Festival de cine Zamora Enamora (3)

Zamora film festival


30 Mar 2024

30 Jun 2024
Festival fechado

01 Ago 2024
Data de Notificação

02 Out 2024
06 Out 2024


carretas 11,  49255, zamora, zamora, Spain

Descrição do festival
Festival de curtas-metragens >1' 30'<
Festival de longas metragens >60' 120'<

Requisitos do festival
 Festival de Cinema
 Music Video
 Qualquer tema
 Com taxas de inscrição
 Festival Internacional
 Localização física
 Janeiro 2023
 Países de produção: Qualquer um
 Países de gravação: Qualquer um
 Nacionalidades do diretor: Qualquer um
 Filmes de estréia 
 Projetos escolares 
 Curtas-metragens  >1' 30'<
 Longa-metragem  >60' 120'<
 Todos os idiomas
Compartilhar em Redes Sociais

Photo of Festival de cine Zamora Enamora
Photo of Festival de cine Zamora Enamora
Photo of Festival de cine Zamora Enamora
Photo of Festival de cine Zamora Enamora

Portuguese ML

Início do Festival: 02 Outubro 2024      Fim do Festival: 06 Outubro 2024

III Zamora film festival falls in love.
Comedy short films and feature films may be entered.

Short films:
-Comedy fiction or animation
-Special section Zamora falls in love: held in Zamora

Feature films:
-comedy fiction

Prêmios em dinheiro: 500€

Comedy short film section:
- Best short film: €500 and trophy
- Best actress: trophy
- Best actor: trophy
Zamora short film section:
- Best short Zamora: trophy
- Best actor Zamora: trophy
- Best actress Zamora: trophy
Comedy feature film section:
- Best Comedy Feature: Trophy
- Best long-form actress: trophy
- Best feature-length actor: trophy


The authors who participate here will be responsible for the rights of their works.

1) To register a film or short film in the Festival and facilitate its viewing by the Programming Committee, the following instructions must be followed:

Register the short or feature film through the festhome.com platform until June 30, 2023, completing all the indicated data and attaching an image of the poster, as well as the contact details of the producer or distributor as well as those of the director.

2) FEATURE FILMS can be registered as: - Comedy fiction feature film

3) Short films can be registered being animation, fiction, documentary with a comedy genre. And there will be an unofficial section "Zamora falls in love" that will have to be shot in Zamora with a free genre.

4) The minimum duration of the short films will be 1 minute and a maximum of 30 minutes for all sections.

5) The minimum length of feature films will be 60'

6) All short films must be of a comedy genre and with a production date

7) Feature films must be of the comedy genre and with a production date of 2023.

8) The call is open to all national and international filmmakers. Short films or feature films that are presented in a language other than Spanish must be subtitled in that language.

9) The organizing committee will make a first quality selection, which will be exhibited in sessions within the Festival's programming as long as health measures allow it and following the safety conditions set by the competent administrations.10) Projection format:
To guarantee the best possible projection quality, the projection format of the short films will be in DCP, and the copy in this format must be in the possession of the organization before September 10 in the case of short films and feature films.

The shipping and return costs of the physical copy, if necessary, will be borne by the participant.

The fact of not having a DCP copy of the film for its projection on the indicated day may lead to the cancellation of the selection.

11) The selection of the short films and feature films of the Official Section in competition will be announced on the Festival website

https://www.tomaocio.es/index.php/festival-zamora-enamora/, e-mail, social networks... and through various media, from September 1, 2022.

The selection will be communicated to all the participants and personally to the selected ones, who will be informed of all the details of the screening and the attendance conditions offered by the festival, whenever possible and with the security measures established the health authority.

12) The participants expressly authorize the use of the photographs sent in the Festival Catalog, web, social networks and their dissemination in the press, as well as fragments of the works of less than 1 minute.

The organization also reserves the right to program possible samples of the selected short films for the purpose of promoting and disseminating the Festival, with the prior authorization of the rights owners.

13) The Jury will be made up of film and audiovisual specialists and personalities from Zamora. His decision will be unappealable.

14) The prizes of the 1st "Zamora Falls in Love" Film Festival are:

Comedy short film section:

-Best short film: €500 and trophy
-Best actress: trophy
-Best actor: trophy

Comedy feature film section:

-Best feature film: trophy
-Best actress: trophy
-Best actor: trophy

Short films section recorded in Zamora:

-Best short film "Zamora Enamora": trophy.
-Best actress "Zamora Enamora": trophy
-Best actor "Zamora Enamora": trophy

All cash prizes will be subject to the withholdings established by current regulations.

15) The prizes will be awarded at the closing gala of the 3 'Zamora in love' Film Festival, which will take place at the Ramos Carrión Theater (Zamora) (no sure), on Saturday, October 5, 2024, as long as the sanitary conditions allow it.
It will be a necessary requirement to receive the award (as long as it is possible due to the health situation) the presence in said act of the person(s) directly awarded or of some relevant representative of the awarded works, assuming the festival the costs of the trip if the festival had a sufficient budget.

16) The winning films undertake that, in projections and subsequent promotional initiatives, the mention of the award received will appear, for which they will be provided with the official image of said recognition.

17) The participants exempt the organization from any responsibility derived from plagiarism or any other transgression of the current legislation in which any of the participants could incur.

18) Participation in this contest implies acceptance of these rules.

19) The organization reserves the right to change some of the issues present in these bases, due to force majeure, due to the current health situation.

20) Erotic or similar themes are exempt from this festival.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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