Amorgos Tourism Film Festival ()


14 Feb 2020
Call for entries

20 Jun 2020
Festival closed

23 Sep 2020
Notification date

11 Nov 2020
14 Nov 2020


Aegialis Hotel & Spa,  84008, Aegiali, Cyclades, Greece

Festival description
Short film festival >1' 25'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Does NOT have submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 January 2018
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  >1' 25'<
 Any language
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Photo of Amorgos Tourism Film Festival
Photo of Amorgos Tourism Film Festival
Photo of Amorgos Tourism Film Festival
Photo of Amorgos Tourism Film Festival


Festival start: 11 November 2020      Festival end: 14 November 2020

The Amorgos Tourism Film Festival is an international, annual four-day event organized by the Cultural Association of Amorgos Women. It launched in 2010 during the 8th International Convention on Culture and Tourism “YPERIA” and is held continuously since then, on an annual basis. Every year it presents the elite of tourism and travel videos.

Since 2017, the Festival is a member of the International Committee of Tourism Film Festivals – CIFFT which was created in 1989 in Vienna, to recognize, reward and celebrate excellence in the Travel Video Marketing Industry. It is endorsed by UNWTO – World Tourism Organization, European Travel Commission.

This year the Amorgos Tourism Film Festival is merged with the Convention. The event will hold from 11th November to 14th November 2020 at Aegialis Hotel & Spa in Amorgos Island. Talks, Workshops and Master classes will take place on the thematic of Tourism Marketing and Filmmaking.

On the 27th of September 2020, at the World Tourism Day, the Amorgos Tourism Film Festival will present the Greek National Awards on Tourism Films in Athens. It is going to be a one day event in which all winners films from the National Competition will be screened and awarded.

The International Jury will decide to attribute awards to the best films of the competitions.
1st, 2nd and 3rd Prize may be awarded in each category.
The Grand Prix (Best Film of The Festival) is selected among the 1st Prize Winners.
Duplicate trophies and diplomas can be ordered and purchased at any time.
Winners who cannot attend the Festival and wish to receive their trophy after the Festival, must inform the organization and pay the respective shipping costs.


The Rules and Regulations are issued in English.

Please fill in the entry form very carefully. The details provided will be used for the trophies, certificates, other Festival listings and promo material. Once the entry form has been submitted, changes are not possible.

Films taking part in the Festival Competition should meet the following requirements:

• Film production has to be completed after January
1st, 2018 (inclusive).

• The total duration of the film cannot exceed the
respective duration according to the Production Type.

• The films should be in their original language with
English Subtitles, if the original language is not

• Applicants should fill in all the required fields of
the entry form.

• Registrations cannot be annulled.


There is no film entry fee for the 11th edition of Amorgos Tourism Film Festival.

The films should be uploaded in the best technical quality on a server shared by the organizers. In justified cases, the film should be sent to the Festival Office; shipping costs shall be borne by the entrant.

Payments required for participation to the Festival events and gala have to be made in euro by bank transfer or by credit card.
No unsubscribe and refund can be done.


Amorgos Tourism Film Festival accepts films for National and International Independent Competitions. The thematic categories are common for both competitions.

The winners of the National Competition will be announced and awarded on the 27th of September 2020 in Athens.

This competition is open to all Greek companies, Non-Profit Institutions, Municipalities, National, Regional and Local Tourism Organizations, Advertising Agencies, Independent Filmmakers, etc. who have a film related to Greek destinations and Greek Tourism products.

This competition is also open for foreign producers or filmmakers that have films related to Greek tourism, destinations and products.

The submitted films meeting the specifications of the National Competition can be submitted in the International Competition as well.

The winners of the International Competition will be announced and awarded on the 14th of November in Amorgos.

This competition is a worldwide competition for Tourism, Travel Films and Videos and is open for Non-Profit Institutions, Municipalities, National, Regional and Local Tourism Organizations, Advertising Agencies, Independent Filmmakers, etc.


Amorgos Tourism Film Festival accepts films related to Tourism Communication and Tourism Promotion in three sections:

Travel Video Marketing Section

Production Type accepted:

• TV Commercials Video advertising up to 1 '

• Brand / Promotional Videos for Digital media up to 3'

• Brand / Promotional Videos for Digital media up to 7'

• Brand / Promotional Videos for Digital media up to 15'

• Tourism Video Campaigns / Video Travel Series

• Tourism Promotional Video Animation up to 5'

Thematic categories accepted:

• Tourism Destinations

1. City

2. Region

3. Country

• Tourism Services

1. Hotels and Resorts

2. Other Tourism Services (Air Transport Services; Maritime Transport services; Restaurants; Tourism Entertainment; Tour Operators; Rent-a-car; Sightseeing; Tour Guiding; Cruises)

• Tourism Products

1. Gastronomy or Food Tourism

2. Wine Tourism

3. Cultural Tourism

4. Sports, Health and Wellness Tourism

5. Other Tourism Products (Eco-Tourism; Religious tourism;
Shopping tourism; Cruise tourism; MICE, incentives, congresses and events; Medical tourism; Rural tourism)

TV Section

Production Type accepted:

• Travel TV show up to 25'

Thematic categories accepted:

• Travel TV show

Independent Travel Videos Section
Production Type accepted:

• Independent Travel Video up to 10'

• Independent Travel Video up to 25'

Thematic categories accepted:

• Independent Travel Video (Videos about Cities, Regions and Countries Produced by Independent filmmakers and Video Bloggers; Travel TV reportages)


All entries should reach the organizers no later than June 20th 2020.

Each submission has to be accompanied by:

• The Film

• Promotional material of the Film (photos, posters,
trailer, etc.)

• Director’s photo


Please ensure that all requested materials for each of the films entered accompany the submission. The films enrolled in the Festival must have at least the following or similar requirements:

Full HD (1920x1080 pixels), 16:9
HD (1080x720 pixels), 16:9
PAL (720x576), 4:3

Video codec: H.264
Audio codec: AAC
No copy protection + no loop
Delete all region and security codes


By entering a film at the Festival the entrant declares, that he is entitled to dispose of all rights to the use of the entry and vouches for these rights vis-a-vis the Festival. The entrant warrants that the rights of use held by all authors, owners of ancillary copyrights and other parties involved in the production of the Festival entry, except for the rights safeguarded by the performing rights societies, have been acquired in a due and proper manner and the exploitation of the festival entry is not barred by personality rights or other third party rights in any manner whatsoever.

The Festival has the right to reject any material that does not align with the character and objectives of its program.
All submitted films, entry forms and promotional material become the property of the Festival and are kept in the Festival’s archive.

The Amorgos Tourism Film Festival reserves the right to screen all the films submitted, specifically the right to present and demonstrate the film in public either in whole or in part or to use the entry in part on a "Festival Reel" or similar, to the festival. This also applies to stills/images provided to the festival. All aforementioned transfers of use shall be of worldwide validity.


The films to be awarded are selected by the International Jury on the basis of the Following criteria’s:


What you feel when you first view the Entry. Does the video evoke an emotion from the viewer? Does the video engage you from the onset or does it lose momentum?


How the Entrant was able to convey their idea, message or thought in an original and imaginative way through their lens, narrative, performance, etc.


How the Entrant is able to showcase their personal originality and technique to influence how the video is presented and interpreted.

Subject Matter

Was the subject matter addressed in the narrative, performance and music (if applicable) in the video appropriately represent the Sponsor’s promotional theme?

Story Telling

How the Entrant is able to let their Video Entry evoke the viewer’s imagination, which may differ by each viewer. Is the story being told the right story for the Sponsor and their brand?
Each criteria is evaluated on a scale of 1 to 10 points.
The jury and the organizer may select additional entries for special recognition. Decisions of the jury and the Festival Organization are final and not subject to any legal appeal.


Amorgos Tourism Film Festival is an official member of the International Committee of Tourism Film Festivals – CIFFT since 2017. All awarded films are eligible for the GRAND PRIX CIFFT CIRCUIT, the award for the World´s Best Tourism Film and the World´s Best Tourism Commercial and will be displayed on the CIFFT Rank List available on

Grand Prix CIFFT Ranking Points are given to the winners at the CIFFT Member Festivals. See the full list of our Festival Members:

All films related to the promotion of tourism that compete individually in member festivals or are registered through the CIFFT Full Entry Service are eligible for the CIFFT Rank List.

1. The CIFFT Rank List includes six categories:

• Tourism Destination Cities

• Tourism Destinations Regions

• Tourism Destinations Countries

• Tourism Services

• Tourism Products

• Independent Travel Video

2. The Grand Prix CIFFT Ranking Points are given to the winners of the CIFFT member festivals.

3. The CIFFT Rank List determines the World’s Best Tourism Films in each of the six categories.

The rating is expressed on a scale from 2 to 10. The film receives points according to the award obtained in the festival. For that purpose, the following scoring is used in the Ranking:

• Grand Prix – 10 points
• 1st prize/Gold – 7 points
• 2nd prize/Silver/Best or arts&craft – 5 points
• 3rd Prize/Bronze – 3 points
• Honor Mention/Certificate/Diploma – 2 Points
• National Competition (Best Film) – 2 Points

Special Notes:

1. In case a film receives more than one award, only the highest award will be taken into account for the rank list.

2. The awards obtained at the CIFFT candidate festivals do not count for the CIFFT Rank List.

3. The CIFFT Rank List will be updated and published on our website, as authorized by each entrant, the week after the Awards Ceremony of each festival.

You can check the CIFFT Rank List through this link:


The Art Director of the Festival reserves the right to determine the Festival's program and make changes if necessary.

The Organizing Committee decides and is responsible for the film screening schedule (day and hour) during the Festival.

The Festival reserves the right to reclassify Festival entries into other categories where this is deemed appropriate.

The Festival does not accept any responsibility for entries which are classified in the wrong category or arrive at the Festival office subsequent to the deadline specified.

The Festival's liability is confined to intent or grossly negligent conduct, which applies specifically in the event of loss or damage of an entry.

The Festival organization does not accept any responsibility for the cancellation of the Festival due to force majeure.


The use of any recording device in the Festival venue without the prior consent of the Organizing Committee is strictly forbidden.
Parts of the event will be recorded. The Organizing Committee is not liable for any claims resulting from members of the audience or artists appearing in the recordings.

The Festival reserves the right to compile entries on a "Festival Reel" or similar, also in processed form, and to distribute same on a medium deemed appropriate by the Festival. This also applies to stills/images provided to the Festival.

Submission of the entry form to the Amorgos Tourism Film Festival implies unconditional acceptance of the present regulations.

The Festival reserves the right to use all recordings taken at the Festival for any promotional purpose in any medium deemed appropriate by the Festival.

The Festival reserves the right to exclude entries from the competition.

The Festival will not sell or rent personal data provided by you.
By entering a Festival entry the entrant accepts all Rules and Regulations and also agrees to hold the Festival harmless against all costs or claims of third parties arising from any such use by the Festival or from false information by the entrant.



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