Food & Cinema - Festival del Miskiglio (1)

Food & Cinema - Miskiglio Festival


10 Apr 2024
Call for entries

31 May 2024
Festival closed

14 Jun 2024
Notification date

01 Feb 2024
30 Jun 2024

Address Vittorio Emanuele,  85043, Fardella, Potenza, Italy

Festival description
Short film festival >3' 25'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Does NOT have submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 Production date: Any
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  >3' 25'<
 Any language
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Festival start: 01 February 2024      Festival end: 30 June 2024

The Municipalities of Calvera, Chiaromonte, Fardella, and Teana announce, for the year 2024, within the framework of the Miskigliamoci Festival, the 1st edition of "Food and Cinema - Miskiglio Festival." The audiovisual works in competition, of the type described below, must have as their theme food, or contain narrative elements related to gastronomy, scenes and sequences pertaining to the theme, or the enhancement of the territories’ typical products.

The works will be judged for their creativity, the ability to narrate the key theme, and for their technical and aesthetic qualities.

The winner will receive a cash prize worth €2,500.00 and the right to participate in the Marateale Short Film Contest.

Participation in the competition is free.

The winner will receive a cash prize worth €2,500.00 and the right to participate in the Marateale Short Film Contest.

• Article 1. Organization and theme of the competition

The Municipalities of Calvera, Chiaromonte, Fardella, and Teana announce, for the year 2024, within the framework of the Miskigliamoci Festival, the 1st edition of "Food and Cinema - Miskiglio Festival." The audiovisual works in competition, of the type described below, must have as their theme food, or contain narrative elements related to gastronomy, scenes and sequences pertaining to the theme, or the enhancement of the territories of origin of typical products.

• Article 2. Location and Date of the Event
The award ceremony will take place in the month of June at Catasta del Pollino.

• Article 3. Competitive Category Contest

o Art 3.1 - The competition is reserved for short films.

o Art 3.2 - The duration of the works must be not less than three minutes and not more than ten minutes (including opening/closing credits). The organization reserves the right to admit works of shorter or longer duration than the above if they are worthy of interest.

• Article 4. Selection and Jury

o Art 4.1 - The jury, composed of experts in the film industry, communication, and food, will decide the works that will be screened during the festival and those that will win the final prizes.

o Art 4.2 - The works will be judged for their creativity, the ability to narrate the key theme, and for their technical and aesthetic qualities.

o Art 4.3 - The decision of the jury is final and cannot be subject to discussions or correspondence.

o Art 4.4 - The jury reserves the right to consider any submitted material inadmissible or to declare the entire competition null and void if there are no materials that meet the required standards.

o Art 4.5 - Participants whose works will be screened during the festival will be notified by email and/or telephone at least 5 days before the final event.

• Article 5. Participation

o Art 5.1 - To participate in the competition, works must be submitted in AVI and MPEG4 format - resolution 1920×1080, accompanied by the following fully completed material:

 Competition announcement with signature for acceptance;

 Individual or group participation form (Attachment 1 or Attachment 2);

 Audiovisual work form (Attachment 3);

 Release for the use of the work (Attachment 4);

 Personal data processing (Attachment 5).

o Art 5.2 - Participants may send the above-mentioned material to the email address, indicating in the subject line: "FOOD 2024" by 05/31/2024. Works received after the specified date will not be considered. No responsibility is assumed for any malfunction of the telematic system.

o Art 5.3 - Works must be submitted with Italian subtitles, where the dialogues are not in Italian. The organization reserves the right to admit works to the competition that do not have this characteristic if they are particularly worthy of interest.

o Art 5.4 - Participation in the competition is free.

• Article 6. prizes

o The winner will receive a cash prize of €2,500.00 (two thousand five hundred euros).

• Article 7. Conditions regarding the submitted material, use, and intellectual property rights.

o Art 7.1 - The intellectual property of the works and the resulting rights remain with the authors.

o Art 7.2 - The author guarantees to be the sole and exclusive creator and originator of the submitted works.

o Art 7.3 - The author guarantees (and undertakes to indemnify the organization against any claims by third parties in this regard) that the works submitted to the competition do not infringe any third-party rights and that, therefore, for scenes depicting people and/or things for which specific consent is required, the author has obtained the necessary consent (also, if required, under Legislative Decree no. 196/2003, "Code regarding the protection of personal data") for participation in this competition and for granting the organization the rights specified in this announcement.

o Art 7.4 - All materials submitted by participants will not be returned and will become part of the cultural heritage of the organization. Any product that does not meet the above-mentioned characteristics and does not address the indicated theme will not be considered. The organization will take the utmost care in the preservation of the works but declines all responsibility in case of damage or theft of the material.

o Art 7.5 - Authors consent to the screening of their works within the framework of the event and its related venues. Each author is responsible for the content of the work presented and for the dissemination of copyrighted music through this work.

o Art 7.6 - This announcement is published on the website

• Article 8. Acceptance of conditions
The authors guarantee the originality of the work they present and by participating in the announcement, implicitly accept all the rules contained therein, none excluded. The participating author declares to have carefully read this announcement and to accept it in all its points. The competition governed by this announcement will be governed by Italian law and any other applicable law in the territory of the Italian Republic.

Jurisdiction for the decision of any disputes arising from this announcement, and in any case related to the competition governed by it, will be exclusively delegated to the jurisdiction of the Italian Judge.

• Article 9. Privacy
The information stored in our archive will be used for participation in the competition and for sending informational material for promotional purposes related to the festival. It is possible to request rectification or cancellation, as provided by Law 675/96 on the protection of personal data.

• Article 10. Final Indications
Due to force majeure, technical-organizational problems, to make improvements, or in case of unforeseen exceptions, the organization may modify this announcement at any time, communicating it on the event's website. The organization reserves the right to cancel the event if unforeseen circumstances and organizational difficulties arise. For what is not explicitly stated, the organization of the competition is authorized to decide autonomously.

This competition announcement and the participation form are published on the website



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