Videocomposta. VII festival de vídeos y cortos de compostaje ()



18 Mär 2024
Aufruf zu Einschreibungen

06 Okt 2024
Festival geschlossen

18 Okt 2024

17 Okt 2024
17 Okt 2024


Plaza de la Constitución, 1,  28522, Rivas Vaciamadrid, Madrid, Spain

Festival Beschreibung
Kurzfilmfestival 5'<

Festival Anforderungen
 Alle Genre
 Alle Themen
 Hat KEINE Einsende-Gebühren
 Internationales Festival
 Online und physischer Standort
 Produktionsdatum: Jede
 Produktionsländer: Jede
 Länder Dreharbeiten: Jede
 Nationalitäten Regisseur: Jede
 Kurzfilme  5'<
 Jede Sprache
Teilen in sozialen Netzwerken

Photo of Videocomposta. VII festival de vídeos y cortos de compostaje
Photo of Videocomposta. VII festival de vídeos y cortos de compostaje
Photo of Videocomposta. VII festival de vídeos y cortos de compostaje
Photo of Videocomposta. VII festival de vídeos y cortos de compostaje

German ML

Festival Start: 17 Oktober 2024      Festival Ende: 17 Oktober 2024

Videocomposta is a contest of short films and videos on decentralized composting that, since 2017, has been organized by Composta en Red within the framework of the Seminars on home and community composting.

Geldpreise: 400€

The jury will choose a winning video or short film from each of the categories, which will be awarded €200.

In addition, at the contest show on October 17 in Cáceres, an audience prize will be awarded among the videos screened that are not winners of the jury prize.



Individuals or legal entities of any nationality may participate in the contest.

The number of short films that each participant can submit to the competition is unlimited.

Categories and modalities

The theme of the videos and short films submitted to the competition will be decentralized composting

Two categories are established:

1. Didactic-Informative: This is the category for videos presenting the entities' projects; You can also explain to us that very personal technique on how you make compost; that way of building the cool composter you have or the strict diet you prepare for your worms.

2. Author's Short: Here are the short films with more personal, more poetic, more artistic views on compost and composting; the most surreal, the most social; you can make a comedy, a melodrama, a western or a horror film...

The organization reserves the right to change a short category if it considers it appropriate.

Duration of the shorts

The duration of the shorts will be a maximum of 4 and a half minutes (4': 30''). It could be shorter if the author so chooses.

Short format

The videos can be recorded with any device: Mobile phone, Tablet, photo camera, video camera,... The following formats will be supported: mp3, mp4, avi, mov.

In addition to the video file, a frame of the short film must be sent, measuring 1000 x 570 pixels and a maximum weight of 400Kb, in .jpg format that does not contain the title (other than the initial frame), nor the superimposed subtitles.


Videos can be presented in any language. Spanish subtitles will be necessary for videos presented in a different language.

Participation Dates

The reception of short films will begin on Monday, March 18, 2024 and will end on Sunday, October 6, 2024.

Registration and submission of short films

To participate in the first edition of the short film contest, you must complete the form found at, to which you must attach the following files:

1. Frame of the short: Frame of the short, 1000 x 570 pixels and a maximum weight of 400Kb, in jpg format that does not contain the title (other than the initial frame), nor the superimposed subtitles.

2. For short films weighing more than 20 Mb, it is recommended to use the sending platform to the email address

Contest Mechanics

Once the competition organization has verified that the short film complies with the rules, an email will be sent to its author to inform them if it has been admitted to the competition.

The organization reserves the right to not admit videos to the contest that, in its discretion, do not meet the technical, artistic and/or legal conditions required by the contest.

Likewise, it reserves the right to disqualify or exclude pieces that the organization considers may offend sensitivities.

Once the deadline for receiving short films has ended, a jury from the organization will view the videos admitted to the competition to choose the finalists in each category. 5 short finalists will be chosen per category.

The competition jury will be made up of the following members:

-Lawrence Sudlow. President of Friends of the Earth Madrid and Europe.

 Beatriz Yaben: Technician of the Commonwealth of the Pamplona Region and member of the Board of Directors of Composta en Red.

 Alberto Peralta: Organizer of the Humus Film Fest and Member of the Rehdmad (Network of urban community gardens of Madrid)

 Oscar Rubio: Composting technician of the Commonwealth of Valdizarbe and member of Composta en Red.

The finalist videos will be screened on the day of the contest, which will be held in Cáceres on October 17, 2024.


The jury will choose a winning video or short film from each of the categories, which will be awarded €200.

In addition, at the contest show on October 17 in Cáceres, an audience prize will be awarded among the videos screened that are not winners of the jury prize.

Legal issues

All participating short films must have authorizations and transfers of copyright and other owners of pre-existing and original works that are incorporated in them.

Participants guarantee that the short films do not violate any right of exploitation, nor rights of honor, privacy and image, nor Intellectual and/or Industrial Property rights and/or any other rights of third parties, and that they do not violate current legislation.

The organization of the contest declines all legal responsibility for the films submitted to the contest and their content.

The authors of the short films authorize the organization of the contest to use, reproduce, disclose, print, publish and disseminate through any means of communication, the name of the director, performers and technical team, their artistic names, photographs and images represented by any plastic medium, biography, etc., so that acts of promotion and communication of audiovisual works can be carried out, directly or indirectly.

Acceptance of the bases

Participation in the contest implies full acceptance of these rules. For more information or for any questions, you can use the email:



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