BONITO CINESUR 2024 - Festival de Cinema Sul-americano de Bonito (2)

Bonito South American Film Festival


15 Mar 2024
Call for entries

30 Apr 2024
Festival closed

10 Jun 2024
Notification date

20 Jul 2024
27 Jul 2024


-,  -, Bonito , Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil

Festival description
Short film festival >1' 20'<
Feature film festival >71'

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Does NOT have submission fees
 Continental Festival
 Physical Location
 January 2023
 Production countries: Required
 Shooting countries: Required
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  >1' 20'<
 Feature Films  >71'
Portuguese Spanish
Portuguese Spanish
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Photo of BONITO CINESUR 2024 - Festival de Cinema Sul-americano de Bonito
Photo of BONITO CINESUR 2024 - Festival de Cinema Sul-americano de Bonito

Photo of BONITO CINESUR 2024 - Festival de Cinema Sul-americano de Bonito
Photo of BONITO CINESUR 2024 - Festival de Cinema Sul-americano de Bonito


Festival start: 20 July 2024      Festival end: 27 July 2024


Bonito South American Film Festival - 2024 -
Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, French Guiana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, Venezuela

Competitive screenings of South American new feature and short films made between 2023 and 2024;

Parallel exhibition of South American children's animation film;

Competitive environmental-themed film exhibition;

Competitive exhibition of Mato Grosso do Sul film, with films made between 2021 and 2024;

Awards, debates, rounds of discussions aimed at international agreements;

Exchange with the most important festival directors in South America;

Scriptwriting, executive production, directing assistance and film project development workshops;

cinema music.

CMU - Centro de Múltiplo Uso, City Council and Centro de Convenções of Bonito.


In Brazil’s heart, the city of Bonito is part of the Serra da Bodoquena National Park and one of the most important ecotourism spots in the country.

Mato Grosso do Sul borders Bolivia and Paraguay, from where the state received strong cultural influences and the composition of the ethnic identity of its people.

Bonito has around twenty thousand inhabitants and in this charming city there are rivers with crystal clear water, waterfalls, caves and the most beautiful landscapes of Brazil’s midwest. The cultural hub of Mato Grosso do Sul, Bonito hosts literary and Jazz festivals, besides one winter festival.

Bonito CineSur 2024 - South American Film Festival. Space for the gathering and integration of South American cinema and audiovisual productions, presenting its most recent films and bringing together professionals from all countries of the continent.

In 2023, Bonito CineSur enriched the cultural calendar of the city, of the country and of the continent with the screening of 45 South American films from 12 South American countries.

Actress Dira Paes is the official hostess of the festival and also promotes the exhibitions and the festival's potential to the press and on social media.

With the participation of 26 public and private institutions involved in the project, Bonito CineSur also encouraged the local creative economy by hiring production professionals, technical equipment besides a number of hotels, restaurants and land and air transportation services.

Bonito CineSur 2024 - South American Film Festival

Producer of the movies “O outro lado do paraíso" (2015) and “O pastor e o guerrilheiro” (2022). Nilson was the director of Festival de Brasília do Cinema Brasileiro (1995, 1997, 1998 and 2011), and also of the “Festival Internacional de Cinema de Brasília” - Brazilian International Film Festival (from 2012 to 2017).

ANDREA FREIRE - Coordinator
Coordinator of the Bonito Winter Festival (from 2000 to 2006, 2015 and 2016); coordinator of Festival América do Sul (2004, 2005, 2015 and 2016); coordinator of the Screening Exhibit “Vídeo Índio Brasil” (2009), of the audiovisual production course “Mídias Contemporâneas Narrativas Populares” (2010); director, researcher and writer of the audiovisual series “EVOÉ – Drama Stories in Campo Grande” (2021). Coordinator of Bonito CineSur (2023).

Born in Jaú, in São Paulo state, in 1957. He is a journalist, translator and film critic. José Geraldo has worked for more than twenty years at the Folha de S. Paulo newspaper. He is currently working at the Moreira Salles Institute. José has translated literary works by Henry James, Norman Mailer, Truman Capote, Martin Scorsese and Nelson Mandela, among others.

LUCIANA DRUZINA – Curator of the Anima Sur children's and youth exhibition
Director of the company Druzina Content, where for over fifteen years she has been producing series, animated films, fiction and games, which are shown in more than fifty countries on the most diverse platforms and channels.

ELIS REGINA – Curator of the environmental cinema exhibition

Journalist, Elis has already worked as a curator in many events, such as: “Comitiva dos Chefs Festival Movie Exhibit” (2019); Making Of exhibit – “O Cinema Está Aqui – Festcine América do Sul” (2014); “A Imagem do índio exhibit – Vídeo Índio Brasil” (2014 and 2015); “Comida em Movimento Festival – Cinema e Gastronomia” (2023).

BONITO CINESUR – South American Film Festival
Production - Associação Amigos do Cinema e da Cultura – AACIC

Associação Amigos do Cinema e da Cultura – AACIC
Private non-profit entity, founded in 2007, which has been developing cultural, educational and training projects for over fifteen years. Among the activities carried out, the “Cinesurdo" projects, The School in Cinema, Contemporary Dialogues, Popular Cinema Circuit and Cinema in Schools stand out. The association’s experience and technical capacity for developing and carrying out activities in the field of cinema, as well as in training, education and culture in general, has already been attested by the Education, Health and Culture Commission of the City Council of Brasília and by the Brasília University of Brasília.

July 20th to 27th, 2024

AACIC Executive Secretary
Dulcinéia Miranda
+55 (61) 98119-5417

Official Jury Prize for Best South American Feature Film: R$ 20,000.00 and Pantanal Trophy

Official Jury Prize for Best South American Short Film: R$ 7,500.00 and Pantanal Trophy

Official Jury Award for Best Film in Mato Grosso do Sul: R$ 7,500.00 and Pantanal Trophy

Official Jury Award for Best South American Environmental Feature Film: R$ 7,500.00 and Pantanal Trophy

Official Jury Award for Best South American Environmental Short Film: R$ 7,500.00 and Pantanal Trophy

Popular Jury Award for Best South American Feature Film: Pantanal Trophy

Popular Jury Award for Best South American Short Film: Pantanal Trophy

Popular Jury Award for Best Film in Mato Grosso do Sul: Troféu Pantanal

Popular Jury Award for Best South American Environmental Feature Film: Troféu Pantanal

Popular Jury Award for Best South American Environmental Short Film: Pantanal Trophy



Art. 1st Bonito CineSur 2024 – Bonito South American Film Festival will be held in the city of Bonito, in Mato Grosso do Sul state, from July 20th to 27th of the current year, being organized by the Associação Amigos do Cinema e da Cultura – AACIC, supported by public and private institutions.

Paragraph 1: The activities of Bonito CineSur 2024 - Bonito South American Film Festival will take place in venues prepared to hold film screenings following international standards in Bonito city, in Mato Grosso do Sul state.

Paragraph 2: The 2024 Bonito South American Film Festival will offer five competitive screenings; one for South American feature films, one for South American short films, one for Mato Grosso do Sul’s films, one for South American feature films about the environment, one for South American short films about the environment and one parallel screening with South American animated films aimed at children and young people that includes educational activities.


Art. 2 The competitive South American feature film screening will consist of 6 (six) films.

Art. 3 The competitive South American short film screening will consist of 6 (six) films.

Art. 4 The competitive screening of films from Mato Grosso do Sul will consist of 6 (six) films, which can be feature, medium or short films.

Art. 5 The competitive screening of South American environmental feature films will consist of 6 (six) films.

Art. 6 The competitive South American environmental short film screening will consist of 6 (six) films.

Art. 7 The films chosen for the competitive screenings will compete for the awards for Best South American Feature Film by the Official Jury, Best South American Short Film by the Official Jury, Best Mato Grosso do Sul's Film by the Official Jury, Best South American Environmental Feature Film by the Official Jury, Best South American Environmental Short Film by the Official Jury, Pantanal Trophy for Best South American Feature Film by the Popular Jury, Best South American Short Film by the Popular Jury, Best Film from Mato Grosso do Sul by the Popular Jury, Best South American Environmental Feature Film by the Popular Jury, Best South American Environmental Short Film by the Popular Jury.


Art. 8 The children's and youth exhibition of South American animated films will show an historical overview and will feature a selection of films, long and short, for children and young adults, and will be divided into sessions suitable for each age group.


Art. 9 Only films completed in 2023 and 2024, unreleased in the Brazilian market, can be shown in the competitive exhibitions of South American films and South American environmental films at Bonito CineSur 2024.

Paragraph 1: It´s considered as feature film, films that run for more than seventy minutes.

Paragraph 2: Short films are films with a duration equal to or less than twenty minutes.

Art. 10 Films by producers established in Mato Grosso do Sul, completed between 2021-2024, will be able to be screened at the competitive exhibition of films from Mato Grosso do Sul, and may be of short, medium or feature film length.

Paragraph 1: It´s considered as Medium length film, a film that runs more than twenty minutes and equal to or less than seventy minutes.

Art. 11 Only works that have not been commercially released in Brazil will be accepted.

Art. 12 Films from all exhibitions, competitive and parallel, will be shown in standard digital format – DCP in rooms adapted by the Bonito Festival.


Art. 13 The registration of the films that will compete for the selection of Bonito CineSur 2024 - Bonito South American Film Festival must be done following the procedures below:

Paragraph 1: The regulation and the registration form will be available on the website, from March 15th to April 30th, 2024. Entries must be submitted by the legal representatives of the film, by completing and sending the registration form and mandatory attachments online. The film will only be considered registered in the Bonito CineSur after completing all the mandatory fields of the registration form and mandatory attachments.

I – It is mandatory to send the following material, along the online registration form:

link to the film, originally in Spanish or Portuguese, for viewing and evaluation;

synopsis with up to 500 characters;


2 (two) photos of the film and a photo of the director or directors with a minimum resolution of 300 PPP, properly identified and accredited;

Biography and filmography of the director(s) with up to 500 characters.

Paragraph 2: - As an alternative, interested parties may submit their films via the Festhome platform ( / In order to do so, they must fill out the registration in full by completing the upload of the video file or making the link available and then pay the platform's submission fee. Only when this process is complete the registration will be done and available to the festival programmers.

II – The films selected for the competitive screenings will not receive any kind of fee for the exhibition.

III – Applications must be done by April 30th, 2024.


Art. 14 The films of the competitive and parallel exhibitions will be selected by film professionals indicated by the direction of Bonito CineSur.


Art. 15 Bonito CineSur 2024- Bonito South American Film Festival will disclose the list of films selected for the competitive screenings on the website and social media of Bonito CineSur and AACIC, by July 5th, 2024.

Art. 16 Those responsible for the selected films must send the requested materials to the festival coordination via email.

I - The festival will be responsible for the total security of the films, against any type of illegal reproduction or copying. The film link must be available for the entire festival period. The link must be sent within the deadline of June 10th, 2024.

II – The list of dialogues must be sent via email up to June 10th. The festival is responsible for translating and subtitling the film into Portuguese.

III – In addition to the material already sent during the application, the following promotional materials for the film must also be sent online:

- link with movie scenes (2 to 5 minutes) and/or trailer, website, social media, if any.

Sole Paragraph: Once participation in the festival is confirmed, the selected films cannot be withdrawn from the competition, with no appeal and/or claim for compensation.

Art. 17 The selected films cannot be shown in the commercial circuit of cinemas, on television or on the internet or have a preview open to the public in Brazil before being shown at the festival, under penalty of being withdrawn from the competition.


Art. 17 The Official Jury will be composed by Brazilian and foreign professionals from the audiovisual field, who will define the award for Best Film in the five categories.

Art. 19 The Trophies for Best South American Feature Film by the Popular Jury, Best South American Short Film by the Popular Jury, Best Mato Grosso do Sul's Film by the Popular Jury, Best South American Environmental Feature Film by the Popular Jury, Best South American Environmental Short Film by the Popular Jury, will be offered based on the votes of the public participating in Bonito CineSur.

I - There will be 1 session of each film participating in the competitive screenings, when the popular ratings will be given.

II - Each viewer will receive a ballot with the option to rate each film from 5 to 10.

III - The festival production team will be responsible for organizing, supervising, distributing and collecting ballots after each session ends.

IV - After the screenings, the ballots will be kept in envelopes that will only be open when accounted.


Art. 20 The rates given by the popular jury will be counted proportionally. The film that scores the best average proportional to the number of people in the audience will be the winner.

Art. 21 The production team will release an official document signed by the festival's coordination indicating the winning film in the popular jury category.


Art. 22 The Official Jury will watch all the films participating in the competitive screenings and, on the last day, will release an official document signed by all its members indicating the winners of the Best Film awards by the Official Jury.


Art. 23 Bonito CineSur - Bonito South American Film Festival - 2024 will award the films competing in the event with a trophy and a cash prize as follows:

Official Jury Prize for Best South American Feature Film: R$ 20,000.00 and Pantanal Trophy

Official Jury Prize for Best South American Short Film: R$ 7,500.00 and Pantanal Trophy

Official Jury Award for Best Mato Grosso do Sul's Film: R$ 7,500.00 and Pantanal Trophy

Official Jury Award for Best South American Environmental Feature Film: R$ 7,500.00 and Pantanal Trophy

Official Jury Award for Best South American Environmental Short Film: R$ 7,500.00 and Pantanal Trophy

Popular Jury Award for Best South American Feature Film: Pantanal Trophy

Popular Jury Award for Best South American Short Film: Pantanal Trophy

Popular Jury Award for Best Mato Grosso do Sul's Film: Pantanal Trophy

Popular Jury Award for Best South American Environmental Feature Film: Pantanal Trophy

Popular Jury Award for Best South American Environmental Short Film: Pantanal Trophy


Art. 24 The trophies will be awarded at the awards ceremony on July 27, 2024.

Art. 25 Cash prizes will be paid upon presentation of the invoice by the film's legal representative or by a company delegated by the film to be requested by the festival coordination, within a period of up to thirty days after the end of the festival.


Art. 26 Failure to comply with any requirement of this regulation will result in the automatic disqualification of the competing film.

Art 26 The decisions of the Commissions are irrevocable.

Sole Paragraph: The Commissions will be automatically dissolved as soon as the award ceremony is held on July 27th, 2024.


Bonito, Brasil, March 2024.
Marconi Costa da Silva Scarinci
AACIC President



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