Festival start: 15 July 2023
Festival end: 25 May 2024
The extravagance of proposing to two film authors who are friends of each other and deeply linked by their love for images, to cover the role of Presidents of the "Piccolo Cinema Paradiso Award", is confirmed in the Second Edition of the 2023/2024 Award.
Silvano Agosti and Franco Piavoli have realized during their lives, a filmography of exceptional artistic quality. To honor their participation, we will screen some of their short films that will open the day of the Awards for the best films selected by tue Juries. The preciousness of their presence pushes us to consider the PCP Award as a sort of legacy to the creativity of each one of those who will participate to the selection, sending us their creations made in compliance with the characteristics of Productive Independence. We are sure that supporting this type of Cinema is increasingly in tune with our present that is rich in proposals, but not open to their dissemination. For this reason we will strive to offer the winning film, a space in the programming of Sale D'Essai of the italian territory.
We are waiting for you, with the pleasure and desire to amaze us again.
Regulation and purpose of the "Premio PCP 2023/24" competition cinematographic at its Second Edition, aims to discover talented authors and to promote the winning works.
The Award is aimed at both italian and foreign authors.
The theme of the work to be send is free.
- The main pourpose of the Awards is to identify,encourage, promote directors and authors of all nationalities, and to make their works know.
- in this second edition no age limit is required (provided that partecipants are of legal age by teh day of registration for the prize)
- Works with a maximum duration of 15 minutes (including closing and opening credits)that have been made between 2020 and 2023 are admitted. The theme is free, wether it is fiction, animation, documentary, experimentation. Each partecipant can compete with only one work.
- A careful pre-selection of the works received will be carried out aimed at identifying 20 short films that will be considered in all respects "finalist". The films will be divided into 3 sections, and each section will have its own specific award.
Fiction and Experimentation section
Documentary section
Animation section.
- A special audience prize will also be estabilished.
- the Jury of the Premio Piccolo Cinema Paradiso 2023/24 II edition is composed of eleven (11) members who will selectthe most deserving works for each section.
The Jury of the Prize:
Silvano Agosti - Indipendent director and author, poet, writer. President of Jury.
Franco Piavoli - Director author, co-president of the Jury
Paola Agosti - Actress, segretary of the Jury, President of the Piccolo Cinema Pardiso Association.
Paolo Buzi - Arttist, writer, creator of the Prize PCP.
Filippo Schillaci - expert in cinematographic language, photographer, writer.
Antonella Gandini - Artist and Photographer.
Giacomo Andrico - Independent filmmaker.
Giacomo Colossi - Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science, science fiction writer, film maker and video producer.
Federica Caggioli - Passionate about Cinema. programming consultant of the Piccolo Cinema Paradiso.
Giorgio Monticelli - Passionate about Cinema. programming consultant of the Piccolo Cinema Paradiso.
Daniele Lupi - Passionate about Cinema. programming consultant of the Piccolo Cinema Paradiso.
The films received will also be viewed and selected by a Publiv Jury chose and chaired by Vilma Razzi, professor of literature and History. Vilma, who graduate with a thesis on Cinema , has benn working for years on cinematography also within the public school promoting events and making short films.
The judgment of the 2 juries is unquestionable.
Cash Prizes: 2,100€
The prices:
Fiction section - experimental - Sperimentali
1st place - € 800
2nd place - € 400
3rd place - € 200
Documentary section
Single Prize - £ 600
Animation section
Single Prize - £ 500
There are also Special Mentions (signed by Silvano Agosti and Franco Piavoli) for particularly deserving short films in terms of genre, originality, content, other.
The authors of the awarded "short films" will be honored with two DVDs:
a film by Franco Piavoli and one by Silvano Agosti.
• The short film that will be most voted by the Jury of the Public will be offered an original work of art signed by the author.
• The announcement of the winners of the Prize will be held on Saturday 25 maggio 2024 at a venue that will be communicated by 30 april 2024.
How to participate:
a) The author / author of the work who intends to participate in the selection of the Piccolo Cinema Paradiso Award 2023/24 II Ed (PCP-2023/24 Award) will have to send a request for registration to the email address Premio.pcp@gmail.com and provide at the same time a link that allows a good view of the short film (subtitles in ITALIAN are required in case the original laguage is not). The application form (doc, docx, pdf) must contain
- 1) name and surname of the director
- 2) date and place of birth
- 3) place and address of residence
- 4) nationality
- 5) handwritten signature of the participant
- 6) telephone number, contact email, website, social page, etc.
b) For this second edition , there is a registration fee for the PCP2022 Award, equal to € 7.00 (Euro Seven / 00), to be paid by bank transfer to the c.c.
IBAN IT51G0623011204000015218477 in the name of Associazione Piccolo Paradise Cinema.
The PCP-2022 Prize must be specified on the reason for payment.
Please DO NOT SEND the share in cash, shorthand, through letter, by ordinary or registered mail.
The proof or receipt (in copy) of the payment must be attached to the request registration and sent to the email address indicated in paragraph a).
c) The opening of the competition announcement for the Piccolo Cinema Paradiso 2023/24 II Ed (PCP-2023/24 Award) is set for 15 july 2023. The deadline will expire ad midnight of sunday 14 january
d) The owners of the 20 works that will be selected for the final will be notified by email (their names will in any case be disclosed through the portal of the Prize and the "social" pages where the PCP is present) by april 2024.
e) The 20 finalists must send the following material by 30 april 2024:
Logline (in Italian and / or english)
• Synopsis of the film (in Italian and / or in english)
• Artistic and technical cast (in Italian and / or in english)
• Short comment by the director on the film (in Italian and / or in english)
• Biography of the director (in Italian and / or in english)
• Complete filmography of the director (if any)
• 1 photo of the director (HD, Res. 300 DPI)
• 3 or 4 photos of the film in HD
• If existing, a Teaser / trailer, of up to 30 seconds that can be published for purposes promotional.
• The movie file in HD format mp4 h 264 with subtitles (SRT with TimeCode) in english in case the original language was not in Italian.
f) It is also possible to send the work via physical medium (preferably pendrive), sending everything (including the registration form duly completed: see point a) at:
g) Or through Wetransfer (or similar) at premium.pcp@gmail.com
h) By sending the application form, the work and the payment made of the registration fee, the Author and all those entitled to accept what provided for in these competition rules of the PCP-2022 Award.
i) Failure to comply with the Regulations in each of its points is considered a cause of exclusion from the Award.
j) Participants give their consent pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/2003 and of the EU Reg 2016/679 - GDPR on the protection of privacy for the processing of personal data for all initiatives connected with the award.
k) The Court of Brescia is competent for any dispute.
Award ceremony : 25 maggio 2024
The authors of the awarded films will be invited to participate in the Festival and hosted in Brescia for one night. The invitation for the director is strictly personal.
The finalists authorize the organizers of the Award to disseminate informations and images related to their works in their own promotional materials and
communication, in the press and in any other location where this is necessary.
The Piccolo Cinema Paradiso 2023/24 II Ed Award (PCP-2023/24 Award) thanks in advance authors, authors, producers and distributors of the selected and awarded films who wish to include the official wording of the PCP Award - Piccolo Cinema Paradiso.
Our WebSite: www.premiopcp.weebly.com
Section Documentary
Short Films 15'<
Standard Fee7€ -8% 6.44€
Submissions deadline
14 Jan 24
Save up
Section Fiction Experimental
Short Films 15'<
Standard Fee7€ -8% 6.44€
Submissions deadline
14 Jan 24
Save up
Section animation
Short Films 15'<
Standard Fee7€ -8% 6.44€
Submissions deadline
14 Jan 24
Save up
Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.