No Fee
Submissions deadline
30 Apr 25
Only for Peruvian Filmmakers.
01 Mar 2025
Call for entries
30 Apr 2025
Final deadline
09 Jun 2025
Notification date
02 Jul 2025
05 Jul 2025
Festival start: 02 July 2025 Festival end: 05 July 2025
Cortos Perú Shorts is a permanentand itinerant Festival and Exhibition of Peruvian and international short films, organized by the production and distribution company Transversal Films S.A.C. to generate and create a permanent and sustainable exhibition of short films. The festival will be held in July 2025 and this first edition is oriented to Peruvian premieres of short films made from 2024 onwards. The festival will be held twice a month. The details of each call are indicated in the rules.
Best Peruvian Short Film,
Best International Short Film,
Best Director,
Best Actress,
Best Actor,
Best Cinematography,
Best Editing,
Best Sound,
Best Short Film chosen by the audience.
The best Peruvian and international short film of the festival will have a monetary award to be announced soon plus a diploma.
All other awards will have a diploma of recognition.
Cortos Perú Shorts - The short film festival
The first edition opens its call for entries on March 1, 2025 and closes on April 30 and will be held in July 2025 at StarsFilms movie theaters in Lima and other cities in Peru. This first edition is oriented to Peruvian premieres of short films made since 2024. and this first edition is oriented to Peruvian premieres of short films made since 2024.
The selection criteria for the short films that will participate in the festival, will be made at the discretion of the organizers, who after the official selection will invite personalities of the Peruvian and international film industry to qualify at their discretion and choose what they consider the best short films in the following categories: Best Peruvian Short Film, Best International Short Film, Best Director, Best Actress, Best Actor, Best Cinematography, Best Editing, Best Sound, Best Short Film chosen by the public. The best Peruvian and international short film of the festival will have a monetary award to be announced soon plus a diploma. All other awards will have a diploma of recognition.
It can be fiction, documentary, experimental or animation.
They must be creative cinematographic works that invite to reflection, to healthy and intelligent comedy, that lead us to live a suspense that intrigues and surprises, that make us know stories that leave us excited and eager to go out and tell the world what we have just seen. They cannot have a clear institutional or advertising theme, nor any extreme political position or support any kind of violence. No gore. No horror.
They must be from 3 minutes to 20 minutes long, including credits, and must be spoken or subtitled in Spanish. In case of not having Spanish subtitles, please contact us at to help in the translation.
Those responsible for the submission assure that they have the producers' cession of all the necessary rights to participate in CORTOS PERU SHORTS and authorize Transversal Films S.A.C. to participate in all its screenings. The registration fee for the festival is $20 dollars, except for Peruvian short films, which have no registration fee.
Once the registration has been made, if the short film wishes to be withdrawn from the festival, the organization must be informed before the end of the call for entries and the registration fee will not be refunded. There will be no participation fee for the selected short films.
The official selection and the short films not selected will be notified via email by the end of May and those selected must send a viewing copy through a link and if selected will be asked for copies of DCP and Full HD high quality projection, photos and other files. The short film registered in the festival may authorize the organization to participate, after the festival, in the permanent exhibition of CORTOS PERU SHORTS, whether it has been selected or not. In this first edition we will not be able to receive or give accommodation to any selected short film, but in case any of them would like to come, we would be grateful if they contact us to guide them so that they can participate in the festival.
Cortos Perú Shorts - Permanent and itinerant showcase
The showcase is planned to be held continuously and twice a month, in different places in Lima, in other regions of Peru and abroad.
We are also working so that this showcase can be exhibited in special presentations in movie theaters, in a Peruvian television program and in a VOD platform or similar. Short films up to 5 years old, from 2021 onwards, that have won an award at one or more festivals may participate in this exhibition. The registration fee is $20 dollars and is non-refundable in case of non-selection. The selection criteria for the short films that will participate in the showcase will be made at the discretion of the organizers.
They can be fiction, documentary, experimental or animation.
They must be creative cinematographic works that invite to reflection, to healthy and intelligent comedy, that lead us to live a suspense that intrigues and surprises, that make us know stories that leave us excited and eager to go out and tell the world what we have just seen.
They cannot have a clear institutional or advertising theme, nor any extreme political position or support any kind of violence. No gore. No terror. They must have a duration of 3 minutes to 20 minutes including credits, they must be spoken or subtitled in Spanish.
If Spanish subtitles are not available, please contact us at to help with the translation. Those responsible for the submission assure that they have the producers' authorization for all the necessary rights to participate in CORTOS PERU SHORTS and authorize Transversal Films S.A.C. to participate in all its screenings. This Showcase has a NON-competitive character, so it does not contemplate any economic prize, although it does offer the artistic recognition that the work deserves. All directors and/or producers of the participating short films must be actively willing to give interviews, recordings and others in order to make their work known to the audience of Cortos Perú Shorts.
No Fee
Submissions deadline
30 Apr 25
Only for Peruvian Filmmakers.
Standard Fee
Submissions deadline
30 Apr 25
They must be from 3 minutes to 20 minutes long, including credits, and must be spoken or subtitled in Spanish. In case of not having Spanish subtitles