CINECO - Festival Internacional de Cine y Ecología ()

International Film and Ecology Festival


02 Sep 2024
Call for entries

03 Sep 2024
Early deadline

15 Sep 2024
Standard deadline

24 Sep 2024
Late deadline

30 Sep 2024
Festival closed

15 Oct 2024
Notification date

06 Dec 2024
08 Dec 2024


CINE ODEÓN ELCHE,  03203, Elx, Alicante, Spain

Festival description
Short film festival >1' 30'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 January 2023
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  >1' 30'<
 Any language
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Photo of CINECO - Festival Internacional de Cine y Ecología
Photo of CINECO - Festival Internacional de Cine y Ecología

Photo of CINECO - Festival Internacional de Cine y Ecología
Photo of CINECO - Festival Internacional de Cine y Ecología


Festival start: 06 December 2024      Festival end: 08 December 2024

Biodiversity loss is one of the main threats we face today. Species are disappearing at levels never seen in human history. Climate change, habitat loss, pollution, overexploitation of resources, the appearance of invasive alien species are the main threats that many species face today.

The human being is the main cause of these threats, but the power to reverse these extinction processes is also in our hands. Conservation policies and measures have saved many species in recent years. Communicating and raising awareness about the main problems facing biodiversity is necessary in order to continue advancing. Many times the environmental problems that are treated from education, awareness and the work that is done in research centers do not reach the general public, for this reason using alternative media such as art or culture can be of great help to reach to more audiences.

Although the efforts to communicate the scientific results obtained in universities and research centers are evident, using the cinema as a communication vehicle is currently a little used bet.

At the "CINECO - International Film and Ecology Festival" we bring together scientists, filmmakers, conservation associations and the general public.

The main objective of the meeting is to highlight the role of cinema in communication and awareness of environmental problems. The specific objectives are:

1. Communicate and disseminate environmental problems to society through audiovisual pieces.

2. Establish a collaboration network between filmmakers and scientists for the development of future projects.

Cash Prizes: 1,300€

- The best documentary short film and the best non-documentary short film will each receive a trophy and a prize of 500 euros. In the CINECO YOUTH category, the top three short films will be awarded, receiving first, second, and third place, each with a prize of 100 euros. The first-place winner will also receive a trophy.9. The Festival will distinguish the work most highly rated by the audience, awarding the Audience Award.

- Special mentions may be awarded if the jury deems it appropriate.

- The organization may invite representatives of the finalist works to present a lecture on their work, either in person or online. The organization may cover transportation and/or accommodation expenses.

CINECO FESTIVAL 2024 RULES (Fourth Edition)

The loss of biodiversity is one of the main threats we face today. Species are disappearing at unprecedented rates in human history. Climate change, habitat loss, pollution, overexploitation of resources, and the emergence of invasive exotic species are the primary threats many species face today.

Humans are the main cause of these threats, but we also have the power to reverse these extinction processes. Conservation policies and measures have saved many species in recent years. Communicating and raising awareness about the main problems biodiversity faces is necessary to continue making progress.

Environmental issues often addressed through education, awareness, and research efforts do not always reach the general public. Therefore, using alternative means such as art or culture can be very helpful in reaching wider audiences.

Although efforts to communicate scientific results from universities and research centers are evident, using cinema as a communication vehicle is currently an underutilized approach.

At the “CINECO - International Film and Ecology Festival,” we bring together scientists, filmmakers, conservation associations, and the general public. CINECO is a festival organized by the University of Alicante with the support of the Department of Culture and Tourism of the Honorable City Council of Elche, the University of Alicante Film Department, the Miguel Hernández University, Arroz con Costra Productions, and the Cultural Association Teatro en Construcción.

The main objective of the event is to highlight the role of cinema in communicating and raising awareness about environmental issues. The specific objectives are:

1. To communicate and disseminate environmental issues to society through audiovisual pieces.

2. To establish a collaborative network between filmmakers and scientists for the development of future projects.

Welcome to CINECO – International Film and Ecology Festival. It will take place on December 6th, 7th and 8th 2024, in the cities of Elche and Alicante, Spain.

Facebook, Instagram, X @CinecoFestival


1. The festival is open to all types of short films recorded in any format, with a theme related to the environment and ecology, made by directors or producers from anywhere in the world. The works must have been produced from the year 2023 onward.

2. The work must be in Spanish. If the film’s language is not Spanish, the work must be submitted with Spanish subtitles. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in immediate disqualification.

3. The maximum duration of the work is 30 minutes, including credits.

4. The Festival assumes that the representatives of the submitted short films respect all rights related to the exhibition and promotion of the works.

CINECO FESTIVAL will not be responsible for any violation of this rule.

5. The Festival may use the images provided by the authors of the works to promote the event, as well as excerpts from the selected works in this and future editions.

6. The Festival may screen the winning and finalist works at events held in educational centers for educational purposes or in screening rooms to promote the festival and future editions.


7. Three sections will be held:

• Documentary short film on ecology or the environment. The participation of scientists in the technical or artistic team will be positively evaluated.

• Non-documentary short film. Fiction or animation short films on ecology or the environment are considered. The participation of scientists in the technical or artistic team will be positively evaluated.

• CINECO YOUTH. This category includes short films, whether documentary or non-documentary, focused on ecology or the environment, created by adolescents and young people between the ages of 12 and 22 who are residents of the province of Alicante only, with a maximum duration of 5 minutes. The rules for this category are attached separately. (BASES CINECO JUVENIL 2024)


8. The best documentary short film and the best non-documentary short film will each receive a trophy and a prize of 500 euros. In the CINECO YOUTH category, the top three short films will be awarded, receiving first, second, and third place, each with a prize of 100 euros. The first-place winner will also receive a trophy.

9. The Festival will distinguish the work most highly rated by the audience, awarding the Audience Award.

10. Special mentions may be awarded if the jury deems it appropriate.

11. The organization may invite representatives of the finalist works to present a lecture on their work, either in person or online. The organization may cover transportation and/or accommodation expenses.


12. The deadline for registration and submission of works is September 30th, 2024.

13. The Festival organization will notify the producers and/or directors of the works selected by the Selection Committee of the verdict before October 15th, 2024, via email.

14. Works can be submitted through the FESTHOME platform.

15. The author, representative, or production company that represents or distributes the selected work agrees to send the copy for screening in digital format before November 3rd, 2024, via WeTransfer to or through the platform where the work was registered. The file must be sent in high-quality mp4 format with H264 codec, stereo sound. This year, the festival may require the format to be DCP if the work is screened in a cinema. This will be informed well in advance. If the works contain subtitles, two files must be sent: one with embedded Spanish subtitles and one without subtitles.

16. The festival management will appoint the members of the contest jury, who will be scientists related to the environment and specialized filmmakers.

17. The Festival reserves the right to annul the awards.

18. Participation in the Festival implies acceptance of these rules.

19. The contest results will be announced on the closing day, and all selected participants will be notified via email.

For more information:
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter @CinecoFestival

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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