. The selected candidates automatically grant the rights, for 1 (one) year, to be exhibited during the FEST ALTER 2021 period and on the event's official website. Articles 28 to 33 of Federal Law No. 9610, of February 19, 1998 (Copyright Law) are based on articles 28 to 33 of Federal Law no. Brazil. In this promotional material, the due credits for the authors of the works will be guaranteed.
6.6. In the event of withdrawal or failure to locate a selected member within a period of 5 (five) working days, the Festival Organization will examine the possibility, or not, of summoning a substitute for a replacement.
6.7. Films will be screened for 24 hours in the Festival's schedule from December 8th to 12th, 2021.
7.1 - At the end of FEST ALTER 2021, the winners of each category of the COMPETITIVE EXHIBITION will be awarded, a Muiraquitã Trophy to the winner in the Brazilian Feature Film category, another trophy to Brazilian Documentary category and a diploma for the other categories.
7.2 – There will also be a “Popular Vote” award that will be audited by the event organization with the survey of the suffrage / election of the film that obtains the most nominations in all categories as best “work” on the official website of FESTALTER 2021.
In parallel to the awarding of the winners of the COMPETITIVE EXHIBITION, FEST ALTER 2021 may also grant an “award” to works that stand out for their socio-environmental, cultural or cinematographic relevance.
The Festival will provide lectures and debates on audiovisual production and market. The schedule and registration for participation will be available on the FEST ALTER 2021 website.
Projects for the production of audiovisual works will be sent to TV channels and distributors. They will be held in reserved chat rooms via WEB. Registration, dates and schedule for participation in the "business rounds" will be available on the FEST ALTER 2021 website.

11.1 - The films selected for the Competitive and Parallel Exhibition, as well as the "Special Exhibitions" to themes or honorees will be available on the Festival's exclusive streaming platform. https://festivaldealterdocao.com.br/festalterplay/ where the festival will take place.
11.2 - Films must be sent in the following aspects and formats: 1080p, file with MP4 extension, H.264 Video Codec and AAC Audio Codec with subtitles in .SRT extension

11.3 - All film screenings, artistic and cultural manifestations, business rounds, lectures, debates, among other activities, will be carried out digitally with support for live broadcasting and recording with Video Voice Cloud, which transcodes HLS or DASH, thus ensuring that videos/films are shown with high efficiency and quality. The technology implemented is a novelty in Film Festivals in Brazil. It is important to comply with all technical requirements for the film's participation in the Festival.

11.4 – We indicate and request that the sending of movies use a constant and non-fractional frame rate, this will avoid timing problems and other failures during transcoding. For example, instead of encoding and sending your videos or movies with a variable of 29.97 FPS (Frames per second), use a constant 30 FPS. "H.264" for video and "AAC" for audio are excellent codecs (Codecs are used to encode and decode media files, that is, they compress the original format, favoring storage, and decompress during playback, transforming back into image or audio).

11.5 - FEST ALTER 2021 reserves the right to cancel the participation of any selected film that does not present exhibition copies within the requested technical standards.
12.1 - Copies of all films selected to participate in the festival must meet the required standards, sent within the stipulated deadline, which is until November 11, 2021, for coordination of FEST ALTER 2021, based on the selection made public and made by the curatorship from the festival to contato@festivaldealterdocao.com.br

13.1 - The Organizing committee, producer and co-producer Festival's are exempt from any copyright and/or rights responsibility for the works exhibited at the Festival, understanding that upon registration, those responsible for the works/films have all rights over them. Producers and directors are entirely responsible for copyright and related rights of the exhibited works.
13.2 - FESTALTER 2021 will be responsible for the film storage costs for the period in which the film is in its custody.
14.1 - The Festival Coordination has the autonomy to extend or not the deadline for entries according to the event's needs.
14.2 - It will be up to the Festival organization to decide to increase the number of films to be shown at the event.
14.3 - The organization of FEST ALTER 2021 has the right to exclude any audiovisual work or other artistic activities from the event if it understands that there was an attitude, demonstration or manifestation that is motivated by racism, attacks the freedom of gender, social class, political class or dysfunction of people with psychological or motor difficulties.
14.4 – No film selected for FEST ALTER may be removed from the Festival after being officially announced at the event, unless the Festival organization so decides, under penalty of payment of a pecuniary fine in the amount of BRL 4,000.00 (four thousand reais) and the impossibility of the producer or those responsible for the film to participate in the Alter do Chão Film Festival for up to 3 (three) subsequent editions.
14.5 – The Alter do Chão Film Festival is sovereign over all decisions taken in relation to its execution, exhibition, and dissemination, and no participant as registered in the festival is entitled to interfere in the event.
14.6. Any cases not covered by this regulation will be resolved by the organization of the Alter do Chão Film Festival
14.7 - This regulation, as well as all other official information regarding FEST ALTER 2021, can be found on the festival's official page; https://festivaldealterdocao.com.br
14.8 - All participants or enrolled in FEST ALTER 2021 undertake and agree with all items of this regulation, its rules and are in agreement from the moment of their registration and participation, making this regulation to maximum letter related to the event and guidelines of FEST ALTER 2021, not allowing any contrary action.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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