VI Festival De Cine Render (6)


01 Sep 2023
Call for entries

23 Sep 2023
Early deadline

14 Oct 2023
Standard deadline

04 Nov 2023
Late deadline

15 Dec 2023
Festival closed

12 Feb 2024
Notification date

04 Apr 2024
13 Apr 2024


Jiron Libertadores Manzana 57 Lote 3,  15457, Lima, Chosica, Peru

Festival description
Short film festival 30'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Online and Physical Location
 December 2022
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  30'<
 Any language
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Photo of VI Festival De Cine Render
Photo of VI Festival De Cine Render

Photo of VI Festival De Cine Render
Photo of VI Festival De Cine Render


Festival start: 04 April 2024      Festival end: 13 April 2024

The Render University Film Festival is a space that was born in university clasrooms , with the aim of strengthening and promoting spaces for training, creation, and film exhibition that allow students from different regions of Peru to develop their skills in the audiovisual profession.

For the sixth edition, the festival is interested in bringing together films that address issues related to territorial limits and the social dynamics that take place in these spaces, considering variables such as ethnic diversity, gender, economic-social conditions, human rights, etc. Always from the perspective of young filmmakers. We firmly believe that the youth perspective is essential to observe the complexities of the peripheries and encourage a critical look at society.

Consequently, as part of the activities of the festival, which will take place between March and April 2024, we hereby open the call for short films international competition, which consists of 3 categories that we will explain in the following section.

a) The festival will award the winners with a certificate and a trophy in recognition of the best film in each category.

b) The winning films (1 film per category) will have the option to be awarded the preparation and execution of a distribution plan for a period of 12 months from the award ceremony.

c) The festival's premise is to be a space for film education and discussion, so all the films that are part of the official selection of the VI edition in all categories of competition, will receive personalized feedback from each member of the jury corresponding to their category, regarding their film.


a) Registration for the 3 international competition categories will be done through Festhome platform. Rules can be found on our website:

b) The call has 4 registration periods:

i) First date: Del 01/09 al 23/09 - free of charge
ii) Second date: Del 24/09 al 14/10 - 3 USD
iii) Third date: Del 15/10 al 04/11 - 5 USD
iv) Fourth date: Del 05/11 al 30/11 - 8 USD

c) The reception of films begins on September 1 at 18:00 hrs and ends on November 30 at 23:59 hrs.

d) The call is open to students or graduates from any part of the world, from universities, film schools and specialized training programs.

e) Graduates are those who have completed their studies from December 2022 onwards. The film nominated must have been produced during their university studies.


a) The duration of the films may not exceed 30 minutes, including credits.

b) Audiovisual pieces of any genre and language are accepted (in case the film has not been produced in Spanish, it must include embedded subtitles in this language).

c) The themes and formats of registration are free, they must be original films, and made after January 1, 2022.

d) For the film to be admitted, at least 70% of the production team must be current students or graduates from educational institutions.

e) For the international competition, in any of 3 categories, directors and producers of the films must be students or graduates of educational institutions.

f) Each participant is free to send as many films as he/she deems convenient, however, if selected, only one (01) film per author will be admitted as part of the official selection in one (01) of the competition categories.


a) The call for short films in international competition of the V RENDER University Film Festival is open for the following sections:

i) Fiction:

This category considers all films that propose a simulation of reality from the authors' point of view, a simulation that is related to reality either by similarity, contrast or transformation.

ii) Non-fiction:

This category considers all films that are framed within a truthful and verifiable fact , extracting from the surrounding reality, fundamental premises that are developed in the audiovisual work.

iii) Experimental:

This category considers films that present unusual forms of construction, as they present themselves as disruptive to the already established classic audiovisual language. Each film undergoes its own personal exploration of a certain element or concept.


a) The festival's programming team, in each category, will make a pre-selection of the films received. Subsequently, the panel of three jurors, made up of three audiovisual professionals, will evaluate the works according to their criteria. The jury's decision is unique and unappealable.
b) The jury will award a recognition to the best film by film category, and will also make honorable mentions or technical distinctions, if they deem them necessary.
c) The official selection will be announced on February 3, 2024, through the festival's social networks and website. On the same day, those selected will receive an email with instructions to follow.
d) The selected short films must be uploaded to the platform indicated in the selection notification email, within 5 working days after the notification of the selection, in mov or mp4 format, H.264 video codec and in Full HD 1920 x 1080 resolution, and the following documentation and materials must be included :

i) Film clip
ii) Promotional material of the film:

(1) Official trailer
(2) Official poster
(3) Three stills from the film
(4) Three photographs of the making of the film
(5) One photograph of the director

iii) Technical data
iv) Completed exhibition license

e) Once the film has been selected in any of the festival's categories, it cannot be withdrawn from the festival's program.
f) The authors of the selected films transfer the rights of public communication to Render Festival and grant their permission for their virtual and in-person exhibition during the festival and in subsequent dissemination activities (prior communication) carried out by the organization.
g) The authors of the winning films commit themselves to use the laurels of the festival in publicity, exhibitions or future screenings.
h) Cases not foreseen in the rules will be resolved by RENDER, as the organizing entity, the fact of participating implies the total acceptance of the rules.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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