Filmare Festival- I Cortometraggi Che Raccontano Il Mare E L`ambiente (4)

FILMARE FESTIVAL - short films that tell the story of the sea and the environment


30 Jan 2024

15 Jun 2024
Festival fechado

30 Jun 2024
Data de Notificação

11 Jul 2024
20 Jul 2024


-,  -, Rende, Cosenza, Italy

Descrição do festival
Sea and the environment
Festival de curtas-metragens 30'<

Requisitos do festival
 Festival de Cinema
 Music Video
 Qualquer gênero
 Com taxas de inscrição
 Festival Internacional
 Localização física
 Data de produção: Qualquer um
 Países de produção: Qualquer um
 Países de gravação: Qualquer um
 Nacionalidades do diretor: Qualquer um
 Filmes de estréia 
 Projetos escolares 
 Curtas-metragens  30'<
 Todos os idiomas
Compartilhar em Redes Sociais

Photo of Filmare Festival- I Cortometraggi  Che Raccontano Il Mare E L`ambiente
Photo of Filmare Festival- I Cortometraggi  Che Raccontano Il Mare E L`ambiente

Photo of Filmare Festival- I Cortometraggi  Che Raccontano Il Mare E L`ambiente
Photo of Filmare Festival- I Cortometraggi  Che Raccontano Il Mare E L`ambiente

Portuguese ML

Início do Festival: 11 Julho 2024      Fim do Festival: 20 Julho 2024

Environmental issues have become increasingly urgent and dramatically current. Awareness of respect for the world around us has become for many a "good practice", a "good practice" to be implemented. But it's not enough. Raising awareness must involve everyone and become part of everyday life.

The FMF is aimed at Italian and foreign directors, filmmakers and videomakers who present short films, no longer than 30 minutes, of any genre: from pure fiction to purely documentary ones, from animated shorts that tell and interpret the sea and the the environment (with all the issues related to them).

The FFM is itinerant in various Calabrian tourist locations: Praia a Mare (CS) – Laghi di Sibari di Cassano allo Jonio (CS) – Cariati (CS) - Soverato (CZ) and Sangineto (CS) - venue of the final evening

Enhance and promote audiovisual language in the form of short films, promoting the knowledge of new authors and the circulation of documentary works
• Use cinematographic communication as a tool for socio-cultural education and as a stimulus for critical reflection on the issues of the sea and the environment by promoting the culture of the environment since the sea and the environment must be preserved.
• Stimulate and encourage knowledge and enrichment of film techniques, through the creation of master classes and training courses aimed at young directors and filmmakers
• Develop those audiovisual and cinematographic productions capable, with creativity and cultural content, of enhancing the sea and the environment, bringing young people especially closer to this sector of cinema and audiovisual production
• Project the regional territory into a national spotlight by making cinematographic art and audiovisual production a circuit for the enrichment of the regional tourist and cultural proposal.
• Create various spaces for discussion, reflection and debate to promote and enhance the sea "resource" through various initiatives, focus debates, information and artistic spaces which will act as a corollary to the screenings of the short films in competition, thus giving life to a dynamic "concept unMarediEventi “
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The artistic direction will announce further cash prizes after selecting the finalist shorts. The main awards:

Plaque: Best Short Film
Award: Best Documentary
Award: Best Director (short films section)
Plaque: Best Actor (short films section)
Plaque: Best Actress (short films section)
Plaque: Best creative and research idea (documentary section)


I1. The “FILMARE FESTIVAL” (FMF) – short films that tell the story of the sea and the environment – 4th edition - 2024 is organized by the “Calabriartes” Cultural Association and “DRB srl” with the patronage of various Municipalities, Institutions and of the Calabria Region and with the support of private partners and various scientific and academic collaborations.

2. The duration of the FMF will be 6 days and is divided between the two Sections:
- “Documentaries” section
- Section “Short films

3. The FMF is aimed at Italian and foreign directors, filmmakers, videomakers who present short films and works of all kinds that tell and interpret the sea and the environment (with all the themes related to them) and is structured in two Sections:

a) “Short films” sections inspired by fiction, animation, video clips – with a maximum duration of 20 minutes

b) "Documentaries" section - generalist on the themes of the sea and the environment but also of a scientific/cultural, research, educational and investigative nature - which have a maximum duration of 30 minutes

The cost of participation for each individual work is €6.

Registrations for the FMF 2024 will be open from 30 January 2024 and end on 15 June 2024.

Registration and participation in the FMF imply unconditional acceptance of this Regulation in all its points.

Short films can be registered electronically ONLY via the Festhome online platform.

5. All genders are accepted. There is no Premiere policy. Each director can enter a maximum of three short films (one entry fee for each project).

6. All short films not in Italian must be subtitled in English to be considered by the festival. The last deadline is 15 June 2024 (11.59pm – local time). Participants must send the final format of the film (as indicated in point 7. of the "Screening requirements" announcement below) for screening at the Festival. No exceptions will be allowed.

Through Festhome participants must provide:

a) Pre-selection copy of the short film or documentary
b) Synopsis.
d) Photo of the director and biography.
e) N°2 photos of the film in high resolution.
f) Official poster.
g) Trailers. (If possible)

The works in competition will be presented and screened during the semi-final days where the finalists will be chosen by special juries. On the final evening, prizes will be awarded to the winners chosen by the Jury made up of experts in the sector who will proclaim the winners at their own discretion among the works selected in the various competition categories.

If the film is selected for official screening the Festival will require:
a) Official copy of the short film in high resolution (H264, 1920x1080, Audio 2.1)
b) All short films in the local language (dialect) selected for the official screening MUST be subtitled in Italian, under penalty of exclusion from the selection.
c) All Italian short films selected for the official screening MUST be subtitled in English, under penalty of exclusion from the selection.
e) Any other promotional material.
f) Screening release
g) Photo of the director
h) Still photos and frames from the film

The artistic direction will announce further cash prizes after selecting the finalist shorts. The main awards:
Plaque: Best Short Film
Award: Best Documentary
Award: Best Director (short films section)
Plaque: Best Actor (short films section)
Plaque: Best Actress (short films section)
Plaque: Best creative and research idea (documentary section)

The organization reserves the right to make changes or modifications to the categories and to assign any "special prizes" or "special mentions".
The FMF Organization will be able to establish a special Special Award "Filmare Calabria 2024" reserved for directors and filmmakers who present works about the sea and the environment of Calabria.

a) The FMF Organization, in accordance with the rules established regarding copyright, considers the works received exempt from any artistic property rights or rights that may belong to third parties. Precisely as participants in the competition, the Authors undertake to guarantee the FMF Organizers against any action that could be exercised against them by those entitled to them. The FMF Organizers cannot in any way be held responsible in the event of disputes. The authors of the works are responsible for the contents of the respective works sent and for the dissemination through them of non-original music protected by copyright and of original music and/or images, or for failure to regularize the SIAE position. In the event of an untruthful declaration, and in the event of recourse by the real holders of the copyright rights, the Authors release the FMF and the Organizers from any legal and economic responsibility, and undertake to be fully responsible for the consequences related to the fraud
b) By registering for the Festival, you grant the FMF the right to use your works and the material that will be requested for purposes
advertising, media and promotion, as well as the authorization to screen the work during the Festival days
c) Pursuant to law 196/2003 and subsequent amendments and additions, the data of Participants in the FMF will be processed
sole purposes of the organization of the Festival itself. The data controller is "DRB Srl" with registered office in via
Umberto Nobile, 46/A – 87036 RENDE (CS) –
Type of data processed: Sending registration data to the “Filmare Festival” 2024 involves the acquisition of data
the sender's contact details, as well as all personal data included in the communications necessary for the performance
of activities related to the Festival.
- Purpose of processing: The processing of data is aimed at carrying out activities related to the Filmare Festival
- Legal basis of the processing: Legal basis of the processing is the consent expressed by the interested party
processing of your personal data for one or more specific purposes (art. 6 paragraph 1 letter a) of the GDPR.
d) The FMF 2024 announcement will be constantly updated and available on the website
The Festival Management may make decisions relating to matters not covered by these regulations

10. The Court of Cosenza is competent for any dispute.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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