VII Festival De Cine Render (7)


16 Set 2024

09 Out 2024
Prazo inicial

31 Out 2024
Prazo padrão

22 Nov 2024
Prazo final

16 Dez 2024
Prazo estendido


20 Jan 2025
Data de Notificação

03 Abr 2025
12 Abr 2025


Jiron Libertadores Manzana 57 Lote 3,  15457, Lima, Chosica, Peru

Descrição do festival
Festival de curtas-metragens 30'<

Requisitos do festival
 Festival de Cinema
 Music Video
 Qualquer gênero
 Qualquer tema
 Com taxas de inscrição
 Festival Internacional
 Localização física e on-line
 Janeiro 2024
 Países de produção: Qualquer um
 Países de gravação: Qualquer um
 Nacionalidades do diretor: Qualquer um
 Filmes de estréia 
 Projetos escolares 
 Curtas-metragens  30'<
 Todos os idiomas
Compartilhar em Redes Sociais

Photo of VII Festival De Cine Render
Photo of VII Festival De Cine Render

Photo of VII Festival De Cine Render
Photo of VII Festival De Cine Render

Portuguese ML

Início do Festival: 03 Abril 2025      Fim do Festival: 12 Abril 2025

The Render Festival is a space that was created in the classroom, with the aim of strengthening and promoting spaces for training, creation, and film exhibition that allow students from different regions of Peru to develop their skills in the audiovisual profession.

For the seventh edition, the festival addresses a historical moment in which every day new possibilities and threats emerge, Does the future cause us fear or excitement? We want to explore what cinema has to say about the lurking crises: ecological, economic and political. And about the new possible paths. How does technological innovation transform the way we create, watch and consume moving images?

In a society where technological changes and revolution is already part of the global daily life, we propose a critical look at it, through young filmmakers. How the process of creation changes as a result of a galloping technology is the perspective that will redirect us. This call is aimed at filmmakers who are currently studying at universities or other schools or institutions of higher education in any country.

Consequently, as part of the activities of the festival, which will be carried out through the present, we open the call for our international short film competition, which consists of 3 categories that we will explain in the following section.

a) The festival will recognize the best work in each category with a certificate and a trophy.

b) The winning films (1 film per category) will have the option to receive the development and execution of a distribution plan for a period of 12 months from the date of the award.

c) Winning entries will receive a DCP copy of their films.

d) The festival's premise is to be a space for film education and discussion, so all the works that are part of the official selection of the VII edition in the competition categories will receive personalized feedback from each member of the panel of judges corresponding to their respective category.

a) Registration for the 3 international competition categories will be done through the Festhom platform. The rules can be viewed on our website:

b) There is a registration fee of 1.5 USD.

c) The reception of works begins on September 16 at 18:00 hrs and ends on December 16 at 23:59 hrs.

d) In case you are a student, you must attach a folder with the documentation of the staff of realization, this must contain:

i) Identification document
ii) Enrollment report or receipt (scanned or digital) of the cycle or semester of studies being attended. Alternatively, a valid university ID card (scanned on both sides) or a letter issued by the study center, which guarantees the applicant's student status, may be presented.
iii) Affidavit of authorship (only from the author of the work).
e) In case you are a graduate, you must attach a folder with the documentation of the staff of realization, this must contain:
i) Identification document
ii) Certificate or proof indicating the date of completed studies. Alternatively, a letter issued by the study center can be presented, guaranteeing that the work was done during the applicant's student years.
iii) Affidavit of authorship (only from the author of the work).


a) The duration of the work may not exceed 30 minutes, including credits.

b) Audiovisual pieces of any genre and language are accepted (in case the work has not been produced in Spanish, it must include embedded subtitles in the aforementioned language).

c) The themes and formats of registration are free, they must be original works, and made after January 1, 2024.

d) For the work to be admitted, at least 70% of the members of the production must be current students or graduates from higher education institutions of any nationality. IDs and proof of studies will be requested.

e) For the international competition, in any of its 3 categories, directors and producers of the works must be of any nationality other than Peru and be students or graduates.

f) Applicants are free to submit as many works as they deem appropriate; however, if selected, only one (01) work per author will be admitted as part of the official selection in one (01) of the competition categories.


a) The call for short films in international competition of the VII RENDER Film Festival is open for the following sections:

i) Fiction:
Works of fiction are considered to be all those that propose a simulation of reality from the authors' point of view, a simulation that is related to reality either by similarity, contrast or transformation.
ii) Non-fiction:
Non-fiction works are considered to be all those that are framed in a truthful and verifiable fact, extracting from the surrounding reality, fundamental premises that are developed in the audiovisual work.
iii) Experimental:
Experimental works are considered to be all those that present unusual forms of construction, which are established as disruptive of the already established classic audiovisual language. Each work is an exploration of its own, personal and of a certain element or concept.


a) The festival's programming team will make an official pre-selection of the works received in each category. After this communication with the participants and according to our protocol of prevention, attention and sanction in cases of sexual harassment and gender-based violence of the Render Festival, published on April 30, 2023, the management team of the film submitted to the competition will be asked to submit a sworn statement of no criminal or police record where there are no complaints related to the themes of this Protocol (Harassment, Harassment or GBV), in their country of origin.

b) The films that pass this pre-selection filter will be part of the official competition of our festival.

c) Subsequently, the panel of three jurors, made up of three audiovisual professionals, will evaluate the works according to their criteria. The jury's decision is final and not subject to appeal.

d) The panel of three jurors will award recognition to the best work by film category, and will also make honorable mentions or technical distinctions, if deemed necessary.

e) The official selection of the jury will be announced on January 15, 2024, through social networks and the festival's website. On the same day, those selected will receive an email with instructions to follow.

f) The selected short films must be uploaded to the platform indicated in the selection communication email, within 5 working days after the communication, in .mov or .mp4 format, H.264 video codec and in Full HD 1920 x 1080 resolution, and the following documentation and materials must also be included:

i) Film clip
ii) Promotional material of the work:
(1) Official Trailer
(2) Official poster
(3) 3 stills from the film
(4) 3 photographs of the making off
(5) 1 photograph of the director
iii) Technical data
iv) Exhibitor's license completed

g) Once a work has been selected in any of the festival's categories, it may not be withdrawn from the festival's program. In extraordinary cases, the festival reserves the right to disqualify a work for incorrect or false documentation.

h) The authors of the selected works cede the rights of public communication to the Render festival and grant their permission for their virtual and in-person exhibition during the festival and in subsequent dissemination activities (prior communication) carried out by the organization.

i) The authors of the winning works agree to use the laurels of the festival in the respective publicity material, exhibitions or future screenings.

j) Cases not foreseen in the rules will be resolved by RENDER, in its capacity as organizer. Participation implies full acceptance of the rules.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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